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And you deserve the points because WHY??

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  • #16
    Quoth cheysmomager View Post
    Dave...thank you for the save!! I definatly didn't come across that well in this post and I see that. I do see both sides of the story (I am actually rather good at doing that). I will say that most of these guys that I'm talking about work for companies that pay them very well due to the fact that they are on the road 4 nights a week. But that is neither here nor there.

    Let me explain.....I was raised by Ward and June Cleaver!! Rules (laws, religion, ect) were straight forward and there was no grey area. Taking that into my life now, they way I was looking at it was that the points were not theirs to take. They belonged to the company. Trust me when I say, there would have been no convincing my mother that this was OK. Not even a letter from the company president. That's just the way they were and I guess I am too, to an extent.

    I see your mother's point of view right until the part that not even a letter from the company president giving consent would make this ok. As stated previously, the points belong to the company, so if the company chooses to give those points to the worker, then why not?

    I have this happen regularly at my hotel, but I seem to have a different point of view. I can see why you'd be upset. Just that in a similar situation, I'm not upset about it.
    Last edited by RecoveringKinkoid; 04-08-2011, 12:43 PM. Reason: fixed quote tags
    To right the countless wrongs of our days... We shine this light of true redemption, that this place may become as paradise...Oh, what a wonderful world such would be...


    • #17
      It's just my personal opinion!! I have to admit, I will think twice before I post something here.
      It's mostly HOW you say something, rather that what you say. You have every right to vent. Not every post gets taken well! Don't take it to heart.
      "You are beginning to damage my calm."


      • #18
        Ethics :/

        That's why I didn't take the points - my company was paying for the stays at the hotels I was at, and I felt like it would be taking something that wasn't mine by accepting the points.

        It might have also had to do with me working in finance, and trying hard to avoid any appearance of impropriety - if I were the boss, though, I'd be pretty insistent that the points should go to a company pool, to be used for further business trips. Presumably, employees are already getting compensation appropriate for what they're doing, and hopefully a per-diem allowance for food/etc.

        Taking something that the company paid for, for my own benefit, just strikes me as theft. Granted, not a theft even on the scale of taking a pen or a pad of post-its, but still theft.


        • #19
          Quoth cheysmomager View Post
          I am so sick of all these workers that stay in company paid hotel rooms weekly and then rack up the 'points'. Why do they deserve a free room when they haven't shelled out a dime.
          If the company's paying for the rooms, then the points are probably technically theirs, and employees taking them for their personal benefit could be construed as theft.

          Personally I think I'd just figure karma will get those employees eventually.
          Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

          "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


          • #20
            BTW, in most places points earned this way are considered a taxable benefit.

            In my case, if I were to get points/air miles/whatever from something the company purchases I am supposed to pay tax on the value of the points received. And since all of the purchases are done using a company issued credit card.... guess what what would show up on my payslip?
            There's no such thing as a stupid question... just stupid people.


            • #21
              Our company allows us to accumulate the points and it is on our policy as such. If airlines and what not offer them, why not? Otherwise the points would go uncollected.

              Now if someone is being an ass...


              • #22
                I don't know what rewards program your hotel uses but I know ours a guest can not get points if they are not paying for the room, or if they have a company rate set up with the hotel that is 20% below the rack rate. These are not the hotels rules but the rewards program. And I know that some people get really weird about points. I had one guy once who wanted me to put his rewards number for anyone who ever stayed at the hotel for his company. If it really bothers you call the rewards program and see how they feel about it.


                • #23
                  Sorry cheysmomager, but multiple posts have had to be removed because some people thought the rules didn't apply to them. This one is being closed and infractions have been issued.
                  "We guard the souls in heaven; we don't horse-trade them!" Samandrial in Supernatural

                  RIP Plaidman.

