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Seriously, I don't work here !! (Somewhat long)

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  • Seriously, I don't work here !! (Somewhat long)

    Let me preface this by saying that I try really hard not to shop in other stores while wearing my uniform, but unfortunately, it cannot be avoided sometimes....

    My uniform consists of a polo shirt and those wonderful khaki pants, which seems to be the norm for most retail businesses these days.

    My fun began as I was shopping at the world's largest retailer (I don't know how you guys feel about naming them). I work for a major electronics retailer, and our uniform, although a different shade of blue, could be mistaken (I suppose) for theirs.

    As I was looking for my items, I was tapped on the shoulder. I turned around to see a short older lady. Being tall, I figured she was going to ask me to reach up and get something for her, which I don't mind doing. I was greeted with "Where are the laundry baskets ? " Now, had I known, I would have told her. But alas, I did not. Now, for the real fun....


    SC....self explanatory

    MOD....Manager on Duty

    Me- I'm sorry, I don't work here

    SC-What do you mean, you're wearing a uniform !!

    Me- Yes, but it's not for here. I work at _________

    SC- You're lying to me !! You're just to lazy to go look !!

    Me- Ma'am, Seriously, I don't work here !!

    SC- Well, I'm telling your manager !!


    She storms off, and I continue to shop for my stuff. The next thing I know, the old lady comes back around the corner with the manager. At this point, I'm about to burst out laughing, because I know what's about to transpire.

    SC- You're employees are lazy. Look at her, she won't help me !!

    MOD- Well, I suspect that's because she doesn't work for us.


    SC- Oh, well. I'm sorry.

    SC walks away, defeated.


    MOD- I apologize for that

    Me- I wonder if she'll ever find the laundry baskets

    MOD & Me-
    Dammit !! ~ Jack Bauer

  • #2
    I always like hearing those "I don't work here" stories and there is a huge thread (about 14 pages or more) just on them called yep, "I don't work here" megathread on this forum somewhere. Anyway they are always good for a laugh or two and what really puzzles me is when people are not wearing anything close to an uniform (I mean one member once was asked where something was while shopping in a tube top). Unfortunely I haven't had the chance to say those words yet.

    I have to say my favorite was when a member went to a large store (I'm not sure if it was Wally world but it was similar) to do some shoping and was mistaken for a empoloyee becuase what they were wearing similar outfits. The SC then got the manager but he wasn't even a manager at that store but another one and all the while the SC was shoplifting. Eventually she got caught when she told some real employees well, we're assuming that's what happen because the member last saw her in the LP office.

    If you thought that was bad there is another one where a member was helping out a buddie picking out a computer at a electronics store and he was wearing similar outfit to what the employees wear. He was then asked by another customer where something was and he pointed them to the right place. Then the manager came and told him he should have helped the other customer. The manager fired him and of course, he said he couldn't do that. Anyway the manager called the police and member told them he couldn't be fired because he doesn't work there. I'm not quite sure what else happened but we were all like how bad of a employee turnover this store has if a manager couldn't even recognize a employee.
    Last edited by rdp78; 01-24-2007, 01:32 AM. Reason: changed, added somethings
    Yours truly, Robyn unless your an SC
    My space


    • #3
      Ah yes. Back when Papa John's had red polo uniform shirts, I used to shop at a grocery store in the same strip - who also had red polo shirts. Except mine had THREE Papa John's logos on it (one on the chest, one on the sleeve, and one on my nametag), plus the hat I had on said Papa John's.

      Friend and I were in there after work, our shirts untucked, hats backwards. "Excuse me, where's the [whatever it was, this was 7 years ago]?" - we shrug and say we don't know. Customer goes "What do you mean? You work here!". We laugh and point at the pizza logo on our shirts and say we just got off work. At least she realized her mistake, and I offered to find someone who actually did work there for her.

      Thankfully my "uniform" at the grocery I work at is a t-shirt and pants (no shorts in my department, unfortunately, though I've worn them once) - I do have to wear a company hat, and they give me a clean white "chef's coat" to wear every day. When I'm on break I ditch the hat and coat and blend in quite well. If I want, I can wear my own chef's coat if I want to pay to order one and have the name embroidered on it - something I'm considering doing since I like the way my boss's black coat looks.


      • #4
        I actually get asked where things are at Wally's, not as much since we changed uniform looks but when we had our old uniform shirts (they were purple not blue though) I would constantly get asked where stuff was at. I did not mind as I shop at Wally's ALL the time and practically have the whole store memorized. I also have most of the prices in the grocery section memorized..well at least the items that I buy all the time, so I know when the prices go up or down. Not to hijack the thread but...I went to Safeway today because they had pork chops for 99 cents a pound on sale and I was wandering around and literally freaked at the prices of their food!!! Half gallon of milk for 1.99 when at Wally's it is 1.45, generic bologna for 1.99 and the same brand at Wally's for .97 cents. Of course this Safeway is located in the pricier part of town. Okay I am done with the hijack


        • #5
          Happens more than you can know. I had one where I was bothered by a shopper who didn't take "I don't work here" for an answer. The kicker was that I also got my ass reamed by the MOD until I showed him proof that I didn't work there.

          I'd love to link to the full version of this story, but I can't find it on the site. I'm not sure if I posted it on this version of or if it was on the last one before the hack.

          If anyone is interested I'll re-post it in full if it can't be found.

          I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?


          • #6
            "The kicker was that I also got my ass reamed by the MOD until I showed him proof that I didn't work there."

