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"I'm sorry m'am, I know you said Smith, but I heard DUMBASS."

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  • "I'm sorry m'am, I know you said Smith, but I heard DUMBASS."

    Spawned = Spawned
    SGDI = Stupid God Damn Idiot err Customer

    Spawned: Thank you for calling very big bank's online banking, my name is Spawned, may I have your name please?

    SGDI: Uh, hi is this very big bank?

    Spawned: Yes it is. (Comprehension is at an all new low.) May I have your name please?

    SGDI: And you work for the website banking division right?

    Spawned: That I do. (why the ever-living $#!@ do I even bother with ridiculously long intro.)

    SGDI: Ok my internet is broke, or maybe your internet is broke, because I can't log in.

    Spawned: ( ) I am sorry to hear that, what is the issue that you seem to be having?

    SGDI: I told you, my internet is broke.

    Spawned: (And your refrigerator is running harharhar.) I see, but what seems to be happening when you attempt to go

    SGDI: It comes up and I go to put my [user name] in and then it doesn't do anything.

    Spawned: I see, so the page never goes to your [password] screen?

    SGDI: No.

    Spawned: I am sorry to hear that. I am not aware of any site problems so let's see if we can figure out what is going on. Go ahead and bring up the site.

    SGDI: Ok.

    (Key presses, a possible groan, a known expletive and then finally...)

    SGDI: Ok it is up. What do I do.

    Spawned: Enter in your [user name].

    SGDI: Ok. (Clickity-clack-clack) Now?

    Spawned: Click the [color] sign-in button.

    SGDI: I have to press sign-in? It doesn't just recognize my [user name]?

    Spawned: No m'am, you must always click that button to proceed.

    SGDI: Oh ok there it goes.

    Spawned: Wonderful anything else I can do for you?

    SGDI: Hold on. I have a question about a transfer I did.

    Spawned: Ok, well let me get you into the system so I can look into this. May I have your name please?

    SGDI: Blondie Smith (cause she had to be blonde, sorry)

    Spawned: Wonderful Ms. Smith, let me have your account number.


    Spawned: Hmm that account number is not found.

    SGDI: That's my social that's why.

    Spawned: (Silence) Oh... ( tell me this dipweed )

    Spawned: Ok there you are. Now because we appreciate your business and value the security on your account, I need to ask a few verification questions.

    SGDI: Why? Can't you just help me.

    Spawned: (Sure, why not just take some random ditz over the phone's word that she is the actual customer.) To ensure the security on the account.

    SGDI: Ok.

    Spawned: I see you have a verbal password on this account, do you remember what this is.

    SGDI: [completely wrong response] (gave me online password)

    Spawned: Thank you. Now may I have the last 8 numbers on your debit card.

    SGDI: [gives last 4 off credit card] (note: you can only receive one response for each question, the first response, no matter what, and if it is wrong it is wrong, no hints.)

    Spawned: Ok. And could I have your full address and date of birth.

    SGDI: [gives right answer]

    Spawned: And can I have a recent transaction, date and dollar amount?

    SGDI: No.

    Spawned: (who says no) Ok, then miss, I apologize, but I am not able to verify you and will need to terminate this call as I can no longer discuss this account.

    SGDI: [bitch bitch piss moan whine whine whine whine]

    Spawned: [inform customer of privacy laws and security procedures]

    SGDI: :huffs: Well fine, can you just answer a simple question?

    Spawned: Sure.

    SGDI: I meant to transfer from my checking account to my credit card, but did it backwards. Is this reversable.

    Spawned: No miss. This is an instant transfer, what we could do is connect you to card services and they can issue a refund.

    SGDI: Why do I have to go through all this. It's your fault.

    Spawned: Miss, I do apologize but this is a self service function. There is a box marked from and a box marked to. Plus we give you an opportunity to review the transaction before fully accepting it. I am sorry that you selected the wrong options, but you did select them. I offered you a solution that can satisfy your needs. Would you like me to connect you to card services?

    SGDI. Ugh, no. You know, you don't make this website very easy for people who don't know how to use computers. (uhhh... :double take: what!!??) I am done with very big bank and am taking all my accounts out.

    SSTB (so sad too bad)

    I will spare you the typical moving towards the closing.

