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"Can I Have Your Shirt?"

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  • #16
    I have a similar story. When I was a teenager my favorite aunt gifted me with a patched denim skirt that she had in the '60s.

    I was wearing it at work when a customer begged me to sell it to her. I told her it was a family heirloom, not for sale. She came back to the store three days in a row begging over and over for me to sell it. She even asked my boss if he could "convince" me to let it go.

    The day she left to go back home, she left a note containing her address just in case I changed my mind. Talk about not taking no for an answer.
    My Horror Blog



    • #17
      I will admit, twice in my life I have bought someone's shirt right off their back.

      The first time was back in Phoenix when a coworker who came in wearing a Goldschlager shirt. Since my nickname at the time was Schlager, and I love the stuff, I offered him cash for the shirt. He sold it to me. I laundered it, and have had it ever since.

      The second time was a few years ago here in Key West, and it involved a total stranger. As I was walking down Duval, I saw a guy looking at some shirts for sale from one of our local bars. I also noticed his t-shirt, which advertised a lumber company. The lumber company's name happened to be my stepsister's (married) last name, which while not unheard of is also not that common. I approached the guy and explained the amusing circumstances, and asked him if he'd be willing to sell. Since he was buying a shirt right then, and he had no apparent emotional attachment to the lumber company shirt, he sold it to me right then and there.

      Jester, 2-0 on buying shirts right off of people's backs!

      "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
      Still A Customer."

