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Express lane suck

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  • Express lane suck

    So I'm working the exrpress lane, 15 items or less. This was a couple nights ago. Anyways, this woman walks up with clearly more than 15 items...what to do?

    All i said was "Mam, do you have 15 or less?" I didn't say it snotty, i said it like a legitimate question, no tone whatsoever. I find if i present it as a question, it goes over much better. Usually, they are like "oops i didnt realize", sometimes they get pissed cuz they got "called" on it, sometimes they just don't give a damn and figure it's ok cuz i have no one in line (for the moment.... seriously 99% of the time someone is going to walk up with just a few things and have to wait for EW).

    So she snaps at me "Now that you're standing there doing nothing!" and stomps off. I never said anything else to this woman. I probably rang out 10 customers in the time it took the other clerk to ring her up.

    Shortly after, I am called to the office....

    Well apparently, this woman fills out a comment card and hands it to one of our baggers to give to our manager, which she does. On the card she states that if the manager doesnt call her at home right away she will never shop in our store again.

    So manager calls her and she flips out on him about how rude I was and such gems as "I can't beleive how strict you are in your express line, you can't tell me you have never taken anymore than 15 items, there was no one in line, blah blah blah..." and that I Hmph'ed at her. Hmphed? Um...I soooo do not Hmph. I didn't do anything, SHE stormed off and I let her.

    He tells me that he told her that yes, our express lines are meant to be 15 or less. We have to draw the line somewhere. There is a reason we have them, people expect to get through them quickly and not have to wait for large orders.

    He let me know that I didn't do anything wrong and that in fact, we need to become stricter because so many people take advantage. Suprise suprise!

    He just wanted my side of the story because she said I was so rude about it, which is LIES! All i did was ask her if she had 15 or less...which is what I say to EVERYONE who I suspect as having more. Usually they are appologetic, not realizing I am express. Sometimes they get pissed and storm off, but come on, actually taking time to write out a comment card and demanding the manager call her back? For something in which she was sooo obviously in the wrong?

    People just don't get it. I swear, everyone thinks If no one is in my line then it's ok. NO thats not how it works! They honestly think that NO ONE will come up with less than 15 while I am ringing their 50 items up?

    And you can bet if it were her with a gallon of milk and a loaf of bread, in a hurry, and I took a large order before she walked up, she'd be the first to complain!

    just grrrrr.... customers suck!

    Be Nice or I'll Make the Sun Go Away.

  • #2
    SC Logic: Well, I don't have 50 items... I have 2: Frozen Pizza and Kool-Aid (ignoring that there are 20 frozen pizzas, across 5 styles and 4 manufacturers, and 30 packets of Kool-Aid across 10 different flavors).


    • #3
      Wow, your manager surprised me. I was waiting for the latest jellyfish story.
      Labor boards have info on local laws for free
      HR believes the first person in the door
      Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
      Document everything
      CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


      • #4
        Oh wow, I was relieved that your manager stood behind you! I was dreading that you were going to say you got in trouble, and she got rewarded. Since that does happen at some stores, she probably thought she could get away with it here too. For those stores that don't enforce it, they might as well not even have the express lanes!

        It pisses me off when they make up lies about you though!
        Steven Slater ROCKS! So does James Jones!

        The world is an asshole contest...and EVERYONE'S A WINNER!


        • #5
          Glad your manager was good about it. That customer was a miserable EW. She was pissed because she didn't get away with it.
          When you start at zero, everything's progress.


          • #6
            I'm glad your manager had a spine and stood up for you.


            • #7
              Walmart's store policy is to not enforce the "20 or less" sign written in 2 different languages at each express register. Pointing out that a register with a conveyor belt and larger area for bags would get them through faster and not inconvenience people behind them is "bad customer service".


              • #8
                Some people think that if they have multiple quantities of the same item that it counts as "ONE ITEM". SC logic. I've seen that happen more than once when I was a cashier at Wal-Mart.


