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Employee Support Thread (Long)

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  • Employee Support Thread (Long)

    I am brand spankin new to this site, altough I have been reading it for a while now. Reading these posts usually make me more angry about how crazy some of these customers are. I believe I could write a book about it at this point.

    Anyways for my first post on this message board I will run the gamit on all of the things that infuriate me about working in retail. I currently work in a retail store for a major wireless phone provider.


    - I don't make the prices, I can't change the prices, I don't care what your opinion is about the prices and you shouldnt care what my opinion is about the prices...our opinions are irrelevant and will stay that way. The only way the prices are going to come down is if people stop buying it. If the price is too high for you then dont buy the product/service, it is really that simple.

    - The standard practice of cell phone companies is to offer discounts on a new cell phone for signing some time of service contract. No, you do not have to sign a will just pay the retail cost of the phone. The phone does not actually cost $29.99, it is more in the neighborhood of $299.99. You get a discount every 18 months or so, so take care of the damn thing and dont run over it with your car, because you wont be getting another discount. Don't act surprised by this, cell phone companies have been doing this for years.

    - Commerce is the exchange of money for products and services, dont spout off that you have been a customer for x amount of years or spend x amount of dollars with us as if it is a donation or something. Dont talk about customer loyalty as if you are our friend who is doing us a are obviously somewhat happy with our service/products to be a customer for so long.

    - A credit check is a very standard practice amongst companies offering a service that provides a monthly bill to be paid on time...also credit checks have always required a social security number. Again, do not act surprised by this, you were not born yesterday. A cell phone is not a utility either, it is a luxury.

    - A 30 day return policy is a very generous, and standard policy among most retailers. Dont get mad when I wont return your phone that it 3 months old. The policy is stated right on your reciept.

    - It is your responsibility to read the terms and conditions of your service agreement, I will not read it to you.


    - The reason your employees get yelled at all of the time is because it is widely believed that if you pitch a big enough fit, you will get whatever you want. Dont make your employees look like idiots by accuratly explaining the policy to the customer only to have you override it because a customer got really mad...that makes everyone's job harder.

    - I dont get paid enough for people to yell at me all day, that is your job. When a customer starts getting heated, i pause them and grab a manager...thats what you are there for, thats why you get paid more than me.

    - If a customer is cursing and being verbally abusive, defend your reps and the other customers in the store and ask them to leave. Don't be nice about it either. Customer service is not about being verbally abused by idiots.


    - Your thoughts and opinions on how I do my job are meaningless to me. You do not deal with what I have to deal with. When you make a decision, I am the messenger that has to deliever that info to the customer and I am the one that gets the reaction.

    - I am here to make money for myself...not for you. Me making money for me equals you making money so it all comes out of the wash. If you create a policy that does not make me money I will ignore it. I do not care about the growth of the company or how well we did this quarter, I only care about how much money is on MY paycheck.

    - Your little suggestions on how to make the store better are laughable considering you never set foot in our store. These suggestions are also ignored.

    - Telling me "what customers want" is funny considering the last time you spoke with a customer was in 1992.


    That felt good.

  • #2
    I, too, work for a major wireless retailer. And I feel your pain with the SCs. The ones that spout off about how they've been a loyal customer for so long irritate me. I don't care. They were not the pioneering customer that has kept our company afloat all these they seem to think. I had one just today like that. Came in and first thing said "I've been a very loyal customer for (however many) years...and I got a new wasn't a good deal...but It had a mail in rebate..but I've lost the UPC code I needed for it. Could you get me one..since I've been such a loyal customer for so long and have never asked for anything??" It's not that simple. You need the exact upc for the rebate....moron. is getting a $350 phone for $100 NOT a good deal??

