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sexism at it's greatest

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  • #31
    Sometimes sexism is good...

    My parents were out partying and decided that he would do the driving and she could drink. During the night he hurt his back so he could not drive, had to lay down in the back seat, and she had to drive home. She didn't drink that much, but the odor of alcohol in her breathing was notable.

    Of course they got stopped by the police. He loked inside the car, looked at my father, turned over to speak to my mother and said :

    "Poor you, having a drunkard as a husband!"

    and let them drive away....


    • #32
      The Long Kiss Goodnight was on TV the other night, I couldn't remember if I had watched it before, and realised part way through that I had, and really liked the film.
      It was on terrestrial TV and kept all the good stuff in it

      Was well worth staying up past my bed time to watch again


      • #33
        Quoth FArchivist View Post
        And further, in non-Fratching style, in the case of divorces and lawsuits over secret vasectomies.
        This actually happened to a friend of mine. She wanted to have a baby, and they weren't having any luck. She even went to a fertility doctor, who found nothing wrong with her, but put her on fertility drugs anyway. Still no luck. Eventually, she found out that her husband had secretly had a vasectomy, and all that time he kept saying, "That's ok, Dear. Let's keep trying to have a baby." She got EVERYTHING in the divorce.

        Quoth Jester View Post
        Personally, I think that the doctors who perform vasectomies should offer money-back guarantees if this happens!
        That would be great. I have another friend who just got a vasectomy. He went for his follow-up appointment a month or so later and found out it didn't take.

        On the original subject of sexist bastards, I had a customer come into the bank yesterday and call me "Sweet Pea." He's an EW who expects preferential treatment because he's a business owner with a lot of money on deposit. In the past, I've let "Darling" and "Sweetheart" slide by because it seemed to be a one-time thing. But yesterday, this conversation ensued:

        SC: Good morning, Sweet Pea.
        Me: Don't call me that.
        SC: Why not?
        Me: It's disrespectful.
        SC: No, it's not.
        Me: I don't want to be called that, so it's disrespectful.
        SC: You must have had problems with someone before that called you Sweet Pea.
        Me: No, I just don't want to be called that.

        After he left, I went and told my boss about it, and she told me that the day before, he had called her a "sexy mama." She told him, in no uncertain terms, that what he said was inappropriate, and he was not to call her that. Ever. What a jerk.
        "I look at the stars. It's a clear night and the Milky Way seems so near. That's where I'll be going soon. "We are all star stuff." I suddenly remember Delenn's line from Joe's script. Not a bad prospect. I am not afraid. In the meantime, let me close my eyes and sense the beauty around me. And take that breath under the dark sky full of stars. Breathe in. Breathe out. That's all."
        -Mira Furlan