                • #9
                  Quoth Moon View Post
                  SC Logic: Well, I don't have 50 items... I have 2: Frozen Pizza and Kool-Aid (ignoring that there are 20 frozen pizzas, across 5 styles and 4 manufacturers, and 30 packets of Kool-Aid across 10 different flavors).
                  Oh ya, i get lots of those too. I've had to explain to customers that each scan bar/plu counts as one item.

                  A bag of 12 oranges is 1 item since it only uses one key sequence with one plu.

                  A basket of 24 cans of catfood is 24 items being that I have to scan each one individually...even if it IS all the same flavor.

                  We havent been able to 24 [qty] scan for like 10 years now...they took that away from us

                  And if you ask me, coupons should be considered "items" being that they too have scan bars and many times don't even work and end up taking up even more time. But I don't enforce that one....kinda hard when you don't see those till the end.

                  Be Nice or I'll Make the Sun Go Away.


                  • #10
                    i usually try to avoid going through those lanes with more items. if it's just one item i may, but usually only if it's still an extremely small load.

                    though i've been directed through them before.

                    and of course if there's over 15 but it's all one or two different items (like 20 identical bottles of water) i can see cutting some slack cos only one or two items has to be scanned.

                    though on the downside an SC will see that and expect that his or her truckload of grocieries must also now qualify for the lane too.


                    • #11
                      Quoth PepperElf View Post
                      and of course if there's over 15 but it's all one or two different items (like 20 identical bottles of water) i can see cutting some slack cos only one or two items has to be scanned.
                      Not at our store. Used to be we could hit the amount of bottles, then the quantity key, ring one and it would charge for all ten in one scan. They took away that ability years ago. Everything has to be scanned to ring it...even if it's all the same flavor. They say it's for accuracy and scanned based ordering, which means the computer orders for us by the flavors we have scanned. At our store, 10 bottles of identical water is 10 scans, which is 10 items, no matter how you look at it.

                      Quoth PepperElf View Post
                      though on the downside an SC will see that and expect that his or her truckload of grocieries must also now qualify for the lane too.
                      YES! I get this alot too!!!
                      Last edited by batmoody; 02-17-2011, 02:32 PM.

                      Be Nice or I'll Make the Sun Go Away.


                      • #12
                        Quoth batmoody View Post
                        Not at our store. Used to be we could hit the amount of bottles, then the quantity key, ring one and it would charge for all ten in one scan. They took away that ability years ago. Everything has to be scanned to ring it...even if it's all the same flavor. They say it's for accuracy and scanned based ordering, which means the computer orders for us by the flavors we have scanned. At our store, 10 bottles of identical water is 10 scans, which is 10 items, no matter how you look at it.
                        Did anybody mention to those high-and-mighty decision makers that this policy will make the scanning progress longer, leading to longer lines, or *gasp* the need to open more registers?

                        Or is it suit logic that 'well, the cashiers will just have got to get a bit faster'...?

                        (Need I mention my bet is on option two?)
                        I still miss my ex.
                        But my aim is getting better.


                        • #13
                          Quoth Bright_Star View Post
                          Some people think that if they have multiple quantities of the same item that it counts as "ONE ITEM". SC logic. I've seen that happen more than once when I was a cashier at Wal-Mart.
                          I've seen people try to use that kind of "new math" more times than I can count.

                          Of course, the SC's hated me back in the WD days . . .I'd literally walk around the counter and start counting off the items . . .they'd take their carts to another register almost every time.

                          Since I've been w/the Litter Box, not so much, but then I'm not on a register but maybe one or two short shifts a week (and that's not every week, just on the weeks where they've cut my hours in HBA and I don't have enough Scanning hours to make up for it) Maybe they'll have a couple over 12 (which is our limit) but that's no biggie in my book - if it's a large order, I'll point them to the next open full-service lane.
                          Last edited by DGoddessChardonnay; 02-18-2011, 09:32 PM.
                          Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)

