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A few from tonight

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  • A few from tonight

    Got blasted out of our goards tonight

    You had HOW LONG????

    one of my last deliveries tonight. Get to the customers house. HMMMM no light one AGAIN. I knock on the door. Sounds of children but no answer. knock again. lady answers the door.

    Me - I have ulsers by now
    BDL - brain dead lady

    BDL - Can you come inside????
    me - no I am sorry but I am not allowed to enter a customer house.
    BDL - OK.. UMMMMM How much is the order?
    me - $27.87
    BDL - OK wait here a moment <closes door>

    que sounds of running around, children still crying, lights going on and off. this goes on for 2 minutes (I timed it)

    BDL - <comes back to door and opens it> How much is the order????
    me - $27.87 <THINKING: same as the last time you asked>
    door closes again

    que more sounds of running back and forth, children crying, adults talking in very LOUD voices and lights going on and off for another 2 minutes (Yes I timed it again)

    door opens again
    BDL - OK here is $24 in bills and the rest in quarters
    me - <takes bills and coins AND COUNTS it in front of her> I have $26.25 here you are short $1.53
    BDL - <blink blink reboot> Oh OK
    door closes again

    ques more more of the same as described above (time about 1 minute

    door opens. BDL dumps another $1.55 in coins in my hand. she gets the order and I leave before I say something stupid.

    come one NOW you have had 45 MINUTES to search the couch, raid the kiddies piggy bank and the laundry money. HOW FRACKING hard is it to actually LISTEN to the order total given you on the phone????? # FRIGGIN TIMES you had to ask me for the order total??? WHY WHY WHY??????

    you just wasted 5 MINUTES of my time cause you can not get a SET amount of money together.

    Why I hate 10 year old

    last delivery of the night. get to the door and a 10 year old answers. I read off the order and give him the total $19.24. He grabs some money off a table, looks at it (it is $20 and at least one $1 bill). the little asshole looks at me, peels off TWO $1 bills and hands me the $20, stuffs the $1s in his pocket grabs the pizza and slams the door.

    Gee thanks you thieving little bastard. Karma or God WILL catch up to you sooner or later

    Another prime example of SC time

    I took this order but did not deliver it. the order is for the casino office near the edge of our delivery area.

    First of all the person ordering played 20 questions. they finally decide what they want. I give them the total and tell them delivery time is about 55 minutes (the order was placed about 11:15pm and delivery ETA is about 12:10am)

    another driver is dispatched on the order and gets to the location about midnight. as soon as the driver walks into the office the person who orders cops a VERY big attitude as in:


    he really did not let the driver get in a word. the driver basically told him that we have been runniing about an hour delivery time for the last 4 hours. the driver also pulled out the ticket and pointed out the order time and the estimated delivery time (which was 10 minutes in the future, but this had little meaning for the person.

    to the orderee GET A FRIGGIN acurate watch dumbass and LISTEN when given VITAL information such as the order total and ETA delivery time.
    Last edited by Racket_Man; 02-13-2011, 07:31 AM.
    I'm lost without a paddle and headed up SH*T creek.
    -- Life Sucks Then You Die.

    "I'll believe corp. are people when Texas executes one."

  • #2
    Wow, definitely a sucky night for you and the other delivery person. I hate how so many treat food delivers like garbage.


    • #3
      I always always have the money ready for when the delivery person arrives. Ive only ever been upset about delivery times twice and from the same place. One time they coded the order wrong, they charged for delivery but didnt mark it for a delivery. The other one was simply forgotten under a heat lamp. With the latter one I ended up cancelling the order. The lady I spoke to on the phone was very unhappy and upset that my order was forgotten for two hours and asked her manager if she could give me a discount, so I was not upset with her. However I heard the manager very snooty in the background say 'delivery times arent guaranteed'. I explained to the girl on the phone that if it wasnt for being able to hear the extremely snotty comment from her manager I would not have cancelled the order.

      The nice girl on the phone said she understood and would have cancelled as well. She said this very softly, Im assuming so her bitch of a manager didnt hear her say it. The other time the guy gave me 10.00 off without me asking and of course waived the delivery charge. Keep in mind this incidents were three years apart, however I hadnt ordered from that place in three years because of the bitchy manager. I never ordered from there again. My guess is that sort of service is why they closed.


      • #4
        I would have knocked on the door of the 10 year old and held my hand out for the tip he just stiffed me. What a little imp for doing that.


        • #5
          Quoth Aethian View Post
          I would have knocked on the door of the 10 year old and held my hand out for the tip he just stiffed me. What a little imp for doing that.

          ya know I really wish I could do that, but my company does not want me to piss off little prewious' parents by seeminly threaten the little scammers in training. who would believe that a prewious little honest child would steal from the big bad delivery guy.

          great morals and ethics teaching/training there

          Heck most of the time the parents use the child as a "human shield" for stiffing. Now who would complain about a innocent little child?????
          I'm lost without a paddle and headed up SH*T creek.
          -- Life Sucks Then You Die.

          "I'll believe corp. are people when Texas executes one."


          • #6
            I'm not many kids are future criminals, what better way to pave the road to a life of crime than to steal the pizza guy's tip?

            I'm not even sure what's worse, using the kid as a human shield, or when the kid is a downright little bastard and pockets your tip.
            You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


            • #7
              Quoth blas View Post
              I'm not many kids are future criminals, what better way to pave the road to a life of crime than to steal the pizza guy's tip?

              I'm not even sure what's worse, using the kid as a human shield, or when the kid is a downright little bastard and pockets your tip.
              the kids steal my tips because they KNOW they can get away with it. who are you gonna believe some sweet innocent honest (my ass they are) child, or the big ol bad pizza delivery driver????

              at least when the kid is used as a human shield, they do not realize it (that is of course unless Mummsy or Daddsy is known for spouting off puttin down tips in front of the kids). the kids are mostly innocent in this situation as Mommy or Daddy just hands the kid some bills and tells them to give it to the pizza guy and get the pizza. kid usually is none the wiser. it is when the little bastards peel off money and stick in their pocket that turns the situation around 180 degrees to to them becoming a little thieving shit.
              I'm lost without a paddle and headed up SH*T creek.
              -- Life Sucks Then You Die.

              "I'll believe corp. are people when Texas executes one."


              • #8
                Quoth Racket_Man View Post
                Gee thanks you thieving little bastard. Karma or God WILL catch up to you sooner or later.
                You know it. He'll grow up to be a waiter or delivery driver and get stiffed on tips left, right and center. And of course, he'll wonder why.
                I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
                My LiveJournal
                A page we can all agree with!


                • #9
                  That's one of the reasons I hated delivering to places with kids..Had many kids steal the tip myself.. The favorite routine of the kids around here was to go out onto the screen in porch and closed the door to the house, so their parents couldn't see them pocket the tip. (Typically the door was open when I got their, and when I left, the kid left it open after going back into the house)
                  Just sliding down the razor blade of life.

