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The night there were no carts.

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  • #16
    I'd bet money he's the type that perpetuated the problem by leaving his cart outside by his car rather than put it where it should go.

    "You'd feel a Hell of a lot better if you'd just rip into the occasional customer."


    • #17
      Honestly, who lets these people out in public?
      Unseen but seeing
      oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
      There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
      3rd shift needs love, too
      RIP, mo bhrionglóid


      • #18
        Quoth SuperB View Post
        I'd bet money he's the type that perpetuated the problem by leaving his cart outside by his car rather than put it where it should go.
        nah, probably leaves it behind someone else's car...had someone do that as I was walking up to my car...she must have seen i moved it and stared at her while she was backing out...
        I don't go in for ancient wisdom
        I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
        It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


        • #19
          Quoth SCSlave View Post
          Do they also want a personal shopping assistant to get their items? Maybe want the cashiers to pay for them too?
          Please, do NOT give the SC's ideas!

          Quoth BookstoreEscapee View Post
          nah, probably leaves it behind someone else's car...had someone do that as I was walking up to my car...she must have seen i moved it and stared at her while she was backing out...
          Or worse, as happened to me once a while back....they just let the cart go, and let it roll across the parking lot until it hits your vehicle.

          As much as I've talked about my truck in here, yes, you can imagine I was PISSED OFF!!!

          "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
          Still A Customer."


          • #20
            Quoth Jester View Post
            Please, do NOT give the SC's ideas!

            Or worse, as happened to me once a while back....they just let the cart go, and let it roll across the parking lot until it hits your vehicle.

            As much as I've talked about my truck in here, yes, you can imagine I was PISSED OFF!!!
            Not long after I bought the car before my current one, I walked up on a lovely little domestic scene in a grocery store parking lot. There was a dad and son parked next to me, and while the dad was unloading groceries, the son, who was ten or so, definitely old enough to know better, was repeatedly bouncing the cart off my car. He wasn't doing it hard, but he was doing it deliberately, and the dad was doing nothing about it.

            Now, it wasn't much of a car as some standards go. It was a Kia Sephia 4-door, but as I said, it was nearly new, and it was the first brand-new car I'd ever bought. I was more in disbelief than anger, and I pushed my cart to a place where it was obvious that I was the owner of the put-upon Kia, and I waited for dad to notice me.

            Finally, he did. And at that point, did he apologize? No, he did not. Did he make the kid apologize? No, he did not. What he did do was rather ineffectively say, "[insert trendy kid name here], now stop that. The lady wants to get in her car." There was no damage to the car, but I made sure to inspect it in front of Useless Dad. I would have raised Cain had there been the slightest scratch.

            Frightening thought: that kid is now 17 or 18. Wonder if he's learned the meaning of "No" or "Stop that" yet?
            He loves the world...except for all the people.
            --Men at Work


            • #21
              Quoth BookstoreEscapee View Post
              nah, probably leaves it behind someone else's car...had someone do that as I was walking up to my car...she must have seen i moved it and stared at her while she was backing out...
              Aw, you didn't put it behind her own car? I would have.
              Bears are bad. If an animal is going to be mean it should look so, like sharks and alligators. - Mark Healey


              • #22
                Quoth Noelegy View Post
                I was more in disbelief than anger, and I pushed my cart to a place where it was obvious that I was the owner of the put-upon Kia, and I waited for dad to notice me.

                I would have raised Cain had there been the slightest scratch.
                You are much nicer than I would have been. I don't care if it had been the Urban Assault Vehicle (my first and worst car), I would have gone gangbusters. "STOP HITTING MY CAR!" And that would have been the opening salvo. God help the dad if he reacted badly to my indignation.

                Because my car is MY BABY, and you damage it at your own peril.

                I can only imagine how black I would have gone if I came up on some dipshit kid banging a metal cart against my car (especially my current and nicest one). Listen to "Paint It Black" by the Stones, you may get an idea.

                "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                Still A Customer."


                • #23
                  Uh yeah my wife would have gone berzerk as well. The car she has right now is the very first nice car she ever had that she paid for and paid off. She told me about the cussing tirade she went into when she was in an accident with this car right after she bought it.


                  • #24
                    When I go grocery shopping, I bring my own cart along with a couple paper bags inside plastic. I don't drive so I have to get the groceries home somehow.
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                    • #25
                      Quoth Noelegy View Post
                      There was a dad and son parked next to me, and while the dad was unloading groceries, the son, who was ten or so, definitely old enough to know better, was repeatedly bouncing the cart off my car. He wasn't doing it hard, but he was doing it deliberately, and the dad was doing nothing about it.

                      I'm not normally a violent person, but had that been my car, there'd be a fair chance that Father of the Year there would end up pissing out teeth for weeks.
                      Mike: I'm gonna tell my boss I'm Puma Man, maybe he'll let me off early.

                      - "Puma Man", MST3K.


                      • #26
                        The guy in my saga of carts was ballpark early forties. I noted the fact he was well dressed only because I wondered if he shopped for his own clothes or had the employees at the store pick out his clothes, "I have to shop for my own clothes? That's an outrage!".

                        Sometimes I help get carts when it's dead in the front end. The only thing that bothers me is when I see people park next to a cart, then walk past it to the cart corral and get one of the carts we just pushed up there. Augh! I just find it annoying. Get the cart you just parked your car next to you idiot!
                        "Not only do I not know what's going on, I wouldn't know what to do about it if I did."
                        George Carlin


                        • #27
                          Quoth Kilamon View Post
                          Aw, you didn't put it behind her own car? I would have.
                          I couldn't - she was already backing up. Would have loved to though.

                          Quoth Whyme
                          Sometimes I help get carts when it's dead in the front end. The only thing that bothers me is when I see people park next to a cart, then walk past it to the cart corral and get one of the carts we just pushed up there. Augh! I just find it annoying. Get the cart you just parked your car next to you idiot!
                          I usually don't get enough to need more than a hand basket, but if I do need a cart and there's one right near where I parked, I'll always take that one, unless it's raining - then I'll go for a dry one from inside.
                          I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                          I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                          It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                          • #28
                            It has never even occurred to me to ask an employee for a cart. If the carrals are empty, take a quick peek at the parking lot. Granted, the places that I usually grocery shop have the carts that require a quarter, so finding a lone cart in the parking lot is luck (free quarter!).
                            -"One ring to rule them all!"-Elias
                            -Ask yourself, "WWRKHTSCCJ:TMD?"


                            • #29
                              Quoth Jester View Post

                              Or worse, as happened to me once a while back....they just let the cart go, and let it roll across the parking lot until it hits your vehicle.

                              As much as I've talked about my truck in here, yes, you can imagine I was PISSED OFF!!!
                              Agh! Some lady pushed a cart of of a parking spot with the front of her car, and it rolled and smacked into the farm truck one day. It didn't do any discernable damage, and Ernie isn't a pretty truck to begin with, but still, the sheer lack of concern for anyone but herself annoyed the living heck out of me.


                              • #30
                                It's very likely that kid did not know better since he seems to have had no discipline or guidance.

                                I must say, I admire your restraint.

                                <SNIP> Mod Edit: We do not condone violence here at Customers Suck.</SNIP>

                                We're talking about a person who allowed his child to play Ricochet with a vehicle that someone worked very hard to pay tens of thousands of dollars for.
                                Last edited by NightAngel; 01-31-2007, 07:29 PM. Reason: See Above

