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Business Owners Being SC's.

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  • Business Owners Being SC's.

    Why don't business owners get that the employees they're berating are potential customers??

    Here's a prime example.
    A local business owner (car lot) walks in. Soon as I give my welcome speech to him, he starts in. He announces he's the owner of a car lot in town. A very well known car lot. (This crap irks me. Good for you!! Do you want a cookie??)
    Then he complains about how I didn't answer the phone when he called. He says "Being a business owner, I know the importance of customer service. YOU have very poor customer service skills if you can't even answer a phone!!"

    Remember, he'd JUST walked in and I'd ONLY welcomed him to the store with a smile. That's it.

    First of all, It is not my job to answer the phone. My job is to welcome people that come in the store, and keep track of who's next in line. (Much like a restaurant)

    Secondly, the phones are not always answered. The main reason being, the reps are extremely busy with customers that took the time to, you know, actually come IN to the store. They take precedence.

    Thirdly, if the phone cannot be answered, the calls are automatically routed to a customer care center. It's not as though they just ring forever.

    So he's spilling out his tirade about how sucky I am at CS and what a great CS his company has. I told him I am not responsible for the answering of the phones, and that my job is to check him in. He basically tells me I'm wrong and again insults my CS skills because I don't know how to answer a phone. He lectured me there for about 5 minutes. Then walked away all smug.

    He's been in several more times. Each time demanding a manager because he wants something for nothing. Once he had the gall to say he deserved a $70 battery for $10. And why? Well because he's Mr Car Lot, that's why! He's even sent his employees in to demand either free or reduced price batteries. They're also jackholes, btw.

    Guess where I won't be buying MY next new car?

    And that is my point. I would NEVER buy anything from anybody that was rude to me in my store. EVER. Nor would my co workers. I can't imagine any retail employee would.

    Anybody else have any stories like that one? I love to hear stories of the high and mighty business owners with attitudes like that.
    Oh, "Blah blah blah 'Your Needs'!"

  • #2
    The arena I work for is owned by three different families, one said family has a notorious history of bringing in sucky guests, some of the things they did ranged from insulting my mom who works for the 3 families, guests who started fights, having sex in the private suite's bathroom, and more. Most of the owners are nice but this family tends to bring in the most idiotic guests my mom has ever seen.
    The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


    • #3
      This is especially true at my previous job. The biggest client was also my most problematic to deal with. Long story short, they were hateful and petty and treated my co-workers and me like something you would scrape off your shoe while doing everything they could to make our job more difficult.

      But we had 5 clients that were sweet as they could be and treated us like human beings. They would always stop by to chat with us when they were in the neighborhood and brought us small presents.

      We also had a lot of people interested in buying real estate in our area and looking for referrals to good title attorneys and law firms.

      Guess who got our referrals?

      So many, in fact, that a couple asked us to stop giving them referrals. Not because they didn't want them, but because they couldn't keep up with so many!
      A smile is just a grimace that's been edited for public consumption. -- Tony Cochran


      • #4
        I had one woman complain that I had bad customer service, and states that she teaches customer service at her company.

        Did I fail to mention how she was being absolutely rude to me? Let's just say after I stated to a co-worker that I will call HER boss and explain that she is displaying a poor professional attitude to being a company representative she started acting real nice to me.


        • #5
          I hate it when people take that stance and attitude. I also work as a PMR for our two postoffices and once the woman who owned the building came in, completely full of herself, slapped her stuff on the counter and stated, "I'm soandso and I own this building". I paused and said, "Oh, is it my turn now?". Then I informed her that she knew who I was, reminded her since she didn't recognize me and she became a bit nicer. I mean wtf? She would only be nice if she felt I was up on her level or something? I've got news for her, I'm just an overworked clerk with the added headache of owning the damn place added on.

