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The story of Screaming Madwoman

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  • The story of Screaming Madwoman

    This happened back in the bad old days at the garden centre. I was thinking of this today, and am posting it partly cuz of this, also cuz Jester egged me on to. XD

    Basically, Screaming Madwoman was nicknamed thus cuz she'd come in with a product she'd bought elsewhere and try to get a refund at the store. Cuz of the boss's stinginess, she'd never succeed and would retaliate by screaming loudly like a toddler throwing a temper tantrum, hense her nickname of Screaming Madwoman.

    Screaming Madwoman came in about 3 times that I knew of; she never got her refund cuz I didn't want to get the sack, and sadly, neither did the Idiot Manager. The first 2 times were mundane, the 3rd (and last) time is more interesting.

    Basically, Screaming Madwoman came up to my till with this rake and demanded a refund. No, it didn't matter to her that I was in Pets; she came up to any till that was free, and sadly, it was mine that day. Inwardly sighing, I called the IM over on the walkie talkie and waited for the storm to burst.

    The IM arrived, and told Screaming Madwoman that she couldn't have a refund without a receipt, cuz it was against store policy. She started screeching at the top of her voice; occasionally, words came thru, "This isn't fair! I bought this rake here and I want a refund!" The IM continued to refuse her. Thing is, he had this irritating patronising voice which I think was his normal voice, as he used it with everyone, customers and staff. This unfortunately provoked Screaming Madwoman into taking a swing at his head.

    Sadly, she missed. I would have loved to witness the IM getting a smack on the side of the head, but it was not to be. Screaming Madwoman was then banned from the store and never seen again.
    People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
    My DeviantArt.

  • #2
    Quoth Lace Neil Singer View Post
    I was thinking of this today, and am posting it partly cuz of this, also cuz Jester egged me on to.
    Hey! Why am I getting blamed? I'm innocent, I tell you. Innocent! Innocent!

    "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
    Still A Customer."


    • #3
      I absolve you of all blame. In a purely non priestly way, that is.
      People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
      My DeviantArt.


      • #4
        What was wrong with the rake? Did she have a reason for returning it? Was it defective? Missing a spoke perhaps? Or maybe, by some twist of fate, the leaves and grass clippings on her lawn magically raked themselves, making the purchase of said rake a moot point.

        Who the hell returns a rake?


        • #5
          its interesting to see how far people would go to get a refund.
          its even more interesting to see how far people would go to demand a refund and couldnt get one.
          its absurd to see people going return a 20 cents item after driving or walking or taking a bus for 10 to 15 minutes.


          • #6
            Ah, irrational customers. Where would we be without them?
            Unseen but seeing
            oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
            There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
            3rd shift needs love, too
            RIP, mo bhrionglóid


            • #7
              Quoth BeckySunshine View Post
              Ah, irrational customers. Where would we be without them?
              At peace with oneself. Not to mention not smoking/drinking/hanging out online on a message board that discusses SC's.

              However, since we don't live in the town of Perfect, we're all in this madness together.
              Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


              • #8
                We had a customer like that, only it was a screaming madman with crutches. A cashier either didn't deactivate his movie, or her deactivator wasn't working, but either way, he caused the security devise at the door to go off. Well, instead of showing his slip like a normal person, he stormed over to customer service, flailing his crutches and screaming that Wal-Mart was calling him a liar and a thief. He came very close to hitting the woman at customer service in the head with his crutch. The woman, who is a kick ass British lady who takes no shit from anyone, told him that she would not help him because of the fact that he could have killed her, and made a CSM take care of him.


                • #9
                  Quoth Lace Neil Singer View Post
                  ...Screaming Madwoman was then banned from the store and never seen again.
                  I swear, at my store they would have given her a refund and a gift card to boot. They'll take back anything...even with other store's stickers still on them. The only thing that gets you banned at my store is theft and even that isn't always the case.

                  The return policy is posted in plain site but it's NEVER followed. Drives me nuts because the desk clerks don't have the guts to say no to an SC and would call me up there to do it. I'd tell them no receipt - no refund. The SC would then get beligerant so I'd repeat myself and point to the sign stating said policy.

                  That's when the SC starts their little tantrum and demands to talk to a manager. The manager, no matter who is it, always gives in to them. So now I refuse to go up there and just tell them to call a manager.
                  Retail Haiku:
                  Depression sets in.
                  The hellhole is calling me ~
                  I don't want to go.


                  • #10
                    starter shim return

                    Speaking about ridiculous returns made me think of this incident which happened a couple of years back. One of our drivers Eric, had been working at our store off and on for a couple of years and knew our invoicing program pretty well, so he would every once in a while jump up on counter when we were really busy just to get some walk ins out of the way.

                    E= Eric

                    CG= Cheap Guy

                    E- How may I help you sir?

                    CG- I need a starter shim for a small block chevy (basically a thin piece of metal)

                    E- Okay let me take a look (goes to the back, grabs one)

                    E- Here you are sir that'll be 23 cents.

                    CG- I have an account you know, the number is blah blah blah

                    E- (Laughs, then quickly realizes the customer is serious and stifles it.)

                    E- Okay sir that'll be 20 cents with tax your price.

                    CG- Thats more like it (pays and leaves)

                    So the kicker is the guy comes back a couple days later and returns it! And he wasn't even buying anything else, thats one for the ages.

