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How about changing your baby when she needs it

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  • #16
    Quoth tollbaby View Post
    near her WHAT???? *snicker* sorry I was raised to call a spade a spade. It's a *vagina*
    I don't refer to my horse as an equid, I usually call her Devil Pony. My breasts? Usually refer to them as the Twins or my boobs. So, just as I don't always use proper names for everything, my chacha gets the same treatment


    • #17
      but once I asked my mom how her generation managed to raise my generation without having changing tables in every single public restroom, and she said, "Simple. We didn't try to take you everywhere." (My parents are of the extremely old-fashioned notion that there are some places children don't belong)

      By the way, there are few things that will rouse me to a murderous rage faster than seeing a dirty diaper in a parking lot. For crying out loud, if you can't make it to a trashcan, at least pollute the inside of your own car; don't leave a freaking biohazard out on the pavement.
      He loves the world...except for all the people.
      --Men at Work


      • #18
        Yuck. Few things bother me more than people who change diapers in public. ESPECIALLY in restaurants and places near food. Go find a fucking bathroom or something, seriously. I hated it when people placed their shit-filled kids on my counter. I could hear the shit practically squishing, and I could smell it. You may think your kid is some kind of special angel, but shit is shit and it is FILLED with germs. Nasty germs at that.

        GO. FIND. A. BATHROOM.


        • #19
          I dated a guy for a few years who had two kids (I also have two). His youngest is autistic and has Williams Syndrome as well (interesting combo, let me tell you!). Poor kid will likely be in puberty before he's potty-trained fully... I personally think he just doesn't feel the urge to go (based on observation).

          Anyway, the last time I went down for a visit, I swear, I spent the entire weekend changing the poor kid's crappy diapers.... and we never knew when he'd gone until we got close enough to get a good whiff, cause he wouldn't tell us (he's four). At one point, we're at a playground when I realize that he's done something nasty in his diaper. I hauled ass over to the car, pulled his pants off and ended up using an entire tub of wipes to get him clean while he was sort of bent over with his upper body lying on the back seat and his feet on the ground outside the car. Not the best vantage point for passers-by (although they would have really had to rubber-neck to see between two cars like that), but it was the best I could do without a washroom nearby.

          I mean, it wasn't pleasant for me (or for dad), and it certainly wasn't my favorite activity, but as soon as we realized he was... *ahem* soiled, we did something about it! IMMEDIATELY.
          GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.


          • #20
            Careful what you wish for...

            One of my first jobs was as a cashier at Toys R Us, and this one day this mom plops her caterwauling brat next to the register while I was ringing up her stuff and proceeded to change it's crappy diaper right there for everyone to see! She then had the audasity to hand me the steaming, rank diaper. I then had a good hour of odoriferous delights before I could finally toss it in the trash.
            Shut up and jump.


            • #21
              err... correct me if I'm wrong, but don't Toys R Us stores have a public bathroom WITH CHANGING FACILITIES? That's just *rude*.
              GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.


              • #22
                Quoth blas87 View Post
                I've had a "couple" (if you wanna call them that, I call them gutter scum and trash at it's absolute worst) change their baby's diaper on the table at the last restaurant I worked at, and then left the shitty diaper for a tip.

                Because, you know, the bathroom (complete with a changing station) was too far away, right? A whole 20 feet away....too far.
                Had a lot of those at my first job at the pizza restaurant. And yes, the bathroom, complete with changing facilities, was about 20 feet away. No class whatsoever.

                Quoth Kiwi View Post
                yeeesh... I am so never having children

                hearing stories like that just makes my stomach turn
                The sad thing is, the smart, sensible folks who would make decent parents are turned off of the idea by the stupid, senseless morons who breed like cockroaches and take about as good of care of their children. The morons are going to outbreed the smart folks, and "Idiocracy" is going to be seen as prophecy.
                Last edited by XCashier; 01-21-2007, 03:27 PM.
                I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
                My LiveJournal
                A page we can all agree with!


                • #23
                  This worried me, because I don't trust a restaurant with a dirty bathroom. When I went in, I saw that the bathroom was SPARKLING clean. I mean, spotless.
                  I'm sure that, as a CS member, you would anyway, but please, *please* notice whether the restroom is nasty because it's not cared for properly, or was clean until the customer before you trashed it, before holding it against the restaurant
                  Now the trouble about trying to make yourself stupider than you really are is that you very often succeed.


                  • #24
                    Oh, don't worry; I know the difference between a badly cleaned bathroom and one that's been trashed by someone who thinks they own every bathroom out there. I once worked at a "buffet-style" eating joint, and we were often sent to check the bathrooms. I once walked in and found a woman standing next to her young daughter, who was kneeling on the floor puking into the toilet. The mother hadn't bothered to close the stall door, so anyone who walked into the bathroom had a great view. And she glared at me as if I'd just interrupted something very private (try closing the door, dear).


                    • #25
                      Here's hoping that baby's mother is a liar & just wanted you to feel sorry for her. Either way, that poor kid.
                      The universe is mostly empty space, and so is your job. ~Dilbert

