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Breakfast Room Ettiquette

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  • Breakfast Room Ettiquette

    Here are some iron clad rules for hotels that run breakfasts for the guests

    1. We open at 7am Yes 7am not a minute before, don't stand outside an hour before or call at 5 in the morning asking if you can get some stuff now. If you will be gone before opening time talk to us at night we can give you stuff. No we will not brew coffee for you in the morning there's a machine in your room that does that.

    2. What you see is what you get Plain and simple we cannot adjust our meals to fit any dietary/health restriction you have. We aren't going to carry special foods just for you. Bitching and moaning achieve nothing

    3. Just a minute Very few people drink decaf therefore we don't have a pot waiting we will brew up one on request. Don't throw a hissy because of the wait time. There's decaf in your room you know

    4. You have a T.V. in your rooms You are in the breakfast room for breakfast only. If people are already watching something ask if it's okay to change it. Don't whine to me about someone changing it, it's not the end of the world. Don't jack up the volume so loud no one else in the room can hear one another

    5. If we are running low on something tell us Don't walk into the kitchen area and help yourself

    6. Obey the cook times we have posted Nothing's worse that shutting off the smoke detector because you had to toast the bagels until they burned.

    7. Don't be pigs You drop something pick it up. Don't leave a cream cheese covered knife on the toaster. Wipe up spills.

    8. We aren't babysitters Don't send your kids unattended into the room so you can have some peace and quiet. They are your responsibility.

    9. If you are not a guest you're not getting anything I feel for you but my hands are tied. Telling me long drawn out sob stories or worse trying to sneak in is not acceptable. There are soup kitchens/food banks nearby that will help out.

    10. We're closed Don't scream at us because you slept an hour later we put everything away, we've locked up. Better luck next time kid.
    My Horror Blog


  • #2
    how about this one?

    11. That food is for everyone. Hungry or not, you still need to share those donuts with everyone else.
    I've been here for two years, work harder than most others, and I'm getting paid $1.80 an hour
    less than the 17 year old slacker you hired two months ago. Maybe that's why I'm not chipper at work.


    • #3

      Especially the part about not walking into the kitchen, i really REALLY hate that.

      If i may add... Don't get mad if your requests aren't honored. I'd love to see Count Chocula on the breakfast bar too, but if you stay here every week and we never seem to have it, bring your own cauze we're never going to buy it.


      • #4
        This is exactly why I prefer to stay at hotels that offer free breakfast room service as an alternative to free breakfast in the hotel lounge. At least that way I can avoid the SC's that ruin the hotel breakfast for everyone else in the lounge.

        I've stayed at some hotels where I learned quickly to get down to the breakfast as early as possible to avoid the guests that come down and treat the lounge like their own private dining room....talking loudly, demanding that the TV running CNN be turned off because they don't like to hear news that early in the morning (then stay in your room with your head in a pot of sand!!!).

        Oh, and the worst.....guests who swoop in the minute the lounge opens and literally grab all the cereals, fruits, and boxed milk they can carry and go back to their room with their hoard leaving next-to-nothing (if we're lucky) for the rest of the guests.

        No, I'm not bitter....the world really DOES suck.


        • #5
          geez, it's never even occurred to me to go down to the breakfast room when I'm staying at a hotel
          GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.


          • #6
            Quoth tendomentis View Post
            Oh, and the worst.....guests who swoop in the minute the lounge opens and literally grab all the cereals, fruits, and boxed milk they can carry and go back to their room with their hoard leaving next-to-nothing (if we're lucky) for the rest of the guests.
            Amen! The hell is wrong with some people! You want room service, you PAY for it!
            "At any time, for any reason and without any warning, a meteor could fall from the sky and kill us all."
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            Galbadia Hotel - Free Video Game Soundtrack Downloads


            • #7
              Quoth pbmods View Post
              Amen! The hell is wrong with some people! You want room service, you PAY for it!
              Oh, I guess that answers what I was going to ask. When my husband and I go to a hotel, which is rarely, sometimes I will ask him to bring me back my breakfast to the room, so I can sleep longer. I am so sorry for my suckage, and had no idea it was wrong to do that.


              • #8
                Last year, I stayed over 60 nights in hotels, and very rarely saw any of that. Maybe its becasue business people tend to simply want to eat and run, and its more people on holiday who verge on the piggish, because they have nothing esle to do for the rest of the day !