          But there are times when you do feel the need to criticize another business owner but it needs to go to the owner and not the employees.
          An example is the business across from us. We're two different types of businesses so there is no competition, in fact, the relationship should be symbiotic but the owners are complete morons. I give a local discount on certain items that I'm able to. One of the owners would come over and buy chewing tobacco. When someone didn't recognize him once he practically threw a fit that he wasn't getting his discount and from that point on, if it wasn't me at the counter he would give whoever was there the entitlement attitude, looking down his nose at them as if daring them to not know who he was. (ironically, it's all family run, can't afford an employee and my mother-in-law knew who he was but wouldn't greet him as someone she knew because he was such a jerk)
          The flip side? They never once gave us any type of discount. Not only do we give them and their employees the local discount, we send them business.
          Needless to say, we never eat there any more and I recomend the cafe ten miles down the highway first before recomending them.

          "You'd feel a Hell of a lot better if you'd just rip into the occasional customer."


          • #6
            I work in a mall (well sorta, but thats the best way to describe it), there are two coffee shops in this mall, mine and another one. My co-worker also works full time at the eye glass place a few doors down, that is next door to the other coffee shop. This other shop constantly leaks into her store. She went into the coffee shop to complain to whoever the most senior person was, who wasn't there. Later on, that person walked into her store, and she started complaining to him.

            Firstly, he told her that it was her store that was leaking. When she told him that wasn't possible, he asked her "Do you know who i am?" (Turns out he was the owner of the other store, which is also a local chain). She looked him straight in the eye, and responded "Do you know who I am?". Not sure what happened after that, but it was really funny 'cause she's not one to stand up to sc's (even though he wasn't really an sc)


            • #7
              Well, it's like you say. People who don't work for you are, in fact, potential customers.

              The employees of two Kinko's here in town totally boycotted a Cold Stone Creamery for the same reason. People who previously went into that place vowed they'd never set foot in there again.

              Why? The owner was just about the biggest dick that ever lived. He'd come into the store and act like a complete dillhole. We hated his guts, and we hated his rude, stupid wife.

              When he treated us like crap while we were doing his flyers and coupons and whatnot, he was alienating customers.



              • #8
                <<snicker>> "dillhole" That's hillarious.

                Boycotting the jerk business owners' stores is the best form of revenge. Wouldn't you love to see the Cold Stone Creamery go under? Well, I personally wouldn't...because I love them...but if the owner was a jackass...then yeah...I'd secretly wish they'd either go under or get shut down for not paying taxes or something.
                Oh, "Blah blah blah 'Your Needs'!"


                • #9
                  I had a guy with an entitlement complex JUST like the car lot guy in the original post. He wanted his upgraded phone $25 cheaper because he had "hundreds of lines and I pay you people thousands of dollars a month on my bill." Yeah. I don't care. I don't see one red cent of your bill. I'm a privately owned store. Unfortunately, his business was one that supplied other businesses, so I couldn't practice any sort of boycott that would be effective. But if I could, I very much would.
                  I may be free from retail, but the nightmares still linger.....


                  • #10
                    I absolutely hate stuff like that. I think the worst SC's I deal with are business owners or managers at other stores. They think they can throw their weight around or that they know how to circumvent procedures because they think every store operates like them. Had a doozy the other day.

                    Guy walks in and wants to buy a piece but doesn't want to pay for delivery. We go over it a few times and he insists that there is a way to waive the delivery charge. When my coworker doesn't budge, and offers to let him talk to me, the manager, he states "I don't talk with managers. I only deal with owners. Give me the number for the owner of the company."

                    We gave him the number of the main office in New York. the owner is really going to care about you complaining about delivery on a $300 promotional piece.

                    The kicker? Had he talked to me, I COULD have waived delivery costs because we had a truck coming down to the showroom to drop off some furniture and I could have put his chair on it. Oh well
                    "Time shall help me face my painful memories with indifference, and with more of it, I won't feel the need to face them at all..."


                    • #11
                      I'd suggest walking onto his car lot and pulling the exact same crap on him.
                      You're focusing on the problem. If you focus on the problem, you can't see the solution. Never focus on the problem! --From Patch Adams


                      • #12
                        Quoth BrightEyedKitty View Post
                        I'd suggest walking onto his car lot and pulling the exact same crap on him.
                        GREAT Idea! hahaha "See this car here? I want it...the sticker says $25,000...I want it for $10"

                        I've told everyone I know about this guy just so I have more people on my 'boycott band wagon.'
                        Oh, "Blah blah blah 'Your Needs'!"

