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Let me get this straight.... You save $5 and we're ripping you off?!

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  • Let me get this straight.... You save $5 and we're ripping you off?!

    First I need to explain how these little vouchers work. If you spend $4 then you get a $5 concession voucher, meaning you save $1. And you can buy as many of them as you wish. The catch? There really is no catch, but you cannot get change back on them. So say for instance you buy 1 $5 voucher for concession and your total comes to $4.75. Well since you save money with the voucher, you do not get change. For people who spend alot of money at the concession stand, this saves you quite a bit of money. It should be noted that they are not really worth it if you spend less than the total value of the vouchers. Now onto the story.
    A lady came up to my til and purchased some food. Her total came to $24.25 and she had 5 $5 vouchers. So she saves $1 for each one, and if she had 5 then she saved $5. But she was mad at the box office because she wanted the difference that she saved, but she wanted it in cash. Sorry lady, but that is not how the promotion works.
    I very nicely explained that she would be losing 75 cents because there is no change given as stated before. So she bought an extra cheese for her nachos for $1.75 and then complained how we ripped her off Um, ok? How are we ripping you off? I apologized and told her to have a nice day, and of course she gives me the cat butt face. Whatever lady, I've had a miserable week working every day and having to deal with the madness of Harry Potter, and I really don't wanna hear it.

  • #2
    Psh what an idiot, lady needs to learn to pay attention.


    • #3
      try to help them and they complain; there's just no pleasing some people.
      look! it's ghengis khan!
      Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


      • #4
        hey free money is free money. woo.


        • #5
          You were ripping her off, but not with the voucher. Those prices you charge are ridiculous!

          If I went to the movies more often, I would be all over those vouchers. Don't worry. I have it figured out. 4 vouchers and $4.25 cash, paid with a 10 or smaller. By the way... Do you give a free refill on the large popcorn?
          Life is too short to not eat popcorn.
          Save the Ales!
          Toys for Tots at Rooster's Cafe


          • #6
            Yes 1 free refill on lg popcorns and soda. And I constantly have to remind everyone that its "1 free refill on each lg they buy", singular, not plural.
            BTW before we start getting into the topic of how ridiculous our prices are, believe me I have heard it all before and therefore very nicely and respectively ask that all posters refrain from doing this and stick to the subject please. Don't be a "sucky customer" Thank you.


            • #7
              Hind sight being 20/20, I can see that my comment may not have been a humorous as I thought it was at the time.

              End of price discussion.

              Sometime I wonder if it is worth it to give the customers a bargain. It just seems to give them something else to complain about.
              Life is too short to not eat popcorn.
              Save the Ales!
              Toys for Tots at Rooster's Cafe


              • #8
                You know what the worse part is? This is only Harry Potter Part 1.

                Oh...and Breaking Dawn isn't too far behind...and it's a two parter as well.


                • #9
                  Quoth NateTheChops View Post
                  You know what the worse part is? This is only Harry Potter Part 1.

                  Oh...and Breaking Dawn isn't too far behind...and it's a two parter as well.
                  Twilight never seems to have the same cinema filling properties that Potter does.

                  Latest twilight= 2 screens < Potter 7= 6 screens.
                  "I can tell her you're all tied up in the projection room." Sunset Boulevard.


                  • #10
                    Actually, that gives me more hope in humanity, but not much more.


                    • #11
                      Say, Harry Potter was pretty well-written for a series. Except for Book Four, which had issues with editing not being too strong with it, in my humble opinion. I didn't find too much which made me stop and go "wait, no". Twilight, on the other hand . . .

                      I tried, I really tried, to read the books. I've made it through worse writing from a standpoint of pacing, or from a standard of content, or even from a standard of "the beliefs I'm expected to agree with for the protagonists sicken me". I've made it through a reading of the Eye of Argon.

                      I couldn't get through chapter two of Twilight.

                      I understand there might be fans of the series here, and I understand it's very popular to hate on Twilight as an internet meme. (Much as it is to do so versus Harry Potter while it was still being written.) But in my opinion, the series doesn't deserve the sales and renown it does . . .

                      Though, on a positive note, it rekindled my hope of actually getting my own writing published


                      • #12
                        My daughter, Child Rum who is 7, loves the Twilight movies (though she was kinda bored during movie #2).

                        However, as we are now going to the movies at least once a month (because of the Sensory Friendly Films that are at the local theater and hosted by the Autism Society of my state), I'd be all over the vouchers! Wish they were at my movie theater & I wouldn't be complaining about them neither.


                        • #13
                          What customers don't understand is that this is something we don't have to do, so why complain when you are actually saving money, $1 with each voucher you buy. And believe me, working every single day this week and mostly in concession, I've seen quite a few customers who could've really used them. In 1 day I had customers spend $68, $57, $52, and $49.
                          On top of that we always have some sort of promotion running, such as get a Large candy for $2 (keep in mind I said Large candy not Small candy, don't ask why, that's just the way they have it set up) when you buy a combo, which doesn't include the Cameo combo which is our cheapest one at $8.


                          • #14
                            Quoth csquared View Post
                            Sometime I wonder if it is worth it to give the customers a bargain. It just seems to give them something else to complain about.
                            Always makes them want more. Had someone today who wanted his introductory discount repeated.


