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The only SC who made me cry

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  • The only SC who made me cry

    I have had exactly one SC manage to make my cry. Not while she was there, mind, but after she left I went into the office, put my head down on a desk, and just sobbed. Here is her story:

    She came in during the summer, when there wasn't much going on. She had her mother with her, and it all started out pretty innocently -- her mother used to knit, and she wanted to help her get involved in a new/old hobby, so here she was at a yarn store, with mom in tow.

    Only one problem. Mom didn't want to be in tow. Mom quite clearly had problems of a magnitude that not even yarn could solve them. (And this is a pretty big statement, coming from me.) Mom was, and you could tell this at less than a glance, very, VERY clinically depressed. Mom needed a good psychiatrist, not some sock yarn. Mom detected a sympathetic ear in me pretty quickly, as I'm very fond of my grandmother and thus I tend to look kindly on grandmotherly ladies, and poured out her litany of troubles to me, and believe me, all of the yarn in the freaking country wouldn't have been enough. She was sick, her eyesight was going, her husband had recently died, she'd just moved across the country, away from her old friends and her old life and the house she'd lived in and loved all of her life at the behest of her daughter...

    Oh, and her daughter was controlling and verbally abusive.

    She didn't have to point this out to me, though, because her daughter was one of those out of control abusers of the same breed as the unspeakably bad parents who beat their children in the middle of grocery stores. She kept up a nonstop barrage of abuse on her mother, calling her names, insulting her intelligence, trivializing her illness, on and on. This clearly wasn't someone having a shockingly bad day, because her mother behaved towards her with every possible hallmark of someone who's been utterly cowed by abuse. Every self-depricating, apologetic, walking-on-eggshells sign was there. I had only just started working there a few months prior and I hadn't had any of the future showdowns with SCs that gave me confedance, so I had NO idea how to handle it. Instead of doing the proper thing, which would have been to confess to how appalled I was at the way she was talking about and to her mother, I played dumb. But the less I reacted, the more out of control this woman became, to the point where she was insulting her mother TO ME, WHILE HER MOTHER WAS THERE, putting me in the horrible position of either agreeing with her and thus aiding in the abuse, or else telling her to shut up and get the hell out of my store, which, as I said, I didn't have the courage to do. I just kept not reacting, and she kept getting more out of control. Finally, they bought something and left.

    I'd been abused by SCs at that point already, but when someone's mean to you, you shut down, you know? You don't give a crap what mood they go away in -- in fact, if they go away really upset, it can give you a happy little thrill. But this SC's mother hadn't been mean to me. She'd been extremely polite and kind, and I had no way of shutting off my compassion. I wanted to help her, and the knowledge that I'd been utterly powerless to do so, that she was just going to be sad for the rest of her life, under the thumb of her abusive daughter who'd dragged her across the country away from everything she'd ever known so that she could have this horrible, disrespectful power trip on the person who'd changed her poopy diapers... It makes me upset just thinking about it again. The whole experience broke me -- the next day, I had a panic attack when I was supposed to go into work and had to call in sick while I recovered.

    Looking back, there are probably some pretty serious emotional problems in both members of that family, but I will hate the SC daughter for all of time for what I saw her do. I know that caring for an aging parent, especially while coping with the death of another parent, can be emotionally taxing, but if I EVER catch myself treating anyone I care about the way that woman treated her mother, I would like to think that I'd realize that my continued presence in their life was doing way more harm than good. Also, I'd like to think that I'd go find a good therapist to help me work out exactly how I'd devolved into such a despicable, rotten human being.

  • #2
    Aww, that just sucks! That's one of those SC moments where you search out a co-worker for a hug!

    I hate it the few times SCs made me cry. It happened only when I was waiting tables. I didn't like it that someone could get the best of me.
    "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


    • #3
      Ever notice how much circular knitting needles look like a garrotte?

      Yarn does solve everything...well, it always makes me feel better at least. (been crocheting since I was 6 and knitting since last August)

      You have to hope the sc had Social Services called on her eventually. Elder abuse is just as bad as child abuse. I had to anonymously inform SS about a relative of mine mistreating my grandmother. (SS never did anything about it...relative was convincing that she wasnt doing anything wrong)


      • #4
        Yeah, next time I see abuse of the level her daughter was dishing out, I'm gonna get her phone number ("would you like to be listed in our computer?") and call social services the moment they're out of the store. That first time, I was way too overwhelmed.

        I didn't have co-workers at the store to go running to, as we're always scheduled to work alone during the summer. There isn't enough business for my boss to afford paying to people at once. So I had to pull myself together when another customer came in.

        Oh, and: Yay! Another knitter!

        (I just started crocheting again, making 'Short and Sweet' from the Happy Hooker book. It's a lot more fun than I remembered.)


        • #5
          I thought Kusanagi's story was sad, this one is way sadder. And less bloody.

          So you got a few minutes of alone time with the grandmother? Or was the controlling bitch there the whole time?


          • #6
            I got time alone with her, while her SC daughter was hunting through our pattern library for complicated patterns she wanted her mother to make. I listened to her problems (at length), and tried to calm her down when she started to cry.

