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Sucky Trash Lady (Long)

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  • Sucky Trash Lady (Long)

    Okay, so being as I work in the solid waste department, I get a lot of sucky customers calling up about their trash. Sometimes they're in the wrong, and sometimes we are. Well, this time, we were in the wrong, but not for long...

    Sucky customer calls us to complain that she's a new resident and we haven't picked up her trash for the two weeks she's lived here. Noted and appreciated - sometimes it takes a couple of weeks for service to roll over for new residents.

    I am asking her questions, to get all the information before I pass her on to a supervisor. We always have to get as much info as we can before passing the message along, so the supervisor isn't caught unawares by anything odd about the problem.

    I asked her if it was just trash that was being skipped, or recycling as well. She started to get really irate here and told me it was just "damn trash." She said, "I haven't received any information on recycling or I might actually do it." I asked her if she'd picked up her welcome packet yet, that had trash, recycle, and yard waste bags in it. She started to get madder. She said no, she had her trash out in WHITE bags (which is allowed, we provide black ones for the customer's convenience) on the curb. She was still halfway pleasant, but a little short - I understand this as her trash had been out for two weeks with no pickup. I suggested to her that they may have missed the bags because they were white and we've had about 2 feet of snow over the past few weeks.

    And all hell broke lose.

    This lady started swearing, yelling, screaming that she shouldn't have to go pick up any bags, that all she wanted was to speak with a supervisor because we were too incompetent to get her trash, yada yada yada. I tried to calm her down and told her I would be happy to connect her with a supervisor, I just was required to get all the information before I passed her along.

    She told me that I had all the "damn information" I needed, I had her address and the fact she'd been skipped, and that's all I needed from her. Her parting words were, "If you can't get your incompetent asses here to pick up my trash, I'm taking this problem to the mayor and I am going to get you and your idiotic supervisors fired." Then she hung up.

    I have not been so glad to be hung up on in my life, considering it was about 30 seconds before my lunch break and I got to leave.


    "You can make your own opinions, but not your own facts."
    You can have your own opinions, but you can't have your own facts.

    "I hope you get hit by a bus and beaten by hockey-stick-wieldling pygmies." - IMA

  • #2
    Sounds like she decided to deliver her trash to you over the phone.

    Good luck with that one; I get the feeling she'll end up one of those ladies that rushes out after you with a newspaper like they used to do in Paperboy.
    Saving the planet and everything on it is certainly a daunting task; but see, push has come to shove...Let's roll.

    - Inga Muscio


    • #3
      "You've missed me, am I too late?"
      "No, jump up on the cart!"
      Now the trouble about trying to make yourself stupider than you really are is that you very often succeed.


      • #4
        Quoth PW_Elle View Post
        And all hell broke lose.

        This lady started swearing, yelling, screaming that she shouldn't have to go pick up any bags, that all she wanted was to speak with a supervisor because we were too incompetent to get her trash, yada yada yada.
        Uh, are were sure the trash is *in* the bag...instead of holding it? Being the smartass I am, it would have been extremely difficult not to say that to her
        Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari

