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I've been having this problem for hours and hours now!

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  • #16
    I barely have a television. It's forty years old and all I have is a pair of rabbit-ears. I get by.
    You're not doing me a favor by eating here. I'm doing you a favor by feeding you.


    • #17
      I don't really watch tv, but I would be sad if I had no internet or radio.

      Or video games.


      • #18
        Quoth BookstoreEscapee View Post a book for god's sake...go to blockbuster and rent some movies...get an antennae and watch -gasp- network tv!!

        Edited to add: When i lived in Philly i had the most basic cable package you could get. basically, the cable.... i had channels 2-13, and TVLand, Nick at Nite and Fox Family that snuck through for some reason. And I survived for a whole year!
        How I wanted to tell customers that. I'll tell you something else that was strange with those people. Those that had generators would call up the cable company bitching and complaining that "I have my power running on a generator, so how come I don't have my cable TV?" Well, sir, you still have to have the power working for the cable TV head end to work, and well, your f***ing generator just isn't going to make it work." Yep, they were more worried about watching TV than keeping their food fresh in the fridge, or by keeping the water hot in their houses.