                Quoth Tendomentis
                Oh, and the worst.....guests who swoop in the minute the lounge opens and literally grab all the cereals, fruits, and boxed milk they can carry and go back to their room with their hoard leaving next-to-nothing (if we're lucky) for the rest of the guests.
                I don't know about "all I can carry", but that's me, I'm afraid. I frequently take a banana or two with me, because I know I'll be hungry later, and if I have a banana in my bag, I'm less likely to go and buy something full of saturated fat and sugar ! Having not seen boxed milk before, though, I'd be inclined to leave that behind !
                A person who is nice to you, but not nice to the waiter is not a nice person
                - Dave Barry


                • #9
                  Quoth Barefootgirl View Post
                  Having not seen boxed milk before, though, I'd be inclined to leave that behind !
                  WHAT?!?! What did they serve your milk in at the school cafeteria? Around here you can still get all the way up to half gallons in boxes. Then on top of regular milk, there is this stuff called parmalat that comes in a box and doesn't have to be refrigerated.

                  I am curious, I guess I always took boxed milk for granted.
                  The only words you said that I understood were "His", "Phone" and "Ya'll". The other 2 paragraphs worth was about as intelligible as a drunken Teletubby barkin' come on's at a Hooter's waitress.


                  • #10
                    Okay, before I get completely misunderstood....I wasn't saying that grabbing something to go is wrong. What I hate are the guest who CLEAN OUT the breakfast buffet/table with what is CLEARLY more than they can eat (on the order of four or five boxes of cereal, three or four bagels, a couple of doughnuts, etc).

                    When I'm travelling on business, I usually grab a cup of tea and an apple on my way out (the apple is for later). I don't see anything wrong with that at all. My gripe is with "the hoarders" who take and take at the expense of other guests.

                    It's those same guests who walk by the housecleaning cart in the hallway and swipe a handful of shampoos and conditioners...if you need more, REQUEST more.

                    A lot of business oriented hotels have even started offering to have breakfast and coffee ready "to go" in the morning for you if you go right to meetings first thing.


                    • #11
                      hehe I've seen those "cart-vultures".... they'll wait until housekeeping staff are inside a room, but have left their cart outside, and they'll pick it clean! Personally, I always pack my own shampoo, conditioner and body wash, and rarely use any of the toiletries. I usually leave a note on the bathroom mirror (post-its are GREAT) so that the housekeeping staff will just take them back and not leave me any new ones
                      GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.


                      • #12
                        Quoth LIW View Post

                        Oh, I guess that answers what I was going to ask. When my husband and I go to a hotel, which is rarely, sometimes I will ask him to bring me back my breakfast to the room, so I can sleep longer. I am so sorry for my suckage, and had no idea it was wrong to do that.
                        No that is not suckage tons of people bring their breakfast to their rooms. We actually encourage this in order to free up space at the tables for other guests. Plus it keeps the breakfast room cleaner. And if someone wants to grab a coffee and a muffin or whatever for later that's totally acceptable. The hoarders are the ones that get me, they clean us out of things like Irish Creamer, hot chocolate packages, teas etc etc and then leave every single one in their rooms unused. We had one guy take the last 20 creamer tubs up into his room. For two days they just sat in the room unused and away from the poor guests who would have actually used them.
                        Last edited by TruthHurts; 01-24-2007, 11:18 PM.
                        My Horror Blog



                        • #13
                          Quoth TruthHurts View Post
                          No that is not suckage tons of people bring their breakfast to their rooms. We actually encourage this in order to free up space at the tables for other guests. Plus it keeps the breakfast room cleaner. And if someone wants to grab a coffee and a muffin or whatever for later that's totally acceptable. The hoarders are the ones that get me, they clean us out of things like Irish Creamer, hot chocolate packages, teas etc etc and then leave every single one in their rooms unused. We had one guy take the last 20 creamer tubs up into his room. For two days they just sat in the room unused and away from the poor guests who would have actually used them.
                          I spend around 150-200 nights a year in hotels for work. We usually leave the hotel at 7am to head to the job site though, so we don't see the hoarders. But one place we stay at, the hotel puts fresh baked cookies out for the guests, usually around 5pm. These two women, I think russian from what they were saying, were hanging out at the check in desk. As soon as the tray came out from the back, they both swooped in and clean it off. I was pissed because I was in the middle of checking in and wanted some myself.


                          • #14
                            Quoth TruthHurts View Post
                            No that is not suckage tons of people bring their breakfast to their rooms.
                            Thanks for clearing that up. I just REALLY try hard not to do sucky things, and would want to know if I was making people mad.

                            My husband enjoys going to the breakfast room to eat, and watching CNN or whatever is on; I'd rather eat in the room in my jammies . I just hope no one sees him taking more food and thinks he's just being greedy, but I think everyone knows a toasted bagel and a cup of juice and one of coffee or tea aren't going to keep well for later!!

