A few stories from yesterday...
So I finished cleaning the shop and I went over to get the BK manager to do my deposit. As we are doing it with the lights dimmed.I see this guy at the door, then I realized fuck I forgot to lock the door. He looks at me then the door knob, then taps the door knob,then me, then the door knob, then taps the door knob, this crap goes on for a few mins. Finally he opens the door and ask if we are open. I tell him no, we close at three. Then he starts screaming asking if we have any pocorn left. I tell him no I have to throw it away. He then starts screaming again telling me that we should save for people like him that show up after closing.
The Bk manager finally is sick of this moron and tells him that is against policy to give away free food or save food. And he tells him that he needs to leave and shuts the door. The guy just stands there pissed off.
I walked over and lock the door and thank god I did cause about 5 mins later another guy shows up. He looks at us doing the deposit and then the door knob, he tries the door knob and when it doesnt open he scratches his head. Then again same thing looks at me, tries door knob and then scratches his head. This goes on at least 5-6 more times. This man could not figure it out.
Earlier in the day a woman is standing in the hallway looking confused as hell. So she comes in and ask where copies and more is. I tell her right next door, right where is was standing a few seconds ago. She walks out and down the hall up the fucking stairs.
The last story is about a man that has drove me crazy since I started. He comes in about 2-3 days a week. 2 of those 3 days he comes in, says nothing to me and sees if I have popcorn, sticks his nose in the air and walks out. The one time he does buy popcorn he is so rude I want to punch him. He walks in and screams popcorn, not a hi how are you or anything. And then he throws his money at me and grabs the popcorn and sticks his nose in the air and walks out.
I mean really what kind of man comes in to be rude to a girl that has to stand on a stool to see a register?A girl the size of a 5th grader?
So I finished cleaning the shop and I went over to get the BK manager to do my deposit. As we are doing it with the lights dimmed.I see this guy at the door, then I realized fuck I forgot to lock the door. He looks at me then the door knob, then taps the door knob,then me, then the door knob, then taps the door knob, this crap goes on for a few mins. Finally he opens the door and ask if we are open. I tell him no, we close at three. Then he starts screaming asking if we have any pocorn left. I tell him no I have to throw it away. He then starts screaming again telling me that we should save for people like him that show up after closing.

The Bk manager finally is sick of this moron and tells him that is against policy to give away free food or save food. And he tells him that he needs to leave and shuts the door. The guy just stands there pissed off.
I walked over and lock the door and thank god I did cause about 5 mins later another guy shows up. He looks at us doing the deposit and then the door knob, he tries the door knob and when it doesnt open he scratches his head. Then again same thing looks at me, tries door knob and then scratches his head. This goes on at least 5-6 more times. This man could not figure it out.
Earlier in the day a woman is standing in the hallway looking confused as hell. So she comes in and ask where copies and more is. I tell her right next door, right where is was standing a few seconds ago. She walks out and down the hall up the fucking stairs.

The last story is about a man that has drove me crazy since I started. He comes in about 2-3 days a week. 2 of those 3 days he comes in, says nothing to me and sees if I have popcorn, sticks his nose in the air and walks out. The one time he does buy popcorn he is so rude I want to punch him. He walks in and screams popcorn, not a hi how are you or anything. And then he throws his money at me and grabs the popcorn and sticks his nose in the air and walks out.
I mean really what kind of man comes in to be rude to a girl that has to stand on a stool to see a register?A girl the size of a 5th grader?