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  • #31
    Quoth AFpheonix View Post
    When I lived in suburbia, I used to ride around the neighborhood. It was dangerous sometimes because dogs would come out to chase, and sometimes nasty little boys would throw rocks at me.
    Quoth DesignFox View Post
    My barn is along a somewhat busy road. I like to ride out in this big grassy field, and the fence line runs along the road. ...It's still ok for just hacking out...except when these morons come tearing up the road, and honk their horn at you!!! WTF???? I'm riding a HORSE! a live animal, dammit! you mind not startling it???
    I have never owned a horse, don't know how to ride or groom one, but one thing I do know is, never startle an animal that is big enough to stomp you into mulch!! How the heck do people manage to survive being so brain-curdlingly stupid?!
    I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
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    • #32
      Quoth DesignFox View Post
      I hate when people do that crap! My barn is along a somewhat busy road. I like to ride out in this big grassy field, and the fence line runs along the road. There was a time, just two years ago, that we could even have our lessons out in the field, but now the traffic is just bad enough that you can't hear the instructor over the cars. It's still ok for just hacking out...except when these morons come tearing up the road, and honk their horn at you!!! WTF???? I'm riding a HORSE! a live animal, dammit! you mind not startling it??? Thankfully, our horses are USED to these dumbasses and don't react...but jeez. I know when someone comes up behind me and honks the horn- it startles ME. I don't care to think how loud that must be in my poor horse's ears...

      (it would be totally different if I were sitting along the fence line and waving at people...but these morons do this while I'm riding around minding my own business...and that's what annoys me, just to clarify)
      Pretty much. I don't have older horses to ride anymore, we breed em' and then I start and show them, so pretty much the oldest horse I ride regularly these days is only 6, and she'll be heading down the road once the cowboy she's being ridden by gets her straightened out enough to sell. She's doing well with him.
      Right now, I've got about 10 rides on one of the 2 year olds, and I'm starting to saddle the second one, and one of these days I'll get around to start longelining the yearling colts. They're learning about tying up and clippers at the moment

