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You came to the wrong store..

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  • You came to the wrong store..

    Alas as I feared...A full moon. A day chock full o' fun.

    But, the top pick of the litter was the winner git that came in looking to pickup a vid card we had on hold. I ask the name that it's on hold for, she replies ****. Hmmm...nothing here...ask my boss..He shrugs.
    Ask young lady whom she spoke to, her reply was "My boyfriend **** talked to ***** about 2 minutes ago about it *she gets a bit huffy*

    Okaaay...Only guy named ***** is a tech that just happens to walk around the corner on his way home. I of course query ***** as to a possible phone call he just had. He also shrugs (ala my boss).

    Young lady ups the "huffy" level & asks if anyone else with same name works here..."Nope" we reply in unison. "Do you know what model of vid card he wants?" I ask.

    So, with much dramatic sighing & general suckiness she gets back on the phone to BF....We have a radeon 9600 on hold...So he says...

    Umm...We don't carry that one.

    *Sucky looks & yapping on cell phone*

    "OOooo...I'm at the WRONG store" she exclaims...Then jogs out the door...No "sorry" or "oops" or "my bad"

    Yeaaaahhh....Get pissy at us because you...are...a...tard.

    in ya go...

    Many more today, but she took the cake.

    "I reject your reality and substitute my own"....Adam Savage-Mythbuster

    Must remember to stop using "brain of death" on slower morons.... I meant customers.

  • #2
    I had a experience like that once. When I worked at the jewelry store, this girl comes in to pick up her ring that had been sent out for repair. She has the repair pick up slip with her, which was a plus in her favor.
    So I take her slip and look for our matching copy of the slip, which would include any notes from the jeweler.

    Can't find it.

    Sometimes the slips get misfiled, so I figure that I will grab her repair first and then hunt for the slip. So I look in the correct drawer...nothing there. Ok, maybe the repair was misfiled. I look through every single repair that we had...still nothing. I dig through the repairs that are waiting to be sent out....not there. I call a coworker over,. and she comes up empty handed also.

    Of course, by this time the customer is getting irate. I look at her slip to check the due date, and sure enough, the repair was supposed to be in. Then my eyes drifted to the top of the slip...which has our store name printed there...and address...of a different store in a different city.

    Problem solved! Yea! I tell her that she was at the wrong store and that she needed to go to City X to get her repair. Of course, since she was a SC, we had the following convo...

    ME: Ma'am, it looks like you dropped your repair off at the store in City X, so they should have it there.
    SC: No! I brought it here. I remember bringing it into this store!
    ME: But ma'am, the slip that you gave me is from a different store.
    SC: Maybe I gave you the wrong slip?
    ME: No, you wanted to pick up your blankety-blank, which you sent out for whatever, like the slip says, right? Well, its at the City X store.

    I had to point out the city listed on the slip to her, and it actually took a few more minutes to convince her that she was at the wrong store.

    Oh...and our store and the City X store look nothing alike. They had had a great remodel and we hadn't had any upgrades since our store opened 12 years before.

    She was blonde.


    • #3
      This happens to me almost everyday!!!

      This one happens to me almost everyday.

      My store is in between two of our sister stores. Right at the intersection of the roads the other two stores are on. (Store A is on road A; store C on road C; my store, store B, is at the intersection of roads A and C)

      We constantly have people come in and say that they talked with so-and-so and had such-and-such set aside. When we tell them that there is no so-and-so that works here and that we have not had such-and-such in-stock for days they get mad, blame us and call us a bunch of liars.

      I had one customer come in saying that he knew for a fact that he just called our store and talked with , lets say Jill, and that Jill personally went out and grabbed this item and set it aside. I looked strait at him and told him the truth.

      There was no Jill that worked here.
      We had not gotten a call in the last two hours.
      We currently did not have anything on hold for anyone.
      And we had been out of stock of that item for the last week.

      He starts saying “This is BS”, and “How dare we lie to him”
      He whips out his cell phone to prove us wrong and shows me the number he just called.

      I look at the number and tell him, “Sorry sir that is not out number, that is store C’s number. They are just down the road a few miles.”

      Still not believing me, the conversation goes something like this:

      SC: oh this ain’t yo number
      ME: No, sorry that is store C. I bet if you head over there they have your such-and-such at the front counter.
      SC: so if I call this number that phone won’t ring
      ME: ah, no sir that is not our store number.
      SC: (pushes send button) really, lets find out.

      At this point the store is dead quite, SC then puts his cell phone on speaker. It rings twice (our phones stay quite) and then from his phone we hear: “Thank you for calling store C, this is Jill, how can I help you.”

      No apology no nothing, he just closes his phone and walks out. Not that I really mind. At that point, all that mattered was he was gone.

      Besides, the look on his face was better than any apology I could ever have gotten.


      • #4
        Forgot to note...

        We are the only store in town with our name...Not part of a chain.
        "I reject your reality and substitute my own"....Adam Savage-Mythbuster

        Must remember to stop using "brain of death" on slower morons.... I meant customers.


        • #5
          I had this happen a LOT with layaways.
          We had so many people with so many layaways at so many different locations of our chain of stores that they didn't know what they had put away where.
          And almost always these folks wouldn't have their receipt.

          Fun times that.

          "No! You can take the kids, but you leave me my monkey." - WALK HARD: THE DEWEY COX STORY


          • #6
            Something like that happened at the home improvements store. It was an exchange between Bob the department manager, and a customer.

            Customer comes in asking where we keep such-and-such. Bob politely informs him we don't carry it. There were a lot of items that people asked for quite often, but that we didn't carry. One of many reasons the company went under, but I digress.

            Most customers leave without incident, upon finding we don't carry what they're looking for. But this one swore up and down that we did carry it, and he had in fact bought it there before. He and Bob went back and forthh with this several times, until the customer said, "I did buy it here, and I can prove it! I have the receipt in my pocket!"

            Without, he pulls out the receipt and smugly shows it to Bob. Bob then points out the top part of the receipt, which has the name of one of our competitors. Customer turns red, sputters, shoves the receipt back in his pocket, and storms off.
            Sometimes life is altered.
            Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
            Uneasy with confrontation.
            Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right


            • #7
              Something similar happened to me once (but I was nice about it), when picking up pictures for the future MIL. I work at one store in a chain, and she lives about a block and half or so from another store in the same chain. She asked me to pick up the pics she'd dropped off after my shift. I go to the CS counter and ask about said items. Not there. OK... Hmmmmmmm. Call FMIL and ask if she's SURE she dropped them off at my store. She thinks about it and realizes she dropped them off at the store by her house.
              Unseen but seeing
              oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
              There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
              3rd shift needs love, too
              RIP, mo bhrionglóid


              • #8
                Quoth Jewels View Post

                She was blonde.

                what does being blonde, have to do, with anything?
                Under The Moon Paranormal Research
                San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


                • #9
                  Perhaps it was in for repair for having too much white out on the monitor?

                  I get that frequently too, because there are Pharmacies that America Trusts all over the place. We are linked together so I can usually either pull the script over from the other store or I can send them on their merry way. Not much I can do if they have their script at another pharmacy or only had samples from the doctor and not a script in the first place.

                  I do also occasionally field calls from numbnuts in drive throughs at the other stores, who apparently call 411 and get our number, who want to complain about the speed in which the window is getting serviced. To which I will look at my empty drive through and ask them where they are.

                  You'd think the lil' recorded intro that tells them what corner we're located on would give them a bleeding hint, but apparently not.

