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From nice to pissed in .5 seconds FLAT

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  • From nice to pissed in .5 seconds FLAT

    I had a prime example of the standard SC, it was a textbook definition and I mean textbook. I was stuck in the Suite Lot tonight, one of my more favorite places to work as the customers are nicer, things are going fine when this guy and his friends pull up. I greet them, ask how they are doing and ask for their pass. The pass happens to be off and can we all take a guess the type of pass this guy had? A VIP pass folks, like always and he obviously did not read the pass and look at the sign. I mean honestly it's like the signs and passes turn into Swahili or something that the Rosetta Stone could never decipher in a lifetime. I tell him that his pass is off and the next thing I know I'm getting quite possibly the biggest verbal assault this year. He's ranting about how much he pays, he's ranting about the customer being right, he's ranting about how they always let him in here all the while throwing in some choice names and profanity. I tell him that he can't go in and that has always been our policy.

    As soon as I told him that, he commited one of our biggest pet peeves us workers have, he pulled up to our second entrance only to be turned away by the coworker. Obviously, his parents never taught him that "no" means "no" and they surely didn't teach him some manners.
    The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.

  • #2
    When you say 'off', do you mean expired? If so, he's no longer got any proof that he's a customer



    • #3
      Quoth Rapscallion View Post
      When you say 'off', do you mean expired? If so, he's no longer got any proof that he's a customer

      It sounds like they have three lots: joe schmucks, snooty, and red carpet. (He usually works snooty, at least from most of his stories here, but was doing red carpet today.) This was someone who had actually shelled out enough money for snooty-level parking, but thought that meant he was worthy of red carpet treatment.


      • #4
        Quoth Rapscallion View Post
        When you say 'off', do you mean expired? If so, he's no longer got any proof that he's a customer

        Gundigarn got it right, but I did have a customer who tried to use a pass that was a year old and happened to have the wrong event. The guy was nice about it but a little idiotic.
        The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.

