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Day After

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  • Day After

    Ok so this was the day after Christmas and I had to work. Mind you I am having a bad day, because my uncle had passed Christmas eve.

    CS: Asshat
    HC: head cashier

    I was in the returns when SC came in the store, he was returning some molding.

    Me: Can I see your receipt please?
    CS: I don't haveit
    Me: All right, how did you pay for it?
    CS: This card(tosses card on counter)
    Me: *fiddles with computer, says he didn't use the card, I triple-check to make sure it's not a glitch (tends to happen) It's not on this card, is there any other way you could have paid for this?
    CS: NO! I used that card! I have used it everytime I've been in here for weeks.
    Me: Well I checked the system and it's not on this card. I checked.
    CS: I used this card!
    CS: *same bs*
    Me: Well if I can see your license I can give you a store merchandise
    CS: *tosses down license
    after I run through his info he says this shit!
    CS: Did someone zap away your holiday spirit because I think you treated me very rudely.
    Me: Well over the holidays I had a relative pass away--(I think I did nothing wrong)
    CS: Well that's not my fault. If you had relatives die you shouldn't be working. Now I'm going to have to report you to management.
    Me: Good luck with that. (I had to ask to use the restroom because I thought I was gonna have a breakdown, I just started bawling!!)
    Same guy comes back with more returns
    CS: Could you just get someone else over here?
    Me: Well my shift is over, so why not, calls HC---
    "Hey my shift's over and the customer doesn't want to deal with me.."
    HC: What? Why?
    HC: *comes over after calling someone to relieve me* How may I help you?
    CS: I need to return this * has many receipts
    HC: Oh, sir I can return them all for you at once
    CS: *shove
    HC: what was up with that?
    ME: that's the guy who reported me
    HC: He was a jerk

    And then the FOOOOL!
    SC: dumb lady
    MOD: manager on duty

    SC: I need to return these. My dad died and I cleaned out his trailer. Blah blah blah.
    Me: *normally I'd feel bad but tow things here: 1) how'd you know they are from here if your "dad bought" them and they're in a different store bag; 2) she came in last week with the same story except it was her dead dad's attic* So you don't have the receipt?
    SC: No, my dad died
    Me: May I see you license please?
    SC: Ok
    Me: *types in info, even though it's pointless; computer denies her since she's done this repeatedly like last time* I'm sorry ma'am but because you can't produce a receipt I can't return the product
    SC: Well then what am I supposed to do?
    Me: Would you like me to call over a MOD?
    SC: Could they override it?
    Me: I'm not sure, but I can check on that. *I know they can't I just want MOD to see her* * calls MOD*
    MOD: What seems to be the problem here
    Me:*explains the situation with SC talking over me*
    MOD: I'm sorry ma'am but the system isn't letting us return the item because you've returned without a receipt to much
    SC: can't you override it
    MOD: The system won't allow it. blah blah blah
    SC: Well can I have some one else return it for me?
    MOD: No. The person who bought it is the only one who's allowed to return it
    *customer leaves; I told MOD that she came before he knew*
    *customer comes back with friend and same product*
    SC2: Can I return this for her?
    Me: No, my MOD already explained to her that no one can return it for her
    SC1&@: *storm out*

  • #2
    Incredible. Don't you wish you had a silence machine?
    Customers should always be served . . . to the nearest great white.


    • #3
      And then the SC would have exploded like on Fairly Oddparents!
      My Guide to Oblivion

      "I resent the implication that I've gone mad, Sprocket."


      • #4
        I wish there was a way to get even, like, "I'm going to have to report you to management." - "Good, let me report you for shoplifting (or w/e) to the cops", just to see their faces...


        • #5
          Sorry about your uncle. That sucks.

          The customer was incredibly rude as well as stupid. If it had been his relative who passed away, you bet your butt he would have demanded special treatment.

          I'd bet money that either he never bought that stuff at all, or he used another card & is just too stupid to keep track. I get people like that on the phone, insisting they only have one phone number (which doesn't work when I try to use it to get their account up). When I finally find their account, it's under a totally different phone number. What do they say? "oh, yeah, I guess I used my cell/my mom's number/my business phone/some random number I found on the restroom wall" (well, not that last one but you get the idea).
          When you start at zero, everything's progress.


          • #6
            My condolences on your uncle's passing, and doubly sorry you had to deal with such sorry pieces of work.
            They say that God only gives us what we can handle. Apparently, God thinks I'm a bad ass.


            • #7
              Quoth MoonCat View Post
              or he used another card & is just too stupid to keep track.
              I had a co-worker that would buy something on her new 0% interest card and try to return it for credit on her maxxed out 63467976432% interest card so she didn't have to make a payment.....never worked....
              Honestly.... the image of that in my head made me go "AWESOME!"..... and then I remembered I am terribly strange.-Red dazes


              • #8
                Quoth BlaqueKatt View Post
                I had a co-worker that would buy something on her new 0% interest card and try to return it for credit on her maxxed out 63467976432% interest card so she didn't have to make a payment.....never worked....
                Why didn't she just do a balance transfer then?


                • #9
                  CS: Did someone zap away your holiday spirit because I think you treated me very rudely.
                  hmm, let's review: you tossed a card down TWICE, rather than hand it to the op. first and second strikes. you argued over what card the purchase was on and was wrong, even though you insisted that it was the right card. strike three.

                  it would seem he's all out of strikes, right? not this guy; he goes up for the next inning and strikes out one, two, three with the above statement.

                  he was inconsiderate from the get go and you're rude; projection action much?

                  sorry about your uncle's passing.
                  look! it's ghengis khan!
                  Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


                  • #10
                    Quoth BlaqueKatt View Post
                    I had a co-worker that would buy something on her new 0% interest card and try to return it for credit on her maxxed out 63467976432% interest card so she didn't have to make a payment.....never worked....
                    Of course it didn't work. IIRC refunds on credit card purchases have to be credited back to the card the purchase was made with. That's why it never works to return a card-funded purchase and demand cash back.

                    Though you'll probably set me straight if I'm wrong.
                    Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                    "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily

