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An SC that wasn't even close to being right

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  • An SC that wasn't even close to being right

    Ok I'm new here, just discovered this site and I'm loving every second of it! I'll give you one of my worst customers ever.

    Background: I work for one of the larger banks in the fraud dept. We are in a call center because we also do other small jobs but don't worry about that. I only deal with credit card fraud. I don't have access to or knowledge the the checking or savings or debit card dept. Here it goes!

    Guy calls up and tells me he has an account with the bank. I say great. He then states that he has another bank on the line and will explain his problem. He was trying to do a balance transfer from Bank A (who is currently on the line with the rep named "Sandy") to his account with Bank B (my bank). Now he said the words "balance transfer" and "account" which tells me that he has a credit card with us that he is trying to pay down by transferring funds from our card to Bank A's card. Ok I hope that makes sense to everyone because it comes into play.

    The rep from Bank A tells me that the customer's transfer was "denied" because Bank B was not allowing the funds to be transferred and that he was upset, which he clearly was by all of the shouting. I told the customer that our bank (Bank B) would not allow his funds to be taken out if and only if we thought something fishy was going on (ie money laundering, etc). In which case, the customer would be contacted and advised to go to a banking center to verify all of his account information. So I said that it was probably not our bank that "denied" him, it had to be Bank A. As soon as I said this, I thought that the rep from Bank A would jump through my phone and cut my head off. "Sandy" started screaming at me. Telling me that there is no way that her bank would do such thing to such a loyal customer. The customer then jumps in and tells me that Bank A has been nothing but helpful and I have been nothing but useless. This actually takes about a good 5-7 minutes of them screaming at me. Once they get settled down, I ask for his credit card number. I think that maybe there is a block or some restriction on the account. I type in the numbers and nothing comes up. I repeat the card to the customer and still nothing comes up. At this point the customer is about to explode saying how useless I am that I can't even find his account. I say, "sir are you sure that this is a credit card account?" He states, and I quote, "Absolutely! It's linked to my checking account!" No dipshit, that's your debit card. So I get all cocky and tell him that the number he provided for me was a debit card, not a credit card. I then proceed to tell him that when a balance transfer occurs, or actually a "payment" as it's called in the real world, Bank A would need to call us and verify the funds. At that point it is completely up to Bank A whether r not to go through with the transaction. The only reason it would not go through would be if he did not have the funds to make the payment or BANK A DENIED THE TRANSACTION. I then say, "Is Bank A still there?" Click! Bank A hung up because she realized how stupid she was and that her bank made the mistake. The customer then apologized to me and I said, "That's not a problem. Next time, however, you may want to do all of your banking with us, seeing how well your other bank treated you." He didn't disagree.

    The End.