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There are just some things people shouldn't do...

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  • There are just some things people shouldn't do...

    ...but they do them anyway and spoil what would have been a smooth couple of days.

    Do NOT yell at me when we're out of stock.

    Other people got to it before you did, miss. Don't stomp your feet and yell, "I have a rain check!"

    Big whoop, you have a rain check, how is this going to help? Sure, you've been here before when the item was still out and it's out again now. Yelling at me won't make any of that item materialize in front of you.

    Oh? Now you're lying that I didn't help you? Yeah, you caught me, I have a whole bunch of that item back in the warehouse and just don't want to give it to you! Ya caught me red handed!

    Do NOT threaten my friends with violence.

    Some of my co-workers are my friends. We hang out, drink, go to casinos and all that fun stuff. I tend to get a bit protective of my friends, thanks for raising me like that, dad.

    While covering my buddy's break on the front register, a group of four punks walk in with their hoods on and mean mugging everyone, including me who just stared back at the biggest one.

    A few minutes later, my buddy comes back and resumes his position. As I'm walking away, the punks come up with a few items to buy. They notice that we sell this certain type of improvised blunt wrap and request a few. My buddy, following the policy, requests ID from all four kids. Of course, the one asking for the wraps has forgotten his ID. Awww, too bad, can't sell them to you. After this was explained, one of the other kids puts his ID on the counter and says, "Fine, I'll buy them." My buddy then explained that he still couldn't do the sale because one person didn't produce his ID and wasn't going to risk selling to a minor and that people of age buying for minors is against the law.

    This guy throws a fit, I couldn't do anything but look and watch since I was now back in my department handling a line. The kid screams bullshit and then I heard,

    "I'm going to f***ing kick your ass when I come back!"

    They all leave without buying anything, leaving all that product on the counter. My buddy walks to me and explains what happened and I told him that I heard it and that he would have to go through me first if he actually did come back.

    Of course, he never did.

    Do NOT cry and whine when you're clearly wrong.

    I got upset with both the customer and my manager on this one.

    A dude comes up to my counter and mentions a sale for batteries that he saw on our company website. It was a good sale, buy one pack of batteries and get THREE free!

    Anyways, I'm not just going to take his word without looking it up, so I get onto our website and, sure enough, the ad was still there. One problem, it went off sale yesterday (Black Friday). I explain this to the man and he cuts me off with, "Well, it was still on the website! It's still being advertised!"

    I replied, "Well, sir, that was a Black Friday only sale and it even says so at the top here-" I tried showing him the screen but he refused.

    "No! It's still being shown on the website which means it's still on sale!"

    He then tries to force me to give him the sale price still! To which I called over my manager. I walked away to do something else. When my manager showed up, the customer plead his case. It sounded as if this was life or death, as if he REALLY needed these batteries. Well, he succeeded. My manager caved and gave him the sale price.

    Do NOT rip us off.

    Midway through today's shift, I had to use the mens' room. I'm almost there when another co-worker walks out of the mens' room looking pissed. I ask what's wrong and I learn that we were just ripped off and that he was going to go inform the manager. I walk in there and see an empty condom box, an empty toothpaste box, an empty toothbrush case, and and empty box of bandages.

    I guess he was going on a date?
    In the slot machine of life, I am the WILD symbol.

  • #2
    [QUOTE=TonyF;833415]...but they do them anyway and spoil what would have been a smooth couple of days.

    Do NOT yell at me when we're out of stock.

    That's one thing people don't seem to get about rainchecks. It doesn't guarantee the product is going to be there.

    I'm so glad Bent Staple doesn't do rainchecks...yet.

    Do NOT threaten my friends with violence.

    Had a guy mouth off about he would love to kick everyone's ass behind the counter. Another coworker caught up with him off the clock later that week and started intimidating him.

    Not advocating that behavior, but times like these can make me see the wisdom behind it.

    Do NOT cry and whine when you're clearly wrong.

    Ah, but crying and whining clearly gets him what he wants. So long as the behavior is reinforced crying and whining will always be acceptable.


    • #3
      "I have a rain check!"
      rain checks, making even bigger cs' since their creation. bah.

      as for the rip off artist, why bandages? is he expecting rejection before the score?
      look! it's ghengis khan!
      Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


      • #4
        Quoth chainedbarista View Post
        as for the rip off artist, why bandages? is he expecting rejection before the score?
        probably expecting her to FIGHT back!
        Everything will be ok in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end.


        • #5
          Quoth TonyF View Post
          I guess he was going on a date?
          Maybe not. Now if you'd found packaging for duct tape and NyQuil . . .


          • #6
            Quoth morwynskya View Post
            Maybe not. Now if you'd found packaging for duct tape and NyQuil . . .
            NyQuil doesn't put everybody to sleep . . .on some folks it has the opposite effect.
            Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


            • #7
              The duct tape doesn't have to be for a human being either.


              • #8
                Quoth NateTheChops View Post
                The duct tape doesn't have to be for a human being either.
                Shave the sheep!
                I am not an a**hole. I am a hemorrhoid. I irritate a**holes!
                Procrastination: Forward planning to insure there is something to do tomorrow.
                Derails threads faster than a pocket nuke.


                • #9
                  After the manager gave the approval for the batteries, I'm surprised SC didn't suddenly grab a bagillion packages to take advantage. Sounds like this guy was the exception.
                  A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


                  • #10
                    Quoth TonyF View Post
                    Midway through today's shift, I had to use the mens' room. I'm almost there when another co-worker walks out of the mens' room looking pissed. I ask what's wrong and I learn that we were just ripped off and that he was going to go inform the manager. I walk in there and see an empty condom box, an empty toothpaste box, an empty toothbrush case, and and empty box of bandages.
                    I will never forget the day I went into the mens room and was sitting down when I noticed two empty boxes of software sort of between my stall and the one to my left. The irony is that I may have been there AS the software was being pilfered (MAY have, not positive) but as I explained it to one of the managers "I wasn't in any position to stand up and do anything about it".
                    "Sorry, the restaurant is closed in honor of customer appreciation day."


                    • #11
                      So, if I find a website that hasn't been updated since 2002 AND it states "this offer good until December 31, 2002" - then I can get 2002 prices on something because "it's still on the website" - ?

                      When you start at zero, everything's progress.

