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  • #16
    Quoth Mr Hero View Post
    I had a dork moment when I read this sentence out of context and thought it was referring to Professor Layton.
    You too? =P


    • #17
      Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
      Hot Tips

      SC: “Did you know Jesus Christ does exist and there’s a way to get a hold of him?”

      Look, he may be your savior, but I can assure you the guy that shows up under Broadway station on Friday nights and slips you pot isn’t Jesus.

      SC: “Start making burnt offers, like write a prayer on a 5 dollar bill.”

      That seems rather obtuse, and expensive. Couldn’t you just get his cell number or something? I mean, he’s Jesus, dude’s gotta have a Blackberry at least. Bet he has a ton of followers on Twitter.
      Ah ha! So Jesus is a sales rep from the Bank of the Dead?

      )Source :
      I am so SO glad I was not present for this. There would have been an unpleasant duct tape incident. - Joi


      • #18
        Me: “And what colour would you like?”
        SC: “Green ca….car…..caro?…....can...”
        Me: “Camo?”
        SC: “Yeah!”
        *Me: "Pink Camo?"*

        Ok, maybe as C F-.
        edited to fit within normal ordering parameters for camo.
        look! it's ghengis khan!
        Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


        • #19
          Quoth zombiequeen View Post
          So...did you ever figure out how they were going to pay?
          Inquiring minds want to know!
          No. They never called back. So no pants for them.

          Quoth Duelist925
          Can I steal? For ze siggy?
          That is my secondary purpose here, signature generation. -.-

          Quoth Tama
          Gravekeeper, you should start a blog, and post things like this...Google would end up paying you a fortune. I know tons of people would read the blog, and that would mean...well...
          I *have* a website, I'm just too tired and lazy to finish putting it together. <cough>

          Quoth Panacea
          Oh my God. I've dealt with this one too. I give my exams online. The online classroom, Moodle, tends to crash during online testing when using Internet Explorer. So I always have the students use Firefox. It's unbelievable the blank looks I get when I tell them to open Firefox . . . they think the Internet IS Explorer.
          Frankly I'm just glad she hung up and I didn't have to sink any lower trying to find tha faintest shard of understanding.

          Quoth Mr Hero
          I had a dork moment when I read this sentence out of context and thought it was referring to Professor Layton.
          No, that's fabulous hat territory, not fabulous moustache territory.

          Quoth Mr Hero
          Suddenly the existance of Customers Suck makes more sense. Why else would he set up another forum where we tell him about all our SC's?
          If that's the case, he needs to work faster. They're still calling. >.>


          • #20
            Quoth Taboo View Post
            It exists!

            Except apparently there is only one serial killer on WoW, which seems like a severe underestimate to me.
            I was seriously about to post a link to them too, LOL. I admit though, I'm totally a serial killer on WoW.....of gnomes.

            ...tiny little targets that I love to set on fire!
            By popular request....I am now officially the Enemy of Normalcy.

            "What is unobtainium? To Seraph, it's a normal client. :P" -- Observant Friend


            • #21
              Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
              SC: “I’m looking for a trailer park.”
              Drive in any direction for about 30 minutes. I'm sure there's at least one.
              Unseen but seeing
              oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
              There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
              3rd shift needs love, too
              RIP, mo bhrionglóid


              • #22

                Got to love those political callers. Being in the U.S. now, I don't see much of Jack Layton's mustache these days, but that comment was still hilarious.
                "If we refund your money, give you a free replacement and shoot the manager, then will you be happy?" - sign seen in a restaurant


                • #23
                  Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                  That is my secondary purpose here, signature generation. -.-
                  Um...I dunoo wether to thank you or apologise now. ._.

                  It's a strange world. Let's keep it that way.-Elijah Snow


                  • #24
                    Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                    I mean, he’s Jesus, dude’s gotta have a Blackberry at least. Bet he has a ton of followers on Twitter.
                    Actually, Jesus has 259,553 followers on Twitter.

                    Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                    Me: “Good evening, thank you for calling <company> tech support.”
                    SC: “Is this the Mexican consulate?”

                    …No. That’s…an amazingly far cry from tech support.
                    You are correct. But if he had actually been looking for the CZECH Consulate, I could see it. Czech Consulate. Tech support. If you're not really paying attention--and let's face it, you're callers clearly don't--oh hell yes.

                    Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                    Ask him if he has Jesus’s email address.
                    That would be

                    Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                    ... try to puff yourself up to make yourself look larger. Bellow as loud as you can as well, to challenge other males and let nearby females know you are readily available. If any other male objects or even dares look in your direction then run up to them and yell at them while waving your hands in the air to make yourself bigger. If this fails, head butt them until they either back off or you knock yourself unconscious

                    After you have cleared the room of other males, it is time for courtship. Offer to groom her or try to find a shiny object you can present as a gift.

                    One of two things will happen here, either complete and utter silence, or again, she may attack. At which point you will have to flee or face a painful demise. However, if you do get utter silence, you must act quickly.

                    At this point you must attempt a courtship dance. So just throw out anything you can think of. Flay wildly if you have too. You will need some sort of musical accompaniment though. So if you can beat box anything, now is the time.
                    This actually sounds like a lot of behavior I saw at some of the bars and clubs I patronized in college. Especially on nights when the fraternities were out in full force.

                    Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                    “Look, see?! I’m not stalking you! Here I’ll even walk in front of you instead of behind you, so it’s totally not like a stalker.”
                    This quote actually very neatly and accurately sums up the basic stalker logic.

                    Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                    I demand an explanation for why I’m a dork because you made a mistake. A dork is defined in the dictionary as “A stupid, foolish or inept person”.
                    Actually, the word "dork" has two definitions. The first you listed accurately. The second is as another word for "penis."

                    Either way, you are correct when you say that this shows that the caller is, in fact, the dork in this equation.

                    And with that, I am off to the desert (aka Phoenix, aka HOME) for a much-needed vacation. And if I don't kill either or both of my sisters--a very dicey proposition, seeing as before I or the older one have even gotten a plane, both of them are already driving me fucking insane--I shall see y'all again in about a week. Assuming I don't check in during my stay out there. But with all the running around I'll be doing, that is rather questionable.

                    "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                    Still A Customer."

