One of my standard responses to this question is,
*dry, sarcastic tone and fake smile* "Oh, just enjoying another day in paradise..."
Most people seem to laugh and sympathize. One guy even grinned and asked if I might be lying about that. I just grinned back and chuckled, "Doesn't everyone feel that way about work?" He nodded in agreement and chuckled at that question.
A few, very few usually, don't seem to appreciate it as much for some reason, and will try to make some kind of remark that I should be grateful to have a job, be glad I'm working, or some other blah, blah, blah, nonsense. I usually just dismiss those with a simple, "Yeah, whatever, I don't care about you either."

Most people seem to laugh and sympathize. One guy even grinned and asked if I might be lying about that. I just grinned back and chuckled, "Doesn't everyone feel that way about work?" He nodded in agreement and chuckled at that question.
A few, very few usually, don't seem to appreciate it as much for some reason, and will try to make some kind of remark that I should be grateful to have a job, be glad I'm working, or some other blah, blah, blah, nonsense. I usually just dismiss those with a simple, "Yeah, whatever, I don't care about you either."