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The Circular Conversation of Doom

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  • The Circular Conversation of Doom

    If you listen really closely, you can here the circus music.

    Me: Thank you for calling Betweenshades's Place of Employment, Hair Care and Tire Center, this is Betweenshades, how may I help you?

    Customer: Hi, I need to set up a service call for you guys to pick up my TV this afternoon.

    Me: All of our times are already booked today, plus it's raining and we generally prefer not to pick up TVs in the rain. Would tomorrow be okay?

    C: But, I need someone today! It's broken!

    Me: I understand that and I'm sorry we can't go out there today, but even it it weren't raining, all of our appointments are already filled for today. Monday is our busiest day, you see. If Tuesday isn't a good day, we can send someone else out on a different day.

    C: You can't come out today to pick up my TV???

    Me: No- it's raining and there's no one we can send. You're welcome to bring us your TV if you really need it out of your home today. It would actually be cheaper for you; the diag cost is less and it goes towards the repair cost when you go that route.

    C: I can't do that- it's raining!

    Me: *headdesk* Yes, it is.

    C: Can you come tomorrow?

    Me: Sure- let me put our scheduler on the phone to set you up.

    I will be SO glad when my boss and his wife come back from medical leave. I hate answering the phones.
    "You are beginning to damage my calm."

  • #2
    Aww come on, give the guy credit. You only had to tell him it was raining 3 times and he picked it up! That may be a personal best for him.


    • #3
      Gotta love it. It's not convenient for him to try and lug a (presumably) heavy TV out of his house and to the store, but darn it why aren't the repair guys available on his schedule to do it for him?
      Sorry, my cow died so I don't need your bull


      • #4
        You missed the point. See for regular humanoids it's a hassle to lug a TV in the rain. For you TV folks, it's not only your joy, it's your job. /sarcasm
        A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


        • #5
          Quoth bainsidhe View Post
          You missed the point. See for regular humanoids it's a hassle to lug a TV in the rain. For you TV folks, it's not only your joy, it's your job. /sarcasm
          Not only that, but if the TV gets damaged by the rain, it's the repair shop's fault.
          "I don't have to be petty. The Universe does that for me."


          • #6
            Quoth Ironclad Alibi View Post
            Not only that, but if the TV gets damaged by the rain, it's the repair shop's fault.
            "You are beginning to damage my calm."