            Eventually, I talked her down, got out some knitting needles, and got her casting on. I told her that she didn't have to do anything hard, that taking up an old hobby can be difficult at first, until your hands remember how to do it, and that she could just start with a scarf if she wanted. I told her knitting was supposed to be fun, not overwhelming, so she should do something fun and not overwhelming. I got her some needles, and she was just starting to get excited about it, and then her daughter turned up again with a pattern for, I kid you not, a dog sweater. For the SC daughter's freaking dog.

            Anyway, in the SC daughter's presence, the mother lost all hope again and went back into her submissive pose. That was when the SC daughter started to get really nasty and started trying to pull me into her abuse. I think there was something going on there... I suspect that it was a control thing. I think that my ability to calm her mother down was threatening to her, somehow, and so she reacted by completely losing all of the last shreds of decent behavior that she had.

            It was really horrible. It's a good thing I have a terrible memory for faces -- if I were to see that awful woman on the street and remember that it was her, I'd want to smack her.


            • #7
              What an evil person! I thought bad people like that only existed in Disney movies.

              Are you sure you're not making this up? Actually, I wish you were making it up. People like that don't deserve the air they breathe.

              At least the old lady got some time in with you and you were pleasant and nice to her. I suspect you haven't seen the last of these two.


              • #8
                I'll tell you one thing. That woman is not long for this world if that's the type of environment she has to deal with.

                I'm not talking about suicide or murder or anything like that. I'm talking to the woman losing her will to live and her body will start to collapse to match it.

                I've seen it before. My step-Great Grandmother was 92 when she moved in with her daughter. She was alive, happy, active, and had all of her marbles. Took her a few minutes sometimes to dredge the information up that she was looking for, but she always found it.

                Her daughter killed her in 12 months.

                Her daughter would nag her to get up and do something to keep her engaged, then would nag her to go back to her room since there was nothing for her to do. She would not let her talk to her grandchildren (or her two great grandchildren) since she was "so tired" that "she didn't want her to be disturbed".

                Eventually and due to a lack of any purpose in life her mind turned into mush, dementia set in, and her body collapsed and a woman who her doctor said had about at least another 5-10 years in her when she moved in, was gone in one.

                On the flip side of this is my Grandmother-in-law. She stopped hiking the Applachain Train (Vermont-Maine) a few years ago at the age of 78 when she was bitten by a poisonous snake and realised that it takes too long to get off the mountain trails. (mild bite, but scarey nonetheless) She takes at least one vacation per month and goes out on cruises, wine tasting tours, you name it. Keep her active and she'll be around to see 100 with no problems.

                I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?


                • #9
                  That has got to be the saddest thing I've ever read.

                  Bless you for taking time to talk to that old woman. She'll remember it. Hopefully someday she can escape...
                  Saving the planet and everything on it is certainly a daunting task; but see, push has come to shove...Let's roll.

                  - Inga Muscio


                  • #10
                    Quoth Arachne View Post

                    Oh, and: Yay! Another knitter!
                    Yay! More knitwits!


                    • #11
                      Quoth Tria View Post
                      Yay! More knitwits!

                      *Raising hand*

                      Me three! I've knitted for years, and I just figured out how to crochet without the edges going all woogly.

                      Knitting can be wonderful therapy for depression, anxiety, and lots of other things. I hope that poor old lady was able to get some benefit from her hobby. Sadly, the daughter is not an uncommon type at all


                      • #12
                        Crocheter here. Pattern designer, too. My mom thinks I'm funny, I hate knitting, but I make chainmail (which is called knitting).

                        Crocheting is my sanity. Helped me survive an abusive husband, and was great therapy for my idle hands after he bit it.

                        I meet so few people of my generation or younger that know how to either knit or crochet, its great to know there's still some out there.
               do used tampons attract thieves? ---Sleepwalker

                        Chickens are Asexual!


                        • #13
                          I'm 31 and I taught myself to knit last summer My mom tried to teach me when I was a teenager, but I was hopeless at it. Then in 2001 when my son was a couple of years old, I took up cross-stitch... well, I guess watching the tension in cross-stitch helped me to be able to control it better while knitting, because when I picked up "Knitting for Dummies" last summer, I had no trouble at all I've made scarves for half my family so far, and I'm about to learn cabling woo!

                          I also bought Crocheting for Dummies, so hopefully I'll be able to do some of that as well
                          GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.


                          • #14
                            Quoth zzapp the witch View Post
                            I meet so few people of my generation or younger that know how to either knit or crochet, its great to know there's still some out there.
                            Woo. Stop by a higher end knit shop and hang out there for a while. There are a LOT of younger people knitting right now. I get a lot of school aged kids coming in, even, with their parents. The kids are the knitters.

                            I also crochet, although not as well as I knit.


                            • #15
                              Good for you for being nice to that lady. I am sure she will remember how kind you were to her. I hope she gets away from her awful daughter...

                              Quoth Arachne View Post
                              (I just started crocheting again, making 'Short and Sweet' from the Happy Hooker book. It's a lot more fun than I remembered.)
                              Forgive me...but The Happy Hooker?

                              :ducks and covers to avoid flying tomatoes:
                              I will not shove “it” up my backside. I do not know what “it” is, but in my many years on this earth I have figured out that that particular port hole is best reserved for emergency exit only. -GK

