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Telemarketing suck

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  • Telemarketing suck

    Hello everyone! First time poster, loooooooong time lurker- I did submit a story way back in the day, about squished grapes (as if anyone will remember!), but now I have stories of working phones, selling lamps, delivering pizzas and other no-so-fun times. I'll break them up into tasty little bite-sized pieces.

    And just for the curious, my username is pronounced "tree-gool". Ancient Norse for amber.

    The last job I had before leaving the states was working for a phone company. I took calls from businesses to renew their phone lines and try to upsell them on internet, cell phones, web pages- stuff to help their businesses. Some of these people made me wonder if they really were fit to be working with the public.

    This was frustrating enough that my brain tried to dump some of it so sorry if the details are a bit fuzzy. One of the worst was a man who called in to renew and had some questions about the wording of his contract. He kept asking about one particular portion, and when I tried to explain he'd keep interrupting to ramble about how much of this did not make sense, yadda yadda yadda. . . After about ten minutes of this I had to be a bit more forceful and say "Sir! I am doing my best to help you and explain this but I can't do that if you keep interrupting me! Now please, let me finish and we'll work through this."

    He actually shut up long enough for me to explain. Of course this is the part where it gets even worse, because come on, this is here.

    "Define (specific word I cannot recall now)."

    I spent half an hour (!) arguing with the man over the meaning of this word. I was nearly in tears by the time my direct supervisor took over because I had a meeting to get to. That took about another half an hour, and when I came back my OTHER supervisor was on the line still arguing with this old coot! I heard a bit later that the first one got so frustrated with the guy he actually yelled at him. Unprofessional I know but trust me, I could relate.

    I guess the old dude wanted to escalate based almost entirely on the fact that I couldn't define a specific word to his satisfaction. I wasn't in any major trouble at least, sup said I could have handled it a little better but he did understand.

    And here's a bonus:

    For I believe the websites we had to ask the customers for an answer to a security question when we placed an order. The sup decided this question would be "Who is your favorite superhero?"

    Had one old dude pick Superman "Because that's what my wife calls me in bed."

    Ew ew ew did not need to know that!

    I hope y'all like me enough to keep me around!

  • #2
    Quoth Trjgul View Post
    For I believe the websites we had to ask the customers for an answer to a security question when we placed an order. The sup decided this question would be "Who is your favorite superhero?"

    Had one old dude pick Superman "Because that's what my wife calls me in bed."
    Little does old dude know, she called him that for being the second-fastest man on earth.
    The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
    "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
    Hoc spatio locantur.


    • #3
      Quoth Trjgul View Post
      And just for the curious, my username is pronounced "tree-gool". Ancient Norse for amber.
      I thought the Old Norse word for amber was "raf", like the Danish "rav".
      It could mean "træguld" (tree-gold), though. Interesting.

      Complaining about the definition of one word? I am aware that the definition of some words can be very important, legally, but if you want to be certain, you call an attorney, not support.


      • #4
        Hi, Trjgul, glad you decided to come out of hiding and join us!


        • #5
          That CS sounds like the kind who argues just to be arguing. How did it turn out? Did he even buy your product?
          congratulations on your first post.
          I'm trying to see things from your point of view, but I can't get my head that far up my keister!

          Who is John Galt?
          -Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged


          • #6
            Quoth taxguykarl View Post
            That CS sounds like the kind who argues just to be arguing. How did it turn out? Did he even buy your product?
            congratulations on your first post.

            I doubt it, once it got out of my hands I had almost nothing more to do with that call, thankfully!

            We didn't get commission unless we broke a certain sales level anyway, if that's what you were worried about. I just wasn't cut out for phone sales!


            • #7
              Meh, I had to rewrite 4 pages of boilerplate to narrow the contract down specifically for one hauler when I was in compliance for Oakleaf. He was paranoid that the clauses that obviously did not apply to a mom n pop hauler would be enforced, and just crossing off and initialling wasn't going to cut it. At least I did have the module of contract law under my belt ...

              When you work in contract compliance, you get into numerous discussions about definitions, and many times they are absolutely absurd.
              EVE Online: 99% of the time you sit around waiting for something to happen, but that 1% of action is what hooks people like crack, you don't get interviewed by the BBC for a WoW raid.


              • #8
                "What do you mean notwithstanding?"

                I regularly have converstations about people about this one damn word. Pick up a dictionary if you don't believe me!

