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Two Stories and One Dream.

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  • Two Stories and One Dream.

    Had to work today during "Free Cookie Day" which actually wasn't so bad. A lot of people didn't even know it was Free Cookie day.

    Anyway, I have one tale of suck, one tale of stupid, and one dream about an SC.

    If cheese could be compaired to the Cold War, this would be it."

    This actually involved my co-worker, not me. keep in mind that my co-worker very rarely ever makes mistakes and she INSISTS this person said they wanted American cheese on their sandwich. I believe my co-worker full heartedly on this one. The person sounded stuck up and had kind of an attitude anyway. Here's what happened.

    it was extremely busy at this point so we were in assembly line formation. I was stationed on veggies and my co-worker was doing meats and cheeses. I just finished off one sandwich and there was another one in the toaster. The toaster goes off and I pull it out. Instantly the SC asks if that's the Spicy Italian.

    SC = Sucky Cunt Customer
    Me = *waves*
    CW = Co-worker.

    SC: Is that the Spicy?
    Me: *looks down* Yes.
    SC: I wanted cheddar cheese. :|
    Me: *notices that it's american on there and not cheddar. I look back at co-worker*
    CW: You said you wanted american.
    SC: No, I said CHEDDAR.
    CW: I heard you, you said american....
    SC: *repeat same shit about really wanting cheddar*
    CW: *stands there for a few seconds and under her breath say "I heard her say American" to me.*
    CW: So do you want a new sandwich?
    SC: Yes. *keep in mind it was very busy at this point so this whole ordeal held up the line*
    Me: *sighs and tosses the american cheese violated sandwich in the waste bin*

    When I did the veggies on the "new" sandwich, as my revenge I put only the "Subway Formula" for her veggies. That's essentially the bare minimum. She also ended up being really picky about the tomatoes she wanted. Stating "I only want the middle pieces.." OK, whatever.

    The Stupid is strong with this one.

    Not sucky, but so stupid that my brain to mouth filter didn't even have time to kick into emergency mode.

    A couple comes in, and the girl of this lot happened to be the guilty party.

    As I was doing her veggies, we happened to have a bin of extra lettuce off to the far top of our veggies side for when the lettuce right in front of us runs out. There's no difference whatsoever except one is way far out of the way, but obviously not "in use".

    Maybe it was just me, or I'm being too picky with the way other people think, but I found this to be one the the dumbest questions I have ever been asked while at work. (ok, maybe that was stretching it but it was still a pretty dumb thing to ask)

    SG = Stupid Girl
    Me = me again

    SG: What's the difference between this lettuce and that lettuce over there?
    Me: *brain goes into momentary cardiac arrest. I seriously didn't even have time to hide the "are you really that stupid?" out of my voice* Nothing. The only difference is that one's over there and the other is over here.


    Yeah, I probably could have taken the time to explain that that other lettuce was for when the one in front of us runs out but I think I was in too much shock of getting that question.

    Saving the best for last now....

    SCs even haunt me in my sleep!

    Yep. This one's another dream about work, but it was quite vivid and the stress I was feeling in this dream made it feel completely real while I was dreaming it. Before I start, I gotta say this: I HATE WORK DREAMS!!! Especially when I have to work the same day because it feels like I worked twice.

    In my dream I'm working a day shift and it's completely packed with customers. I'm also working with the same co-worker that was involved in the "Cheese Cold War" up above. I guess the store owner was also in the dream but he only played one part and that was it.

    I'm doing some customers and there's this grouchy old fart that's trying to shout his order (of some steak and cheese sandwiches) to me on the wrong side of the line, while I'm in the middle of some other customers. At first I'm ignoring him because I was really busy with other customers, plus he was on the wrong side anyway, but it was stressing me out.

    Then he does the same shit again, and this time the store owner has to tell him that the line starts on the other side. He goes to the other side and when I get to him, he tell me he wants two steak and cheese sandwiches.

    When we get to the cheese, I ask him what type of cheese he wants. He kept pointing to the pepperjack cheese, but saying he wanted "Hallibaster" cheese. (I don't even know if that's a real word but that's what he said in my dream) I was like "We only have american, cheddar, or pepperjack." He ends up doing the same thing again, pointing to the pepperjack but saying he wanted this Hallibaster stuff.

    My co-worker was next to me doing veggies and she gives me this "WTF is this shit, but I sympathize with you" look, and somehow I finally got the old dude to put pepperjack on his sandwiches.

    Then I ask him if he wants them toasted, and as he's right in the middle of shouting "OF COURSE I WANT THEM TOASTED!", I get a text message in real life from my BFF that snaps me awake out of the dream. It was more like "OF COURSE I WA------*Zelda secret unlocked text message jingle from my phone*" and BAM I wake up.

    I was extremely thankful I was woken up out of that horrible dream. Unfortunately I also had to start getting ready for work in real life, when the first two stories happened. But it ended up being an excellent day (for other reasons) aside from those stories.
    My Fur Affinity Page:
    My Weasyl Page:

  • #2
    That cheese situation happens to me all the time, but I'm never allowed to correct the customer. Even if he's wrong, I'm supposed to apologize and we waste the order. Old people do this allll the time. It's at the point that the dread starts when they walk in the door. Oh, and the work dreams? I wake up wondering "What was THAT??"
    "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably


    • #3
      I love free cookie day at the way of subs!
      I am no longer of capable of the emotion you humans call “compassion”. Though I can feign it in exchange for an hourly wage. (Gravekeeper)


      • #4
        I didn't know it was Free Cookie Day yesterday, either. I don't recall seeing any ads or promotions for it.

