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room upgrade yada yada yada

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  • room upgrade yada yada yada

    I came across many guests. some friendly. some pretending to be friendly. some just down right hostile.
    the friendly one. they showed up. they smile at you. and they asked for upgrade. I always tell them they can pay for upgrades. bigger rooms or higher floors. depends on how high and how big. everything comes with a price. just depends on how much you willing to pay. those are good ones. they willing to pay as long as the price is reasonable.

    those pretending to be friendly ones. they smile at you, and asking to see if any upgrade available. they can pay for upgrades. then they say. no no no i dont want to pay for upgrades. I expect you to give me upgrades for free. then they started the bullshit like "it is my anniversery" or "my mom is 83 years old might be the last time she will be around" or "I just got engaged" or "I am going to propose to my girlfriend" then when you aint cave in for upgrade. they started saying how disappointing it is. customers are always right. demand to speak to a manager. blah blah blah.
    Bottomline: shit like that don't work. upsell is part of our job.

    then we came across some of the professional travelers. they always complain and complain. and all they wanted were free upgrade. they always figured that if they keep on bitching they will get what they want. classic examples:
    1. didnt get wake up calls (common)
    2. keep on complaining to the managers about services (very common)
    3. picky on the rooms. no views. not high enough.
    4. noise complaint. complaining other ppl waking them up.
    5. accusing room service people tempered their room service order
    6. accusing housekeepers stealing or breaking their stuffs

    think like this... a person paid $1000 would get his suite... while another person paid $150 would get what he supposed to get. everything comes with a price just how much you willing to pay for it.

  • #2
    sorry, "the customer is always right" does not translate into "i deserve a better room than i paid for just because i am me"

    I don't go in for ancient wisdom
    I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
    It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


    • #3
      Eons ago, I worked at the Front Desk of a Hotel, too. I got all the same crap complaints and "I want an upgrade just because..."

      "Yeah and I want you to kiss my ass just because..."
      Oh, "Blah blah blah 'Your Needs'!"


      • #4
        I don't get the whole wake up call thing.

        Don't get me wrong, if you ask for a wakeup call, you should get it.

        At the same time, if I have something very important, I am going to set the alarm clock too.

        Not to mention the fact that there are instructions in every room (at the hotel I work at) on how to set your OWN wakeup call.

        But people don't read.


        • #5
          Quoth alogram View Post
          Don't get me wrong, if you ask for a wakeup call, you should get it.
          I have a sneaking suspicion that the people who complain about not getting wakeup calls didn't actually ask for them, and think the front desk calls every room in the morning to wake people up (magically knowing the right time for each room).


          • #6
            I never asked for wake-up calls. I mean, I do if I have a flight in the morning and I have to get up and I have to make sure if the alarm doesn't wake me up, I have a back up. But most of the time, I don't. Course, I have had a few times when I had gotten a wake-up call when I didn't ask for it.
            "You can try to control everything in your life or you can just let it go..."- Viggo Mortensen


            • #7
              Man, I'd only complain if there was some kind of bodily fluid on my bed or on the floor. It's a place to sleep not keep bitching about. I honestly could care less about a view, I have my own alarm clock, I live in an apartment--I'm used to noisy neighbors, and wow I can't believe people complain about stuff that should be their issues not yours.

              So they made plans for a cheaper room then suddenly wanted an upgrade and for free? That's just BS to me. Everything in life comes with a price, get used to it.

              I know when I go out, I don't make a big fuss if something goes wrong, I understand that crap happens--deal with it. And I know that the staff will do what they can and I believe the customer should meet them halfway but that's we all know if it makes sense it's not allowed.


              • #8
                When I travel, I use the alarm clock feature on my cell phone...well I use it at home too. Its easier than trying to mess with an unfamiliar alarm clock...not that they are high tech or anything...but easy to make a mistake with if you are not 100% sure how to use it. Especially if you are a SC!

                Remember that Seinfeld episode with the Marathon Runner...Alarm clocks and wake up calls did not work...
                If watermelons are made up of water, what are kumquats made up of?


                • #9
                  I always ask for late check in and check out early(if I see the housekeeper I'll ask if they want me to strip the bed before I go)-maybe that's why I've always been given a discount even though I never ask-if I walk in I ask what rooms are available and how much-I don't see the point in "trying to get a deal" I'll pay whatever price I'm quoted-then they usually give me a discount.

                  BlaqueKatt-the anti-sc
                  Honestly.... the image of that in my head made me go "AWESOME!"..... and then I remembered I am terribly strange.-Red dazes


                  • #10
                    Honestly, though, I thought that if your neighbor is making noise late at night, wouldn't you want the customer to call and let the front desk know the situation? Although, the customer could always go and handle it themselves . . .

                    And plus, when we were on our Honeymoon, we asked for upgrades. We actually did get an upgrade once, to a really nice suit with a king size bed and a big tub. I mean, if we didn't get the upgrade, it wasn't a biggie. But I remember seeing on TV once, that if you're on your honeymoon, to don't forget to ask for the upgrade because you're on your honeymoon. Although I've never heard of a Engagement upgrade or Birthday upgrade or Gimmie an Upgrade Now upgrade.
                    This area is left blank for a reason.


                    • #11
                      when I was a room steward I had so many people that were nice to my face, but apparently raised holy hell with the front desk and demanded free stuff because I misinformed them or I was unprofessional or I was seen tying my shoes in the hallway etc. A few claimed sexual harassment and that I stole things, but thankfully my head steward knew me and stood by me. I think these people look for reasons to complain and keep it all bunched up until they get to the front desk, then everything down to the color of the drapes is offensive.
                      "Ride the spiral to the end, it may just go where no one's been. Spiral out, keep going..." -Lateralus


                      • #12
                        here is how one my managers interpreted the complaints

                        "I want something free"

                        "I want you comp my room, comp my parking, comp my breakfast because the street cars outside woke me up"

                        "I want you to comp my room because one of guests next to my room woke me up because he was snoring so loud"


                        • #13
                          If other hotel guests are being rude and obnoxious you should absolutely call the front desk. That is unacceptable.

                          However, if you don't call the front desk and don't give us a chance to rectify the situation don't expect a discount in the morning!


                          • #14
                            Thankfully -- very thankfully -- upselling is not part of my job as a hotel desk clerk. Take your room or leave it, but if you want to upgrade to a suite it will cost you the same $30-$50 for as it does everyone else.
                            Drive it like it's a county car.

