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my experience at front desk......

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  • my experience at front desk......

    Anyone can be SCs regardless race, color, gender, and age. yep. even age, a 12 year old behave just like his/her parent(s)... I call it bad parenting.

    Check in time is 3 pm afternoon, if you try to check in before 7am, the rooms might not be ready. "but I called for an early check in", doesnt mean shit, you think we are keeping an empty just for you? get real....

    If you ask for a room move, please follow our instructions.
    For a dead move, have all your belongings packed, and leave your luggage in the room and come to the front desk to let us know you are ready to move while you are out. leaving your belongings ie, underwear, shirts, pants, and other items would not get you a room move.
    For a LIVE move, STAY in your room and have your belongings PACKED, and wait for the bellman to come up to your room and help you move to the new room. DONT FUCKING run around the hotel. The bellman cannot move your luggage without your ass being there during a LIVE move.

    Asking for an upgrade upon arrival is perfectly fine, but you have to PAY for the upgrade. nothing is free. Got this cheap ass used one of those online services got the guts to ask for a 2 bedrooms suite for his standard room price. you really think we would give out a $4k suite for a price of $200??? Free upgrade is not an option. "I thought I can ask for an upgrade" yeah.. you can... IF YOU ACTUALLY PAY FOR IT.

    50 dollars for parking is expensive... of course it is. I have to agree on you with that. but you dont have to bitch about it when you check out. "still too expensive". Dont you think its cheaper than you park on the street and the traffic control guys could give you up to 5 tickets per day for $65 each

    If you need a new key because you misplace or left it in your room, please have your photo ID ready. No ID no key. its for your own safety. You certainly dont want someone else walk right into your room. If you dont have your ID. security will be escorting you to the room and you will have to show him the ID after the security opened the door for you.

    I dont give a shit if you are paying for someone else's room. I am not allow to give you his room number. Its the hotel policy.

    If you ordered the shuttle, Limo to go to the airport or some other places ie. sight seeing tours, wine tours. Please come to the lobby and wait for the shuttle, or limo 5 to 10 minutes before your pick up time. airport shuttles are on a tight schedule, and they dont just pick YOU up. they have other customers to pick up from other hotels too.
    many times, the SCs just showed up at 5 to 10 mins AFTER the schedule pick up time, while the shuttle driver just couldnt wait any longer, and the SCs just bitch and bitch and bitch about it. why couldnt they just wait. why were they so early.... look.... if your schedule is 0530 am. be at the lobby at 0515. I am sure the people on the shuttle want to get to the airport on time too ya know.
    If you have a limo pick up, please remember, mark it down somewhere, PDA, notebook, anywhere... if you forgot about the limo pickup and you were no where to be found, the LIMO company charges you anyway. Its your fault, not our fault.

    check out time is 1200pm. whether you checked in at 12 am last night or 3pm afternoon, your check out time is still 12pm the next day. and NO you dont get to keep the room for 24 hours. thats not my rule its the hotel's rule.

    Your credit card is declined, I dont give a shit what your excuses are. I need a new one. running the same damn card wont make any differences. "Why my credit card didnt work?" How the fuck do I Know? it just declined on the computer. never told me why. Maybe you should ask yourself do you have enough credit left on the card. How about this.... pay your bills.......

    I cant make the reservations over the phone, central booking handles all the phone reservations. its the rule. this is why we have central bookings. Unfortunately yes, you will have to talk to 3 to 4 difference people inorder to make a reservation, "DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?" actually. i dont know who you are. but i can make a wild guess. sounds like a drunk retard on the phone.

    "I want a room with a view, and I'd made the reservation months ago". dude... you booked a room for a night trying to see the fireworks. I got folks came here for days. and they already took the rooms with views. unless you want to pay for 1200 for the suite... otherwise you are out of luck. "I'd made the reservation months ago" We only garrantee you a room. we didnt garrantee you a room with a view. "I am disappointed" The hell do i care. its 1200 dollars for the suite or you stay in your room i gave you.

    The hotel bar closes at 12am, and last call at 1130pm. its the hotel's policy, dont ask me why. if you show up at 1am and trying to get to the bar, the elevator definitely wont let you get up there. You already drunk as a bum. You couldnt even walk straight. why would you want more drinks?

    Getting drunk is bad enough during a company sponsored Xmas party in a hotel.
    Getting even more drunk is worse after a company sponsored Xmas party.
    Getting angry at the hotel for not serving you more drinks after a company sponsore Xmas party is even worse
    Its worst when you punched your girlfriend in front of 10 of your coworkers after a company sponsored Xmas party.

    Don't blame us for calling the cops if your friend kick his girlfriend's ass after the party. "I am checking out now. This is ridicious, I cant stay in my room without peace and quiet, and I cant leave my room without being arrested" DUDE. your coworker started the fight on your floor, and he beat the crap out of his girlfriend, and you blamed us for calling the cops?

    Its 3am at night, go to bed people. stopped calling the front desk and asked to be connected to so and so's room. I know they are your friends. but dont they deserve to have some peace and quiet at night after a long day of conference and work?

    thats about all i could think of. if I think of some more i will post it again

  • #2
    Feel better now?

    This is a great place to get it out of your system. Especially for me. Otherwise one day i'd snap and go all "Hotel Desk Clerk" on some poor customer.

    Upgrade?!!?!?!? YOU want an UPGRADE??!? I got your upgrade right here!


    • #3
      Quoth Getoutofmylobby View Post
      Upgrade?!!?!?!? YOU want an UPGRADE??!? I got your upgrade right here!
      Is that similar to saying to someone, "I've got a present for you" and pull your hand out of your pocket and give them the finger?
      Unseen but seeing
      oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
      There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
      3rd shift needs love, too
      RIP, mo bhrionglóid

