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A few misunderstandings

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  • A few misunderstandings

    I have more than one story to share... I'm going to begin with the shortest stories first.

    A woman came into my window and had two quicket tickets for fifty dollars each. Thus her total is $100.

    SC: I want one big bill and the rest in tens.

    Me: Ma'am your total is 100.

    SC: *gets angry* I KNOW that's why I said I wanted a fifty!

    Well, no... You didn't specify. Casino lingo: Big bill is a hundred dollar bill. I mean it was an honest mistake but she didn't have to be a bitch about it. She acted as though I was the stupid one for not knowing what she meant.


    An asian man comes to my window, holds up his credit card and says something along the lines of: I need money.

    me: Well, sir, unfortunately we can't run cards back here. You have to start at the atm.

    SC: I don't speak english.

    This is news to me since he spoke perfect english to say that...

    Me: *points to his card and then the atm* You have to start at the atm first.
    (I talked a little slower even though I know that is pointless because he doesn't know English)

    He stared at me for awhile and then walked off.

    He came back later and went to my co-workers window.
    1CW=co worker

    SC: write check.

    1CW: You'll need a players card, a credit card, ID and to fill out an application.

    SC: I don't speak english.

    1 CW inwardly sighs and tries to explain things even though its pointless.

    He eventually goes away.

    He then comes back AGAIN and goes to ANOTHER 2CW's window.
    2CW=2nd co worker

    SC: *shows her the receipt he got from the ATM*
    Earlier he had a security guard helping him with the ATM.

    2CW: I need the card you used and your ID.

    SC got the card and showed her his "ID"

    2CW: Do you have a passport? This isn't acceptable ID. I can't read it.

    SC: (once again) I don't speak English.

    By then me and 1CW were cracking up. This man is SOL. It's not like we can pull his language out of our asses.

    He leaves AGAIN and returns with a friend who can somewhat speak english.

    2CW goes out to the ATM and tries to help him get money from his card. He has exceeded his limit and can't get anymore money. Normally you can override this and get cash but since he didn't have proper ID that was impossible.

    2CW has the most patiences I have ever seen. She explained to the both of them that they couldn't use the ATM card for another 24 hours. She had to repeat everything at least six or seven times to get the point across. Finally they left.

    I congratulated her when she came back in. I would've pulled my hair out.

    I don't understand why anybody would come here, not speak the freaking language AND come without a proper ID. I have issues with people who expect us to speak their language and know how to help them. Sometimes miming just doesn't do it.

    Okay its almost okay not to know the language if you're just visiting but if you live here.... GEEZ!

    A woman was in my window, she too didn't speak english. She mimed everything.

    Me: Your total is blah blah blah.

    She just kind of stared at me. I hate the stare.

    I added up her two tickets on my calculator and gave her the slip. More staring.

    She made a pen motion with her hand. I handed her a pen. She wrote 10. Well, it was more like squiggly lines but I got the gist of it.

    I gave her tens and she kind of stared at it, re-counted it and left.


    A man came to my window and wanted some fives from his twenty. I noticed he was holding another twenty.

    Me: Would you like change for that twenty also?

    He got this angry look on his face and jerked the other twenty out of my view.

    I counted out the fives and he brought out the other twenty and wanted change for it too.

    I wanted to say: Sir, it would've been easier for me had you just put down both twenties at the SAME time, I know what I am doing, I can put them together and still give you the right change. People act like if they do one thing they'll confuse us. Or maybe themselves?

  • #2
    Quoth Anakah View Post
    SC: I don't speak english.

    This is news to me since he spoke perfect english to say that...
    Not surprising. Do you realize how many english speakers know what "No hablo español" means, despite not knowing anything else in spanish? (Well, beyond "puta" and various conjugations of "chingar".)


    • #3
      *EDIT Take it to

      This is why I would love to see the US adopt English as it's official language. There are too many people living in this country who can't be bothered to learn the language spoken by the vast majority of it's people.

      I understand that the US is supposed to be the "Great Melting Pot" but retail clerks can not be expected to learn every language of every person living here. It's bloody impossible.

      Last edited by Ree; 01-21-2007, 01:19 PM.
      I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?


      • #4
        Quoth Mongo Skruddgemire View Post
        retail clerks can not be expected to learn every language of every person living here. It's bloody impossible.

        Mongo, be grateful you're not in SA - we have ELEVEN official languages!
        Northern Sotho

        Luckily we don't have to know ALL of them... *phew*
        The report button - not just for decoration


        • #5
          Heh. For all my griping about "learn English!", in the lowcountry here in SC, a lot of folks speak Gullah. And I just LOVE it. Can't understand it much, but I just think it's cool as hell. I'm guessing probably most of them speak English, too, though some don't. I bought shrimp off an old man who spoke Gullah, and his grandaughter translated for him, so he didn't speak English.

          In this case, I don't care. That's history, you know?


          • #6
            Just to gently ensure it stays on topic, don't turn this into a language debate or I'll close it and slap infractions on the offenders faster than a pig at chow time.
            "I live in Los Angeles, and I was on the walk of fame. I was drunk, and I got a henna tattoo that says, 'Forever.'" -Zack Galifianakis

            Call Sophia Moore or Kent E. Ryder for a good time!


            • #7
              Quoth Anakah View Post
              A man came to my window and wanted some fives from his twenty. I noticed he was holding another twenty.

              Me: Would you like change for that twenty also?

              He got this angry look on his face and jerked the other twenty out of my view.

              I counted out the fives and he brought out the other twenty and wanted change for it too.

              I wanted to say: Sir, it would've been easier for me had you just put down both twenties at the SAME time, I know what I am doing, I can put them together and still give you the right change. People act like if they do one thing they'll confuse us. Or maybe themselves?

              Either he doesn't trust you, or it falls under "If it makes sense, it's not allowed". Take your pick.
              Unseen but seeing
              oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
              There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
              3rd shift needs love, too
              RIP, mo bhrionglóid


              • #8
                I can't believe you would not take an ID because it was not in English. I would assume this must be a common issue? With vistors from other countries coming for vacation? We have the 2007 International ID Checking Guide. It translates what everything means...and tells you how to verify it is a real ID. Also, has every kind of ID for virtually every country in it. Very useful. Maybe other businesses should look into getting one. Can't find the link to the one I ordered...but here is something similar that banks use...

                If watermelons are made up of water, what are kumquats made up of?


                • #9
                  The problem, in this case, isn't about what language the SC is speaking. It's about what language they're pretending not to speak. I get people all too regularly who, I assume, know English and no other language, and we understand each other perfectly until I say something they don't like, such as "It isn't a value meal unless you buy the drink" and suddenly they pretend not to understand.

                  (In case that example isn't clear, what they want is a sandwich and fries only. But they don't want to pay for them. They want to start with the combo price and subtract the drink)
                  Now the trouble about trying to make yourself stupider than you really are is that you very often succeed.