        But I did enjoy the cookie.

        I got curious about the "Hallibaster" cheese. So I googled it. Nope, not a type of cheeze.

        But the OP popped up as number 2 on the Google list
        They say that God only gives us what we can handle. Apparently, God thinks I'm a bad ass.


        • #5
          Back when I worked as a checker at the supermarket I used to have nightmares that customers were lined up beside my bed expecting me to ring up their stuff using my alarm clock as a cash register. God I hated that dream.


          • #6
            I couldn't work at one of those places. Throwing out perfectly good food would make me crazy. Well, crazier.
            When you start at zero, everything's progress.


            • #7
              Quoth Panacea View Post
              I didn't know it was Free Cookie Day yesterday, either. I don't recall seeing any ads or promotions for it.

              But I did enjoy the cookie.

              I got curious about the "Hallibaster" cheese. So I googled it. Nope, not a type of cheeze.

              But the OP popped up as number 2 on the Google list

              That's really funny because I Googled it as soon as I got home, too. That was before I made my post here. That's hilarious that this post is now the number 2 result for it.
              My Fur Affinity Page:
              My Weasyl Page:


              • #8
                You HAVE to throw away a sandwich with a cheese error? You can't put them in the break room?


                • #9
                  Quoth vloglady View Post
                  You HAVE to throw away a sandwich with a cheese error? You can't put them in the break room?
                  Yeah, according to the manager. We aren't even allowed to eat them or give them to a friend. (I wouldn't eat them but my co-workers would)

                  We don't exactly have a break room as we technically don't even get breaks. The back room is our only escape.
                  My Fur Affinity Page:
                  My Weasyl Page:


                  • #10
                    Quoth vloglady View Post
                    You HAVE to throw away a sandwich with a cheese error? You can't put them in the break room?
                    That !!BOOMPFF!! and the city-wide rain of sandwiches is why errata are not stuffed into the break room.
                    I am not an a**hole. I am a hemorrhoid. I irritate a**holes!
                    Procrastination: Forward planning to insure there is something to do tomorrow.
                    Derails threads faster than a pocket nuke.


                    • #11
                      Isn't that generally frowned upon?

                      Quoth TheTigress View Post

                      SCs even haunt me in my sleep!

                      I'm doing some customers and there's this grouchy old fart that's trying to shout his order (of some steak and cheese sandwiches) to me on the wrong side of the line, while I'm in the middle of some other customers. At first I'm ignoring him because I was really busy with other customers, plus he was on the wrong side anyway, but it was stressing me out.
                      And more to the point, why would you WANT to sleep with the customers?


                      • #12
                        Ergh I hate work dreams. I used to dream that it was closing time, and I couldn't get the customers out of the store and ended up there until the manager got there to open. In said dream, I'd lock the doors, but the customers would come in anyway. I always woke up freaked out.
                        "And though she be but little, she is FIERCE!"--Shakespeare


                        • #13
                          Quoth Stryker One View Post
                          And more to the point, why would you WANT to sleep with the customers?
                          Haha, I didn't even notice that until you pointed it out. We always say that at work as slang for "helping customers." I never even thought about it in the sexual form.

                          Quoth BrenDAnn View Post
                          Ergh I hate work dreams. I used to dream that it was closing time, and I couldn't get the customers out of the store and ended up there until the manager got there to open. In said dream, I'd lock the doors, but the customers would come in anyway. I always woke up freaked out.
                          I've had that exact same dream about locking the door and them swarming in anyway. I actually had a very similar version of the first dream you posted last night. Not cool.

                          Update on the Cheese bitch. Co-worker told me that apparently she had done this before and the manager says that if she ever comes in again and pulls that shit that she will be charged for the sandwich she wasted. Wow, my manager actually grew a spine somewhere down the line.
                          My Fur Affinity Page:
                          My Weasyl Page:


                          • #14
                            Quoth BrenDAnn View Post
                            Ergh I hate work dreams. I used to dream that it was closing time, and I couldn't get the customers out of the store and ended up there until the manager got there to open. In said dream, I'd lock the doors, but the customers would come in anyway. I always woke up freaked out.
                            I hate work dreams too. They always involve the customers and situations from Hell and leave you all stressed and upset and more tired than you were when you went to bed.
                            Quoth TheTigress View Post
                            Update on the Cheese bitch. Co-worker told me that apparently she had done this before and the manager says that if she ever comes in again and pulls that shit that she will be charged for the sandwich she wasted. Wow, my manager actually grew a spine somewhere down the line.
                            She's done it before? What's the point?! She's not getting the "mistake" sandwich as well as the "correct" sandwich, she's just wasting food!

                            People like this are the reason Subway has those nice glass windows through which you can watch your sandwich being made, so you can head mistakes off at the pass. That's the theory, anyway...we all know how well SCs pay attention.
                            I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
                            My LiveJournal
                            A page we can all agree with!

