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New offerings from Pizzaland!

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  • New offerings from Pizzaland!

    I recently started a second job taking pizza orders from the comfort of my own livingroom... Well, of course we all know there had to be a couple of customers who would make the front page.

    The lone asshat

    My call basically starts by asking for the phone number, and then confirming the city and street address (we deliver across four provinces, so the city isn't necessarily obvious, and with the advent of cellphones and amalgamation, sometimes it's necessary to check, because the streets have changed names or whatever). Point is, I have to ask.

    Me: May I start with your phone number please?
    SC: 416-xxx-xxxx (it's important to note that 416 is a Toronto area code, but anybody in the GTA - which is about 27 cities - could have 416 as a cellphone area code).
    Me: For which city?
    SC: WHAT? Toronto, obviously!
    Me: Sorry sir, we have to ask
    SC: Listen, I've been calling (Pizza provider) for thirty years, and I have NEVER had ANYONE ask me what city I'm calling from!!! (possible, but not plausible - I'm showing he's ordered with us precisely TWICE from this phone number, three years apart).
    Me: I apologize, sir. May I confirm your address please?
    SC: No, you know what? F(*$&# YOU!!!! *click*

    *waits a beat*

    Me: And would you like a complimentary side of Valium with your order this evening, sir?


    Our system is designed so that I can only enter items that we have available on our current menu, and I can't change any of the prices. EVER. It's physically not possible. I have had at least a dozen customers beg me to just throw in a couple of dipping sauces for free. People, it's 69ø. Really? One guy got really mad and canceled his entire order because I wouldn't toss in a free dipping sauce. I tried explaining the whole "can't" situation, but he totally flipped when I said I couldn't. Oh well, his loss. No pizza goodness for HIM tonight. I wonder how many times he phoned back to try to find a rep who would bend to his will LOL

    Lonely.... I'm Mr. Lonely....

    This guy... I swear, he was either a cuddly drunk or he was really stoned. SG = Stoner Guy, Me = well....

    SG: I love calling (Pizza provider)! You guys are always so friendly and polite!
    Me: Thank you sir, we do aim to please Can I start with your phone number?
    SG: You want my number? Already? we hardly know each other! (oh boy... he's a comedian).
    Me: ...
    SG: I just love (Pizza provider). You guys are so awesome to talk to! I can call you any time and just chat with you!
    Me: And what would you like to order this evening, sir? (you can see where this is going, can't you?)
    SG: Well, I'd really just like to talk to you for a bit. Can we do that? Just talk?
    Me: Actually sir, we're not allowed to do that. It ties up the phone lines.
    SG: You mean we can't just sit here and chat for a little while? I really like talking to you.
    Me: Unfortunately not, sir. (was tempted to suggest a telephone dating site at this point, but kept my mouth shut).
    SG: Cause you know, I really just want someone to talk to right now, and you sound really nice.
    Me: Sorry sir, can't do it. You'll either have to order something, or I'll have to hang up.
    SG: And sexy...
    Me: And that terminates our conversation for this evening. Have a good night! *click*

    Honestly, I expected to hear some fapping in the background any second there...
    GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.

  • #2
    You should have said "aww thank you. No one has called me sexy in the last 65 years." Wouldn't it have been fun seeing how he got out of it.


    • #3
      fapping? oh my I know what you mean and I haven't heard this word before
      Great YouTube channel check it out!


      • #4
        telecom_goddess, I had to look it up on urban dictionary the first time I heard it
        GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.


        • #5
          AFAIK either Ghastly's Ghastly Comic or Sexy Losers/Thin H Line popularized the term *heh*
          DJ Particle


          • #6
            Quoth tollbaby View Post
            telecom_goddess, I had to look it up on urban dictionary the first time I heard it
            urbandictionary is incredibly awesome, if you have brain bleach and a strong stomach.
            Labor boards have info on local laws for free
            HR believes the first person in the door
            Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
            Document everything
            CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


            • #7
              Quoth EmiOfBrie View Post
              AFAIK either Ghastly's Ghastly Comic or Sexy Losers/Thin H Line popularized the term *heh*
              I have generally seen it attributed to SL :P

              I have to admit, the idea of doing call center work from your home (assuming proper compensation), seems kinda nice.


              • #8
                Quoth EmiOfBrie View Post
                AFAIK either Ghastly's Ghastly Comic or Sexy Losers/Thin H Line popularized the term *heh*

                well Ghastly is a semi regular poster on fark.....not that I know this....erm...I heard from a friend he is....oh crud...
                Honestly.... the image of that in my head made me go "AWESOME!"..... and then I remembered I am terribly strange.-Red dazes


                • #9
                  Why is it the first one seems a bit..odd to me. Not sure why, but that is more then a little ... off.
                  Engaged to the amazing Marmalady. She is my Silver Dragon, shining as bright as the sun. I her Black Dragon (though good honestly), dark as night..fierce and strong.


                  • #10

                    welcome to my nightly nightmare. the one good thing for you is that you NEVER meet any of the people in person.

                    ***** hands Tollbaby adult beverage of their choise *********
                    I'm lost without a paddle and headed up SH*T creek.
                    -- Life Sucks Then You Die.

                    "I'll believe corp. are people when Texas executes one."


                    • #11
                      Quoth Mytical View Post
                      Why is it the first one seems a bit..odd to me. Not sure why, but that is more then a little ... off.
                      He was aggro personified He actually did the put-upon sigh when I asked for his phone number. Like dude, how am I supposed to even find your file if you won't give me any info LOL

                      Compensation sucks (3% of sales, and I dare anyone to make more than $1000-$2000 in sales in a 6 hour shift). So far, for two 5-hour shifts, I've made $62 LOL

                      However, I didn't take this job as a main source of income. I took it to make a few extra bucks every month so I'd have something extra to throw at the credit cards until they're paid off. So far, so good
                      GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.

