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  • #31
    Quoth Peppergirl View Post
    Regional dialects intrigue the hell out of me.

    Most people are surprised that Cincinnatians sound slightly southern. We're on the border of Kentucky, for Pete's sake.

    I'm sure I don't sound as southern as you and your group, but I do have a bit of a twang.

    My 'yankee' friends make fun of me alot.
    For some reason, the accent people in Virginia have annoys me to no end. The accents from the people on Texas/Louisiana border drive me nuts too, but only because I can't understand a damn word they're saying.
    Some People Are Alive Only Because It Is Illegal To Kill Them


    • #32
      Quoth crashhelmet View Post
      For some reason, the accent people in Virginia have annoys me to no end. The accents from the people on Texas/Louisiana border drive me nuts too, but only because I can't understand a damn word they're saying.
      People from Virginia have accents? Wow!

      Yeah, those in Northern VA do not have accents and they make a point of letting everyone know their from NORTHERN Virginia.

      Those in the southern parts of VA and to the west definitely have accents though.


      • #33
        Quoth Jay 2K Winger View Post
        Reminds me of one of the guys who handled our move from Texas to Virginia. He could identify where someone was from by their accent. To the region. He managed to peg my Mom perfectly. Despite the fact that my Mom was raised in South Bend, Indiana, he identified her as north Pennsylvania-- which was where she was BORN.

        Scary good.
        During my brief employment with a maid service, I met someone like this. He knew I wasn't a local immediately, but that wasn't uncommon because of the Army base nearby. He spent about ten minutes talking to me before picking out the exact blend of accents I'd acquired by moving around so much as a kid--including which local town I lived in to be picking up a faint hint Southern accent. (Minneapolis, Seattle, and east central Alabama, plus I've added some costal New Jersey now. I drawl like I was born and raised in the South when I'm tired enough.)
        It's little things that make the difference between 'enjoyable', 'tolerable', and 'gimme a spoon, I'm digging an escape tunnel'.


        • #34
          I'm told I sound Middle America. In my case...lived in Nebraska until I was 11, New Mexico until I was almost 19, and have spent nearly 20 years in the South, first as a duty assignment, and then following my family when I was done being all I could be. My mother was born and spent her childhood and teenage years in the Council Bluffs, Iowa/Omaha, Nebraska area.
          Friends help you move. Rare friends help you move bodies.


          • #35
            I've picked up a lot of accents from everywhere I've lived. It's like it was a survival instinct, to fit in better. But anyway, I was speaking with a customer on the phone once and they said I sounded Canadian. I was speechless.
            Some People Are Alive Only Because It Is Illegal To Kill Them


            • #36
              Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
              Of course she didn't notice he had an accent in Lost. Everyone ELSE had an accent in Lost. Sawyer just sounds totally normal.
              About 20 years ago I went out to Colorado on vacation, and stopped in an antique shop near Rollinsville. Looked there at a record player, but it didn't have a stylus. I told her I remembered the phone number to a place in Brooklyn, near where I lived at the time, that sold styli through mail order, and she might call them and see if they had it in stock. (Electronics Warehouse Corp, on Coney Island Avenue; they've been defunct for years, and that phone number now belongs to a shoe store.)

              Then I went up to see the Moffat Tunnel. On the way back from there, I stopped back at the store. Asked her if she'd called EWC, and she said, "Yeah, it was funny, I was talking to a guy who had the exact same accent as you do!"

              Huh? I don' have an accent. Needer duz anyone else in Brooklyn. It's da rest o' da world dat tawks funny...


              • #37
                Quoth crashhelmet View Post
                I'm from the parts where you can afford to house a family with 5 kids on a Marine's salary.
                I work in Compton. Live a block from Paramount. Had 2 gang shootings in my apartment complex, the more recent about 200 feet from my door. I've had to exchange buses in Watts, too. Yet I've always had people be vaguely sociable around me. *shrug*

                Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden

