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A week off wasn't long enough (long!)

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  • A week off wasn't long enough (long!)

    So I had holidays but when I started back to work it seems I got a weeks worth of SC's to make up for it!

    SC: (watching me bag all her groceries while she and her husband stand and watch) Don't you get tired doing that?
    Me: Yeah, but then 90% of our customers pack their own bags
    (she didn't get the hint)

    I was covering a break for a co-worker
    SC: I want a refund on this
    Me: Sorry, you need to go over to customer services for that
    SC: You are customer services (jeez I though my name was Michelle)
    Me: No, it's over by the cigarette kiosk
    SC: But you do customer services
    Me: Sometimes I do but right now I'm doing the express checkout
    SC: But I want a refund.......
    Me: Then go to customer services

    We have a display of LCD tv's and as I was serving the next SC I glanced over and there was her demon spawn punching them.
    Me: Scuse me, is that your child
    SC: glances around....Yeah
    Me: Could you get him to stop punching the tv, it's expensive
    SC: He's not doing any harm
    Me: If he breaks it you'll be liable
    SC: Demon spawn....get over here now!!!!!!

    The next SC had me scratching my head and wondering if the local looney bin had a clear out

    SC: Can I have a refund
    Me: On what Sir (he was empty handed)
    SC: Well, I bought 3 DVD players and all of them broke and I sold them and I have no receipt but I want a refund.
    Me So you want a refund for 3 DVD players that you no longer have, having sold them and you have no receipt?
    SC: Yup
    Me Sir, in order for me to process a refund, I need the receipt and the merchandise. Without the merchandise I cannot issue a refund.
    SC: Looking confused....why not?
    Me: that confused him and he left, personally I think he was on something.

    Irate Granny: Did you refuse to serve my grandson cigarettes
    Me: Yes I did, he couldn't show me any ID
    IG: He's the age
    Me: what age is he?
    IG: 16
    Me: (with a great big grin on my face) Sorry madam at our store, because we are responsible retailers, we do not sell any tobacco products to under 18's
    IG: That's stupid, give me 20 whatever it was
    Me: Are these for your grandson
    IG: Yes
    Me: I'm sorry, I'm unable to sell you any tobacco if I know that you are purchasing it for a minor. Thank you, bye bye.

    Woman comes to counter with beer, wine etc and tries to pay with healthy living vouchers (which can only be spent on fruit, vegetables, fruit smoothies etc) and then throws a complete hissy fit when I won't serve her. Manager ends up asking her to leave!

    I'm sure I've left some out but it really did seem like every other customers was so sucky they must have graduated at the top of the sucky class from sucky university and went on to be professor of suckiness at sucky college! Thanks for the vent.

  • #2
    Quoth shelly2jn View Post
    SC: Can I have a refund
    Me: On what Sir (he was empty handed)
    SC: Well, I bought 3 DVD players and all of them broke and I sold them and I have no receipt but I want a refund.
    Me So you want a refund for 3 DVD players that you no longer have, having sold them and you have no receipt?
    SC: Yup
    Me Sir, in order for me to process a refund, I need the receipt and the merchandise. Without the merchandise I cannot issue a refund.
    SC: Looking confused....why not?
    Me: that confused him and he left, personally I think he was on something.
    Some people are just so...oblivious!!!!!!!
    Unseen but seeing
    oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
    There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
    3rd shift needs love, too
    RIP, mo bhrionglóid

