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Put it Back the Way it Was!

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  • Put it Back the Way it Was!

    So far I've been unusually lucky in that I haven't run into a lot of sucky customers in my Computers department yet. (And I can already hear the chorus of of "wait until Black Friday, padawan!" ) However, I did pass by the suckiest customer I've seen since starting work here.

    He had a laptop brought up to our repair center, and was literally waving it at one of our techs, red faced and screaming, "PUT IT BACK THE WAY IT WAS BEFORE!" no matter how many times our tech calmly tried to explain to him the drive had crashed and needed to be replaced. Apparently, that's somehow our fault that we can't magically wave a wand and make a RUINED drive good again without swapping it out.

    I didn't catch the whole scene, but I did find out it ended with racist insinuations that essentially implied our tech didn't know what he was talking about because he's black. The successful tech job and certifications notwithstanding, of course.

    Side Annoyances:
    1. Am contemplating putting a tracking device on the idiots who keep putting ink in the wrong shelf, or leave flyers lying around. That way I can end them so I don't have to keep cleaning up after their laziness.

    2. I assure you, while I am still a trainee and don't know our entire inventory off the top of my head, I DO know computers more than well enough to help you find what you need in a desktop/laptop/netbook. Yes, I can answer your questions about the i3-i7 Intel processors. I use an i7 myself, and installed it - as well as built my entire tower PC - myself. The fact I have boobs and a vagina do not affect my knowledge in these areas in any way, I assure you. So don't be afraid to ask the little lady your oh-so-complicated computer questions.

  • #2
    Quoth SeasonalSlave View Post
    I assure you, while I am still a trainee and don't know our entire inventory off the top of my head, I DO know computers more than well enough to help you find what you need in a desktop/laptop/netbook. Yes, I can answer your questions about the i3-i7 Intel processors. I use an i7 myself, and installed it - as well as built my entire tower PC - myself. The fact I have boobs and a vagina do not affect my knowledge in these areas in any way, I assure you. So don't be afraid to ask the little lady your oh-so-complicated computer questions.
    Yes! Been there, dealt with that! Hang in there... eventually you'll get to the guys who are capable of processing that women are intelligent beings, and they'll be thrilled to work with you.
    Sorry, my cow died so I don't need your bull


    • #3
      I don't know, my father-in-law is still convinced all I know how to do is run Facebook and Sims 2...let alone I got an A in my computer basics course, an A in basic programming, and an A in Flash, and those were all college courses.
      I'm going to surprise him when I finish my website, and prove it's not just a template, it has custom programming. I just need a little help with it, and then I'm good. Hubby is also teaching me about what parts of the computer do what.

      However my dad, oh my gosh he wants me there to make sure he doesn't mess up when he's on the computer.
      Oh wook at teh widdle babeh dwaggin! How cyuuute babeh dwag-AAAAAAAUUUGGGHHHH! *nom*


      • #4
        I've actually encountered less overt sexism thus far than I expected, but there's still those moments where I offer to help a customer and they decline, then go straight to asking a male coworker questions I could've easily tackled. Irking, but nothing I'm unfamiliar with. I'll take passive sexist SCs over crazy laptop-waving raging SCs any day.


        • #5
          I don't shop much for computer things these days, as I tend to already have what I need, but: I don't get this type of sexism. Girls who know their way around a computer are awesome (and tend to have a leg up on that whole sexy thing).
          "If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you."


          • #6
            Quoth zombiequeen View Post
            I don't know, my father-in-law is still convinced all I know how to do is run Facebook and Sims 2...let alone I got an A in my computer basics course, an A in basic programming, and an A in Flash, and those were all college courses.
            It's the complete opposite at my house. My mom is convinced that because I make websites and because I'm in the CIS major (which mostly handles database management and networks and stuff, apparently) that I know how everything works and why the printer isn't working and why pictures that her friends were able to look at on their computers don't work on ours. And when I say 'I don't know', she gets all pissy at me. x.x;
            "Things that fail to kill me make me level up." ~ NateWantsToBattle, Training Hard (Counting Stars parody)


            • #7
              O.o butbutbut, techy girls are awesome. Why would they want someone else? I mean, a girl who knows her way around a computer? A girl who has built her own tower, and therefore knows approximately ten thousand times more than me? Isn't that, like, one of the defining traits of sexy?

              It's a strange world. Let's keep it that way.-Elijah Snow


              • #8
                Quoth Duelist925 View Post
                O.o butbutbut, techy girls are awesome. Why would they want someone else? I mean, a girl who knows her way around a computer? A girl who has built her own tower, and therefore knows approximately ten thousand times more than me? Isn't that, like, one of the defining traits of sexy?
                Apparently it's not sexy, it's one of the defining traits of a dastardly new threat to the traditional male superiority, and is dealt with in the traditional manner - believe it, and the world will conform to your thinking. The course of action is therefore obvious: call all these women 'techs' something cute like "little girly" and they'll soon admit they're just pretending to know stuff, and will pass you over to the men who actually do all the work...

