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SC's moving in winter. (long ranting)

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  • SC's moving in winter. (long ranting)

    So it's been a long while since I last posted anything here, but with the wonderful snow filled winter making my job hell I figured I'd share with everyone.
    I work for a rental company, we rent moving trucks, trailers, storage, and sell boxes. Been here for about seven years mostly as a Customer Service Rep, until about eight months ago I am now the assistant manager, same job bigger headache. Normally our issues are over schedualing, deposits, not having reservations and etc. All a headache before having the tons of snow on top of it.
    Having to spend two hours digging out my own car just to come to work and dig out tons of trucks does not make me happy. Our yard does get plowed, but then I still have to get the trucks out of the snow drifts left from said plow. Also clear off windshields, unfreeze back doors, and just make sure they can pull foward.
    I'm ok doing all of that, especially when the person reserved ahead of time, I know when I need it out, so I'll plan accordingly. But whenever it snows about 50% of the people who you see outside with a snow blower just got it that damned day, and I had to dig out a truck last minute for them to get it.
    It baffles my mind, we know the snow is comming, we know we need a shovel/snowblower/plow, whatever, but SC's wait till after it snows to get it?
    And whats worse is the jackass' who don't want trucks but a trailer, to pick up said snow blower.
    All the snow infront of our trucks has to go somwhere, it's usually in front of the trailers, so right now most of them have a 6ft by 6ft cube of snow/ice in front of them, if not bigger. There is no way in hell I'm sacrificing my back to dig that thing out, If a customer wants it so bad they are willing dig it out, we'll let them, but even my manager marks the trailer as down when it snows, it's not worth it. And really I've been kinda just taking everything in stride until one phone call that just pissed me off.
    Weather permiting we're open from 7am to 7pm, that was not the case. We'd had a bad snow storm, it was the day after still slightly snowing, and we opened 6 hours late since we have to wait for the yard to be plowed before we can even pull in. This being the case we're not there to rent so much as dig equipment out before the next day as to resume normal bussiness. And with the snow still falling, I had no intention of staying much later past dark, which means closing early, cause my civic doesn't do so well on them icy roads with off season tires, so I was just waiting for approval to come from the main office. I wasn't surprised I got a phone call in one of my warm up sessions inside, but it wasn't one I was ready for.

    Me: Thanks for calling <company name>, how can I help you?
    SC: Yea I wanted to get a trailer, so I need to know when you close.
    Me: Well normally we would be open until 7pm, but with the weather and unsafe conditions we'll most likely be closing in the next hour or so, and unfortunately all of my trailers are unavailable because of the snow.
    SC: You can't do that I need a trailer tonight, and I cant get there until after 6:30!
    Me: Unfortunately sir I wont be able to get a trailer free of the snow on such short notice, but if you like I can take your name and number and if one becomes available in the area we can contact you but you may have to travel for the trailer as it will most likely be a few days at best before I can dig out the trailer at my location.
    SC: That's not fair! I need to you stay until 7 and dig out my trailer.
    Me: That's not possible sir, even if I were to start digging now I wouldn't be able to finish before 7pm anyway, as I stated it will most likely be a few days until we have that trailer available, and I will most assuredly be closing early due to the weather.
    SC: Don't worry, I'll call the main office and make sure you end up staying until 7!<click>

    You can imagine how happy I was a little after that to get the okay to leave and close 2 hours early, I hope the idiot showed up still trying to get a trailer

  • #2
    Hmm, sounds like one of my customers at the bodyshop who pitched a fit that we were going to be closed during one of the MD 3-foot blizzards last year!

    Some people have serious entitlement issues.
    "You are beginning to damage my calm."


    • #3
      Times like this, I glad I drive a Subaru, with chains, and live in the Seattle area.


      • #4
        Clearly this idiot has never tried driving a trailer on icy roads.

        Not something I'd like to try.
        They say that God only gives us what we can handle. Apparently, God thinks I'm a bad ass.


        • #5
          Quoth Panacea View Post
          Clearly this idiot has never tried driving a trailer on icy roads. Not something I'd like to try.
          It's something I'd pay money to see him try, though. From a safe distance, naturally.


          • #6
            I'll bring the popcorn
            They say that God only gives us what we can handle. Apparently, God thinks I'm a bad ass.


            • #7
              well i can't say i've never moved in the winter - cos the bf & i picked up the rental truck on christmas eve day... but we at least called ahead of time (like a month ahead) and got there before they opened.

              lack of planning on their part is not an emergency for you.

