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I'm Not Who You Think I Am

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  • #16
    I too can assure you all that much of Office Space goes on at work. Some of the things I get stuck doing...would fit in the category of TPS reports. But, instead of a malfunctioning laser printer, we have a fax machine that is constantly failing. However, that's not to say that I haven't beat the shit out of some of the equipment
    Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


    • #17
      Quoth Tama View Post
      That reminds me of this picture where they brought a white supremacist into the ER....and all his doctors were black.
      Quoth Shalom View Post
      Sounds like an episode of M*A*S*H I saw years ago. This one racist type came into the OR and demanded that the doctors not give him any transfusions from blacks... so while he was sedated, Hawkeye painted him with iodine. Then when he woke up, they apologized profusely, told him they screwed up and gave him black blood, and now he's turning black himself...
      There was an episode of ER. The patient had been brought in unconsious. His nurse was black and the patient asked if someone else could treat him. He didn't know she'd already seen his big swastika tattoo. She was offended, but remained very professional. He allowed her to treat him, and explained that he'd asked for someone else because he didn't want her to see the tattoo. He'd had it done years before, and now he was ashamed of it but couldn't afford to have it removed.
      Women can do anything men can.
      But we don't because lots of it's disgusting.


      • #18
        Quoth JustaCashier View Post
        Just yesterday, one of our Local Stations showed a story of where one of their
        Reporters did get involved.

        He was getting ready to shoot another story, when he noticed a scuffle nearby. He actually got physically involved in trying to help the guy that was being beat up upon.*

        The ironic part? The "victim" apparently had white supremacist type tattoos on his arm(s), and (unknown to the Reporter, at first, as he was trying to help) and the Reporter is African American.


        *Please note that I'm remembering the details after seeing the above linked clip once or twice last evening. I'm on dial-up, and it simply would have taken too much time for the vid to load, and for me to view again, before posting here.
        Interestingly we just did a story tonight (sidebar) on "would you help a person in need?" showing that reporter's actions and a fellow who got his face rearranged on the DC Metro Friday when he tried to call 911 during another person's beating.

        Word is the Seattle reporter is going to be fired for his actions - 'endangering himself & the reputation of the station' as I hear it. Just a rumor now but I fully believe it.

        Just like your manager is not likely to back you up during conflict, similarly most news managers lack the spine I wish they had...
        "Announcing your intentions is a good way to hear God laugh." Al Swearingen (Deadwood)


        • #19
          Quoth 2gigch1 View Post
          Today's observation comes from last night, and it's about the delicate balance we have to walk as journalists (observe, do not interfere) and human beings (wtf are you doing!).
          The Prime Directive?

          Quoth PepperElf View Post

          you can't fix stupid.

          you and your crew tried to prevent the accident... and she didn't want to stop.
          Am I the only hearing Ron White in their head?

          Quoth MadMike View Post
          You'd be surprised. Some stations showed uncut footage of Budd Dwyer's suicide. I didn't see it myself -- all I saw was the edited footage. My brother, on the other hand,
          saw the live news conference as it happened. I had stepped out of the room to get a snack, when I heard him say, "That's sick! They just showed a guy blowing his brains out!"
          A few years ago, they found a woman's head just outside El Paso and they couldn't identify her. Guess what we saw on the news that evening.
          It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


          • #20
            Quoth 2gigch1 View Post
            Word is the Seattle reporter is going to be fired for his actions - 'endangering himself & the reputation of the station' as I hear it. Just a rumor now but I fully believe it.
            That would be beyond stupid for this guy to get fired.

            Endangering himself, sure....but how would the reputation of the station fare if they just filmed this guy getting beat to death and did nothing? Yeah, great.

            Fucking management idiots know nothing about real life.

            "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
            Still A Customer."


            • #21
              Quoth Jester View Post
              That would be beyond stupid for this guy to get fired.

              Endangering himself, sure....but how would the reputation of the station fare if they just filmed this guy getting beat to death and did nothing? Yeah, great.

              Fucking management idiots know nothing about real life.
              But... But... But...

              If the perps think we're not on their side we won't get any hot scoops of poop to boost ratings!
              I am not an a**hole. I am a hemorrhoid. I irritate a**holes!
              Procrastination: Forward planning to insure there is something to do tomorrow.
              Derails threads faster than a pocket nuke.


              • #22
                Quoth 2gigch1 View Post
                Word is the Seattle reporter is going to be fired for his actions - 'endangering himself & the reputation of the station' as I hear it. Just a rumor now but I fully believe it.
                Hasn't happened yet, he did a report on this evening's news.

                I certainly hope they don't, I mean I understand the "don't put yourself in danger" policy probably about every Company has, but not only do I admire the guy for what he did, he's become one of my favorite Reporters on this Station. He just has this strong air of professionalism, and eagerness about his job, and seems like a genuinely nice guy.



                • #23
                  Quoth Sparky View Post
                  There was an episode of ER. The patient had been brought in unconsious. His nurse was black and the patient asked if someone else could treat him. He didn't know she'd already seen his big swastika tattoo. She was offended, but remained very professional. He allowed her to treat him, and explained that he'd asked for someone else because he didn't want her to see the tattoo. He'd had it done years before, and now he was ashamed of it but couldn't afford to have it removed.
                  Very similar to an episode of Grey's Anatomy. A guy was brought in with a swastika on his stomach. At first Bailey (black female surgeon) thought his resistance to wanting to be treated by her was due to her being a woman. So she called the Chief of Surgery in (black male). Finally he confessed to the reason for not wanting to be treated by them; they called in the Asian girl...who, oddly enough, was Jewish.

                  Surgery on his abdomen was required; Bailey had to do the operation, and wound up removing enough of the tattoo that it looked like a geometric S on his stomach.

