I sometimes sell Harley parts or gear on Ebay. I'm VERY clear that they are used parts and that my shipping price is only for the Continental US. So many, many people in Canada are outraged when I ask for extra money for shipping.
Oz folks are the best. They get it. I was once selling a set of used drag pipes and was selling them because they were so loud. I had an Oz guy email me and say he had to have them. I sent him a video of me revving the bike so he could hear that they were LOUD!!! and then told him that he was going to have to pay the extra shipping. He paid my account for the pipes and a hundred over the price. When I found out that he was going to have to pay twice what I had asked just in shipping, he sent me more money. I included a couple of used t-shirts and a belt pouch that I won in a weenie bite.
He sent me more money after the delivery was completed because its so hard to get Harley parts in Oz. Yes, I have been a personal shopper for him, but mostly because he was such a wonderful buyer.
Maybe I posted this in the wrong thread...knows the Mods will know what to do with it.
Oz folks are the best. They get it. I was once selling a set of used drag pipes and was selling them because they were so loud. I had an Oz guy email me and say he had to have them. I sent him a video of me revving the bike so he could hear that they were LOUD!!! and then told him that he was going to have to pay the extra shipping. He paid my account for the pipes and a hundred over the price. When I found out that he was going to have to pay twice what I had asked just in shipping, he sent me more money. I included a couple of used t-shirts and a belt pouch that I won in a weenie bite.
He sent me more money after the delivery was completed because its so hard to get Harley parts in Oz. Yes, I have been a personal shopper for him, but mostly because he was such a wonderful buyer.
Maybe I posted this in the wrong thread...knows the Mods will know what to do with it.