    I think this speaks for itself.
    "You sure don't make this site easy to use for people who don't know how to use computers."
    Just when tech support thought it was safe...

  • #2
    I think I know what bank you work for, and if so, I'm sorry


    • #3
      Quoth Spawned View Post

      SGDI. Ugh, no. You know, you don't make this website very easy for people who don't know how to use computers.
      You should teach every customer how to use a computer! Its the least you can do! Also, when I bought my last car, no one at the dealership told me how to drive! And when I called the grocery store to find out how to cook the stuff I bought, they refused to help!
      What's happening to customer service these days?!

      If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


      • #4
        Quoth Spawned
        Spawned: Thank you for calling very big bank's online banking, my name is Spawned, may I have your name please?

        SGDI: Uh, hi is this very big bank?
        Ugh, I hate that!!! After they listen to the big long recording: "Thank you for calling Big Name Bookstore of Thistown, We are located at blah, Our hours are Yada to Yoohoo, Ask how you can save with the Big Name Member Card, etc. etc. Big Name at least one more time, babble, ho hum"

        Then we pick up: Thank you for calling Big Name Bookstore of Thistown, this is Myname, How can I help you?

        "Hi, is this Big Name Bookstore?"

        Yes it is, how can I help you?

        "What time do you close?"

        Quoth Spawned
        SGDI: Ok my internet is broke, or maybe your internet is broke, because I can't log in.

        Spawned: ( ) I am sorry to hear that, what is the issue that you seem to be having?

        SGDI: I told you, my internet is broke.
        You should have offered to transfer her to the lending division to see if her internet might qualify for a loan...
        I don't go in for ancient wisdom
        I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
        It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


        • #5
          Quoth Spawned View Post
          SGDI. Ugh, no. You know, you don't make this website very easy for people who don't know how to use computers. (uhhh... :double take: what!!??)
          I don't think this chick has a problem with computers exactly - more it's the simpler tasks of reading and listening comprehension!

          You handled the call very well though. This one has much patience with the idiots, he does.


          • #6
            People seem to get upset with me when I interrupt them to spell my last name. Sorry, I just hate it when people think it's ----ky instead of ----key. It's not like I wait for them to start asking another question, it's instant. "Paul ---key. - - - - - - K-E-Y."
            I've been here for two years, work harder than most others, and I'm getting paid $1.80 an hour
            less than the 17 year old slacker you hired two months ago. Maybe that's why I'm not chipper at work.


            • #7
              I love how people think those security questions are dumb and pointless. Let's see if they feel the same if someone were to steal their identity.


              • #8
                Well, there goes another few braincells. I'll miss them.
                Unseen but seeing
                oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                3rd shift needs love, too
                RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                • #9
                  Yes, it's your fault that the Lobotomizer apparently made a house call to this woman. Yeesh.
                  C'mon, natural selection, we need you now!


                  • #10
                    Sounds like more than her internet is broke.

                    Luckily, my woodchipper is fully functional!

                    Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                    "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                    • #11
                      We used to have the same problem at the Pro Shop I worked at.
                      Me:"Thanks for calling Precise Ice, open til such and such time, can I help you?"
                      SC:"Yes, what time do you close?"
                      Me: *hangs up phone*

                      And also at the call center I work in now--we give an intro stating "Thank you for calling *that company that makes half the radio equipment and cell phones and other tech equipment in the country* How may I help you?" and still have people asking about their insurance policies, for directions to the hospital, or other, far more random things. Granted, the old woman needing directions to the hospital, I pulled up MapQuest for and helped her out, because I am not, in fact, heartless.
                      "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

                      “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford


                      • #12
                        Opening line of the automated system: "Thank you for calling your 24 hour W! Located at the corner of blah, and urg."

                        And yet, when they get me on the phone, it's "what time do you close?" To which I answer, "We don't."


                        • #13
                          Quoth Reyneth View Post
                          I don't think this chick has a problem with computers exactly - more it's the simpler tasks of reading and listening comprehension!
                          No kidding! Seriously, how difficult is it to read and follow directions?

                          Okay, SC, I have a very easy direction for you to follow. Just hold still while I do this:
                          I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
                          My LiveJournal
                          A page we can all agree with!

