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It Begins...

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  • It Begins...

    Starting to see more customers, but also more of the impatient variety. People are buying, but my store actually loses money when we sell computers alone because of no markup; we make our profits in services and accessories. We're required to bring up these services when selling computers, but only to offer stuff that can actually be of value to the customer anyway.

    Of course, with the holiday rush closing in, most people are impatient and don't wish to hear the spiel. I completely understand, but it's my job and I'm required to go into it. A simple "No thank you, I'm not interested," will do. There's no need to snip at me and growl, "Can you hurry this up? I'm in a hurry to go somewhere."

    Sure thing, Mr. Douchebag. Though might I suggest never going to a big electronics retailer on a weekend right before the holidays if you're in such a hurry? You're just lucky I like my job enough to not "forget" to include the free antivirus that comes with every computer we sell. As much as it would please me to deprive the rude with missing benefits, it's not worth getting in trouble with my supervisors over.

    Another slight SC guy was obviously impatient with getting an answer he had about a Mac that was somewhat obscure; even our Apple guy didn't know off the top of his head. He had to call his boss to find out. Unfortunately, he was very busy and it took a while to find out - by that time, the customer had used a display computer to Google the answer and left in a huff.

    Again, it's the holiday rush and a weekend - we can't always get stuff done instantly, but we'll do it as quickly as possible. And if you figured you could find the answer on Google - why didn't you just do that in the first place while you were home?

    Granted, those two were the suckiest I had personally yesterday and they were very mild on the large scale of things. Most of my customers were happy to listen to my suggestions and patient if it took a while to find a product or answer. CW did have a crazy lady on checkout though:

    SC: Why's it taking so long?!
    CW: It's waiting to authorize your credit card, ma'am.
    SC: Why does it need to be authorized?!
    CW: Cards always have to be checked by the system first ma'am.
    SC: You're doing something to my card, aren't you?! Stealing my information!
    CW: I assure you I'm not, ma'am - I have no control over the credit system. Sometimes it just takes a bit longer if there's a lot of people at the registers.
    SC: Well, I'm checking my card account when I get home and if there's any discrepancy on there, I'm holding [Retailer] responsible!
    CW: *Tears off receipt and hands it to the customer* All right, ma'am. Thank you for shopping and have a nice day.
    SC: *Storms off*
    CW: *Glances at me*
    Last edited by SeasonalSlave; 11-23-2010, 01:06 AM.

  • #2
    "Can you hurry this up? I'm in a hurry to go somewhere."
    why oh why do they always shop when they're 'pressed for time?' wtf compels someone to do this? is there some cosmic force bombarding their gray matter with messages of computer purchases on the fly? maybe he forgot his tin foil hat again?

    we may never know...
    look! it's ghengis khan!
    Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


    • #3
      Quoth chainedbarista View Post
      why oh why do they always shop when they're 'pressed for time?' wtf compels someone to do this? is there some cosmic force bombarding their gray matter with messages of computer purchases on the fly? maybe he forgot his tin foil hat again?

      we may never know...
      I've come to the conclusion that they use that as a handy "bargaining tool" if you will.

      They're not in any hurry . . . they just want something to bitch about.

      People with sense, OTOH, don't shop if they're in a hurry . . .

      Or at least that's my theory.
      Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


      • #4
        Well, the laptop he purchased was one of our sale items. Not to mention in our area a lot of our customers do at least a little research before coming into the store, so he probably was either gift shopping or knew what he wanted/needed.

        Still, even knowing what you wish to buy, expecting a speedy visit to one of the busiest shopping areas in the state during the start of the busiest shopping time of the year, you'd think it makes sense to assume it's going to take a while and plan accordingly.

        Then again, I am perhaps too optimistic in my expectations of human decency and sensibility.


        • #5
          Quoth DGoddessChardonnay View Post
          They're not in any hurry . . . they just want something to bitch about.

          Oh yes, or sometimes even "they just want someone to make them feel special."

          Last place I worked was a restaurant. Had a call shortly before lunch that someone was in HUGE HURRY OMWTFBBQ and asked if we could have their food ready on a table for them when they got there at a certain time.

          We never usually did stupid things like that, but it *had* been a really slow day, and we decided to gamble on their actually showing up when they said they would.

          Which they did!

          ... then proceeded to sit there for 2 hours. Through the entire lunch rush.

          It's not as though we were a huge place with slow service or anything, either- we were a very small Japanese restaurant - mainly just sushi and teriyaki; everything was always fast, especially at lunchtime when the most popular lunch items were low-prep and not time intensive.

          In other words, they weren't just trying to pull one over on our crappy service, either... ;-)


          • #6
            Oh my this happens all the time at the service desk.

            "OMG i just want my money back whats taking soooooo long"
            -I can only go as fast as the register will let me

            "why do you need to scan the recept it takes too long"

            "You dont need to tell me about the return policy i am in a hurry"

            "i hate waiting behind people you need someone else here"
            -there was 2 people in my line it wasnt that long

            "dont say hi and thank you to people there isnt enough time for that"

            and so on.......

