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Wherein I finally break down at work...

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  • Wherein I finally break down at work...

    Yep, it finally happened. I was reduced to tears on Sunday.

    I got on my till and served a woman who had brought up a can of Coke, a bag of crisps and 2 bars of chocolate. The crisps and the bars of chocolate were part of a pick and mix deal, where a customer can buy 4 of a selected set of items for a set price. The Coke was not in this deal, and I figured she'd picked it up because someone was too lazy to put it back where it belonged. The following ensued:

    Me: Right, the cans of Coke are not included in the pick and mix deal, so would you like to get something else from the shelf that is included in the deal?

    SC: Excuse me! That is false advertising! It was on that shelf so I DEMAND it!

    Me: The till won't allow it, it's computerised to recognise deals, it won't take the Coke as part of the deal.

    SC: You are stupid, I am having it as part of this deal you stupid fat cow!

    Me: Right, enough, I am not serving you anymore.

    SC: *gets right up in my face* YOU FUCKING USELESS BITCH!

    I was close to tears, so I thought I would go back on to the shop floor and stock the shelves to compose myself. However, my supervisor then decided to say something that would ordinarily make me laugh. I put something in the wrong place by accident and he said (as a joke)

    Sup: Miss_Stress you're useless today you know!

    That was enough, I said "Don't talk to me like I'm 3 years old!", stormed upstairs and cried. He took me into the office not long after and let me rant about how I'd had enough, how I hate the customers, how I hate the manager, how I resent making less than £5 an hour, etc etc. He was really cool about it and even let me have 15 minutes to cool myself off. I have had it with that place

    Bonus Closing Story

    We had been closed ten minutes when these women came up to the door, so I told them I was sorry but we were closed.

    SC: I want watch batteries!
    Me: We're closed, sorry
    SC: Do you sell watch batteries?
    Me: Yes....
    SC: Then I want some now!
    Me: We are closed

    She then proceeded to try and post the money through the door to me I just repeated that we were closed and turned my back on her.

  • #2
    Yesh. So many people seem to equate "This can't be done, at least not by me" with being useless. And even if someone was "useless", what the heck is going to be accomplished by shouting such an insulting thing at that person? Hopefully, Miss Walking-Attitude will soon find a lack of people willing to serve her. Of course, she won't realize it is by choice and not because everyone is "useless".

    On the second story, my first thought was when the person was trying to put the money through the door was to take it and thank them for the gift, since they couldn't possibly still be trying to purchase something after being told the store was closed.


    • #3
      SC: You are stupid, I am having it as part of this deal you stupid fat cow!

      Me: Right, enough, I am not serving you anymore.

      SC: *gets right up in my face* YOU FUCKING USELESS BITCH!
      the minute something like this occurs, ideally, we should be able to call over a manager and refuse them service as well as inviting them to gtfo.

      i'm sorry you had to deal with a stupid twat like that who can't/won't read.
      look! it's ghengis khan!
      Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


      • #4
        When she leaned into your face, you should have put your palm to her snout and shoved.
        Suckiness is reinforced up OR down at every transaction. Accepting BS makes them worse for all of us; firm fairness trains them to suck less.


        • #5
          Here, have a kitten


          • #6
            I am so sorry Miss Stress, I hope you feel better for having a vent.

            Sending hugs, a snuggly duvet and a big slice of chocolate marshmallow cake
            Engaged to the sweet Mytical He is my Black Dragon (and yes, a good one) strong, protective, the guardian. I am his Silver Dragon, always by his side, shining for him, cherishing him.


            • #7
              You poor sweetie *hugs* Come on over to my house, I'll share some cookies with you. I baked plenty.

              First story: You refused her service, so when she got in your face, that would have been enough grounds for me to answer, "I'm sorry, I'm done." and walk off. Ideally, you'd have a manager to back you up.. but some managers are spineless.
              Nice to see your Sup (Though teasing) was nice about making you cry..

              The second.. Yeah I'd have done the "Take the money" thing too.


              • #8
                That woman was a brass-plated bitch. Screaming insults at someone over a stupid bottle of Coke? She needs a kick in her entitled ass.
                When you start at zero, everything's progress.


                • #9
                  Quoth MoonCat View Post
                  That woman was a brass-plated bitch. Screaming insults at someone over a stupid bottle of Coke? She needs a kick in her entitled ass.
                  Every fucking square inch of it.
                  I'm sorry, but I've reached my maximum allowable exposure to stupidity limit for the day. I'll have to get back to you tomorrow.


                  • #10
                    Here's an idea. Not sure how well it would work, but it's fun to imagine anyway. First, make sure you smile throughout the whole ordeal. That just makes them madder (and makes them more likely to think even less about the consequences of their actions). Then, when they start yelling, warn them that they had better not touch you, or that they can't touch you. Something along those lines. Customers, as we all know, *hate* being told what they can and can't do (just like the bratty children they act like). Don't make it a dare, though, that implies permission (this is important). Next, the moment they push you or poke you, you can tell them to leave as you are calling the police for assault and that you have it on camera. When they do leave in a hissy-fit, have one of your buddies follow them to their car and get the tag number. Then have them arrested. Fun times all around.

                    Again, may or may not be worth doing, but fun to think about.


                    • #11
                      Quoth Miss_Stress View Post
                      SC: *gets right up in my face* YOU FUCKING USELESS BITCH!
                      "Talking to yourself?"

                      I'm so sorry you had to deal with that utterly horrible...a word has yet to be invented to describe her, but she is one, and an utterly horrible one at that! (paraphrasing Red Dwarf here. It seems to fit, they always had great insults!)

                      : offers a virtual hot chocolate with a generous dollop of Bailey's:
                      I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
                      My LiveJournal
                      A page we can all agree with!