            You are KIDDING me. You're a better man than me, that's for sure. He'd have been seeing something, but it would not have been an ID.

            I would love to hear that story.


            • #7
              Oddly, I wore my Fazoli's uniform (Black logo hat, black logo polo shirt, black apron, black pants, black shoes, black belt) to Wally World... and someone yelled at me, saying I was pretending to be an employee. Knowing I was about to have a new boss back at work anyway, I just countered "I'm on break, bitch". I mean, seriously. Yelling at someone random for wearing their uniform in public? Our Fazoli's is like.. a 2-minute drive from Wal-Mart
              I've been here for two years, work harder than most others, and I'm getting paid $1.80 an hour
              less than the 17 year old slacker you hired two months ago. Maybe that's why I'm not chipper at work.


              • #8
                ahhh yes...had one of these the other day

                "excuse me do you work here?"

                Seeing that we didn't work there, and in fact were wearing clothing that was VERY different from the uniform (I was wearing a rainbow top with jeans, friend was wearing white top, denim skirt and thongs..the uniform ALL BLACK!) We figured no one was stupid enough to mistake US for employees...anyways we hear it again "excuse me do you WORK here??"

                yeap, ignored it again kept playing the we hear "OMG she MUST be def! DO YOU WORK HERE" all the time my friend and I are playing a game...lady then taps my friend roughly on the shoulder "DO YOU WORK HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!" Friend is like "NO! Do I LOOK like I work here!"

                lady walked away in a huff and waited at the counted RIGHT behind us with TWO employees standing at it wearing the UNIFORM, which was ALL BLACK......

                Some people are just stupid! I'm just annoyed she didn't even bother to apologise for HER rudeness!
                I am evil, I should change my middle name legally TO evil, I'm proud of my evilness! Makes life fun! bwhaha


                • #9
                  There are only like, three places to shop for groceries in my town, there's Evil Smiley, Fred Meyer's and Safeway. I work for Evil Smiley and people tend to know me as someone who works in one of these stores.

                  Some woman came storming up to me in Fred Meyer's while I was very obiviously shopping. I had my list and was looking at food and all the other things people do when they shop. I was also dressed in clothes that looked nothing like something an employee wears there. She demanded to know where the diapers were. I shrugged and said that I had no clue. Then I was told that I should know and she huffed off.

                  Now, if she'd asked me nicely where they were I would have said that I was sorry, but I didn't know because I didn't work there, but I didn't feel the need to be nice if she wasn't going to be nice.


                  • #10
                    Quoth Mongo Skruddgemire View Post
                    I had one where I was bothered by a shopper who didn't take "I don't work here" for an answer. The kicker was that I also got my ass reamed by the MOD until I showed him proof that I didn't work there.
                    I'm down to hear this story...
                    Last edited by NightAngel; 01-22-2007, 07:50 PM. Reason: no need to quote entire post
                    I know I'm laughing but it's really not funny. - Me
                    "I was in the hall. I know, because I was there." - Clue


                    • #11
                      I used to think I just had one of those "I work here" looks, because for some reason I used to get stopped in Mal-Wart fairly regularly and asked for help, even though I had my purse on my arm and was usually pushing a shopping cart as well.

                      When I worked at the book/music/video store, we wore dark green aprons. We were right next door to a Michaels craft store, and I would occasionally run over there for some quick purchase for a display. I wouldn't be asked if I worked at the Michaels, but customers and even Michaels employees would stop me to ask me what new videos were out!

                      The same thing used to happen when I would go to a nearby pizza place for lunch. Even without my apron, the manager would recognize me and wander over to ask me what videos were out. I'd have to tell him rather sheepishly that I worked in the book department and didn't really pay much attention to video releases unless I was in the store as a customer...
                      He loves the world...except for all the people.
                      --Men at Work


                      • #12
                        I always stick around my place of employment after work. Sometimes still in my workshirt, but the thing is, the dress code includes a red vest. A very visible red vest. With a giant logo emblazoned on the back and a smaller one on the chest.

                        Honestly, I would bring a change of clothes, but I've worn my Tekken 5 t-shirt and a pair of jeans and still been asked "Do you work here?"

                        My answer? "Not for another X hours" or "Not since X hours ago", X being how long until/since my shift.

                        I've never really been mistaken for someone who works somewhere else, though. Mainly because my general outfit when I'm not at work is a work uniform nowhere. ((Hawaiian shirts ftw!))
                        Those who are loudest about their qualifications, tend to have the least merit to their claims.


                        • #13
                          Quoth Arcade Man D View Post
                          I've never really been mistaken for someone who works somewhere else, though. Mainly because my general outfit when I'm not at work is a work uniform nowhere. ((Hawaiian shirts ftw!))
                          Well, at Pixar maybe... then again, feel free to mistake me for working there (one of my dream jobs, sorta.)


                          • #14
                            first thing i'd learned when i go to shop. never wear red polo shirt and kharki pants when you are planning to shop at the Target, or CompUSA. every 5 mins people came up to me. asking for assistance. "I dont work here" never really worked.
                            one time, i was wearing my red shirt with a tie... they thought i was the manager.
                            lesson learned.. no more red shirt when shopping at Target and CompUSA


                            • #15
                              I was once asked the dreaded question while wearing my chilling out clothes; ie a pair of black trousers and a t-shirt, in this case I think it was a Slipknot one. I gave the standard reply and she was mad. Oh I'd love to work somewhere where I could wear chillout clothes, but sadly I've never found such a place.
                              People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
                              My DeviantArt.

