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She gave me a cavity...

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  • #16
    Quoth mharbourgirl View Post
    It's the delivery more than the word itself.
    The Deloris Umbridge delivery.


    • #17
      Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
      HAAA! Yes!

      Oh, this is pure gold. And so true! She's from Georgia, I'm from South Carolina, I figured if nobody else here got it, she would, but it seems others here are savy to "Dixie-speak".

      That gave me the best laugh! I have never seen or heard this, so thanks for posting it.
      I've heard her perform it live. XD She was the entertainment last year at the anniversary dinner party for the hospital. It was wonderful. And, being from North Carolina myself, I can definitely relate to this song in particular.
      "Things that fail to kill me make me level up." ~ NateWantsToBattle, Training Hard (Counting Stars parody)


      • #18
        Quoth AquaGirl View Post
        So today, I get a call from "Margie" in Accounts Payable with <company>. In my experience, about 98% of the people who work in AP should not be working there because they cannot seem to work a calculator. I know that companies can have vastly different billing systems and that can be confusing but when A+B=C and you say "I just don't understand," you may need to evaluate your chosen profession.
        I can assure you, not being able to work a calculator is considered a benefit in accounts payable . . . not paying out is part of the job.

        The folks in accounts RECEIVABLE, on the other hand, can calculate pi to 100,000 places without working up a sweat.

        Quoth dbuzman View Post
        That does suck. Too bad you can't tell them "if you don't pay a surcharge the delivery price will go up every time fuel goes up".
        That the point folks miss. Surcharges allow companies to avoid volatility in the base price.

        They could just hike the overall price and keep it there when gas prices go down.
        They say that God only gives us what we can handle. Apparently, God thinks I'm a bad ass.


        • #19
          Well, it is the rule.

          Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
          Bless Margie's little heart....


          • #20
            He's got the accent down, great, too. I guess he's from around here? I've never seen him.


            • #21
              when i was a few years younger my voice fluctuated from time to time. while i was working one night i answered the phone and instead of the whole your young thing the SC confused me with the opposite gender and called me ma'm. this had been going on for a number of years and i had finally had enough and snapped. I told them that i was not a woman but indeed a man and if they could not figure out how to say a gender over the phone when they are unsure and just take a guess then they probably don't need to call or order at a drive through. I never heard from that caller again and never got in trouble