    I do have to say, though, our management is great. If the customer doesn't like our policies..and starts ranting and raving and jumping up and down stiff legged and red faced...we LOVE it when they ask for our manager. "Sure thing" And she comes out and tells them exactly what they've been told by us. If they continue to scream and rant...she throws them out. It's great. I snicker to myself when someone says "Get me your manager!!" Okey dokey. She feels the same way we do...if you come in and ask nicely...behave and are generally courteous..we'll do what we can to help you. IF, however, you come in and pitch a're done. Not a chance. We've had a few that demand HER manager....who also will tell them no. Gotta love it when the SC's lose.
    Oh, "Blah blah blah 'Your Needs'!"


    • #3
      Quoth 6037 View Post
      A cell phone is not a utility either, it is a luxury.

      Quoth 6037 View Post
      - The reason your employees get yelled at all of the time is because it is widely believed that if you pitch a big enough fit, you will get whatever you want. Dont make your employees look like idiots by accuratly explaining the policy to the customer only to have you override it because a customer got really mad...that makes everyone's job harder.

      Quoth 6037 View Post
      I do not care about the growth of the company or how well we did this quarter, I only care about how much money is on MY paycheck.

      - Your little suggestions on how to make the store better are laughable considering you never set foot in our store. These suggestions are also ignored.

      - Telling me "what customers want" is funny considering the last time you spoke with a customer was in 1992.


      • #4
        Quoth 6037 View Post
        I do not care about the growth of the company or how well we did this quarter, I only care about how much money is on MY paycheck.
        Despite all my complaints about sucky customers, its really this issue that I found most aggravating about working in retail.
        If corporate wants me to care, they will have to pay me to do so. If at any point while I am employed with you I am able to walk across the street and get another job on the spot for the exact same pay, you lose. And if you pay minimum wage, you have made it impossible for my financial situation to get worse by leaving for another job. This isn't a situation that breeds loyalty or genuine interest in the company.

        If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


        • #5
          Quoth 6037 View Post
          - Telling me "what customers want" is funny considering the last time you spoke with a customer was in 1992.
          And was just to say "Hi".
          Unseen but seeing
          oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
          There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
          3rd shift needs love, too
          RIP, mo bhrionglóid


          • #6
            - The reason your employees get yelled at all of the time is because it is widely believed that if you pitch a big enough fit, you will get whatever you want. Dont make your employees look like idiots by accuratly explaining the policy to the customer only to have you override it because a customer got really mad...that makes everyone's job harder.
            Again, with the AMEN! This ticks me off so much. Why management likes to make their employees look like idiots, I don't know, but it doesn't make our jobs any easier. And even if you do state that this is just a one time thing, the SC will assume that next time all they need to do is pitch a fit and they'll get their way, again. This is why I like when managers have to advance through the ranks, so they know how it feels to be the CSR, though this rarely seems to be the case.
            "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

            “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford


            • #7
              Quoth Boozy View Post
              Despite all my complaints about sucky customers, its really this issue that I found most aggravating about working in retail.
              If corporate wants me to care, they will have to pay me to do so.
              I agree. What the corporate types just don't understand is that for most retail employees, retail is not a 'career' per se. It's a paycheck, a job. When I worked retail, I really didn't care a lick as far as the overall well being of the corporation was concerned. The bottom line was what counted to me. And that bottom line was money in my pocket.
              Now, I have a career. As such, my career is tied to the well being of the corporation I work for. If the corporation does well, this means good things for me. I want the company to do well, it is in my best interest.
              I think that once the big wigs stop assuming that everyone who works the trenches for them are not exactly looking to make a career and retire as a retail slave, things could begin to get better.


              • #8
                Quoth 6037 View Post
                I do not care about the growth of the company or how well we did this quarter, I only care about how much money is on MY paycheck.
                The managers at the Corporate Restaurant I worked at were so stupid in that regard. They would go on and on about how certain things needed to improve, or THEY weren't getting THEIR bonuses. I get that they want to make their bonuses, and I don't even begrudge them that. But they MIGHT want to consider maybe offering us something that would make US care. Their bonuses? Weren't it.

                "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                Still A Customer."