                I have been on the receiving end of "you don't know anything!" far too often - even from my father, who knows zilch about technology yet will pass simple things over to my boyfriend despite it being demonstrated that I do actually know things. Grrrr. That being said, my boyfriend has the same mindset as you, Duelist - he thinks it's brilliant that I'm building my own computer! And I'm slowly changing minds at work - if I go for the cute "could you just answer a few simple questions for me before I pass you over?" I'll often get it fixed before they realise!
                I speak English, L33t, Sarcasm and basic Idiot.


                • #9
                  Geez, slow learning zoociety!

                  I discovered that girls could be techy in '68: Monica J____ in a summer electronics class.

                  And that they could rawk out in 71: Jean & June Millington, Nicky Barclay & Alice de Buhr (Fanny)

                  David Bowie wrote about FANNY in Rolling Stone Magazine – 12/29/99:
                  “One of the most important female bands in American rock has been buried without a trace. And that is Fanny. They were one of the finest fucking rock bands of their time, in about 1973. They were extraordinary: They wrote everything, they played like motherfuckers, they were just colossal and wonderful, and nobody’s ever mentioned them. They’re as important as anybody else who’s ever been, ever; it just wasn’t their time. Revivify Fanny. And I will feel that my work is done.”
                  I am not an a**hole. I am a hemorrhoid. I irritate a**holes!
                  Procrastination: Forward planning to insure there is something to do tomorrow.
                  Derails threads faster than a pocket nuke.


                  • #10
                    "wait until Black Friday, padawan!"
                    though if you're working computer repairs... it may be more like "wait until boxing day!"

                    and heh, yeah i get to play tech support for mom a lot.
                    Last edited by PepperElf; 11-20-2010, 08:22 PM.


                    • #11
                      Quoth SeasonalSlave View Post
                      The fact I have boobs and a vagina do not affect my knowledge in these areas in any way, I assure you.
                      Personally, I am happy to have my computer questions answered by anyone who knows more about computers than I do...which would be anyone who knows just about anything about computers. If such a person has boobs and a vagina, I find that to be a bonus.

                      Yes, I am sexist. I think women are far better.

                      "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                      Still A Customer."


                      • #12
                        Quoth PepperElf View Post
                        though if you're working computer repairs... it may be more like "wait until boxing day!"

                        Nope, not repairs - sales. But I am right by our repairs section and often direct customers to them. And on the note of Black Friday, I'm working 4:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Joy. Just have to keep reminding myself of the extra pay I get for it (time and a half, if I recall; not great, but not bad compared to other seasonals I know around here.

                        Quoth Jester View Post
                        Yes, I am sexist. I think women are far better.
                        Tsk. Why couldn't my sexist customers be your kind of sexist?


                        • #13
                          Quoth houdini View Post
                          Apparently it's not sexy, it's one of the defining traits of a dastardly new threat to the traditional male superiority, and is dealt with in the traditional manner - believe it, and the world will conform to your thinking. The course of action is therefore obvious: call all these women 'techs' something cute like "little girly" and they'll soon admit they're just pretending to know stuff, and will pass you over to the men who actually do all the work...

                          These people are a sad and deluded lot. I will continue politely drooling at the wrench wenches, techy girls, and female geeks. -_- of course, considering I've had people mistake my voices for a womans a time or two at my job (tech support for satellite tv) I've heard a few comments along those lines.

                          Quoth houdini View Post
                          I have been on the receiving end of "you don't know anything!" far too often - even from my father, who knows zilch about technology yet will pass simple things over to my boyfriend despite it being demonstrated that I do actually know things. Grrrr. That being said, my boyfriend has the same mindset as you, Duelist - he thinks it's brilliant that I'm building my own computer! And I'm slowly changing minds at work - if I go for the cute "could you just answer a few simple questions for me before I pass you over?" I'll often get it fixed before they realise!
                          Coworker of the womanly puersuasion once agreed to transfer a customer who demanded a male tech, put the idiot on hold, cleared her throat, and took him off, just speaking in a very slightly deeper tone for the rest of the call. All I could do to stop myself busting a gut at it.

                          It's a strange world. Let's keep it that way.-Elijah Snow


                          • #14
                            Quoth Duelist925 View Post
                            Coworker of the womanly puersuasion once agreed to transfer a customer who demanded a male tech, put the idiot on hold, cleared her throat, and took him off, just speaking in a very slightly deeper tone for the rest of the call. All I could do to stop myself busting a gut at it.


                            The icing on that would be to make sure the guy had everything taken care of, and then thank him fro calling in her normal voice.

                            Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                            • #15
                              Quoth Andara Bledin View Post


                              The icing on that would be to make sure the guy had everything taken care of, and then thank him fro calling in her normal voice.

                              Oh, she did better. Idjit, at the end, said something along the lines of,

                              "Thanks, its so good to speak to a man. The woman I spoke to before you was a complete twit. "

                              "I see. I'll pass that along to my daughter sir. Have a good night. "

                              Ahh, I almost miss that job.

                              It's a strange world. Let's keep it that way.-Elijah Snow

