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Don't think I can't read between THOSE Lines!

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  • Don't think I can't read between THOSE Lines!

    FYI- I am a cashier at a grocery store where shopping is a friggin' pleasure.

    So this happened one day when I was fortunately not on Express or I would have lost my cool alot sooner. This guy comes up and starts unloading his cart. I greet him and try to make small talk as usual. Then I hear him mumbling very low and laughing, though not looking directly at me. I kinda thought he was talking to himself or something. (I have seen stranger) So I keep on scanning then he says more loudly: "No I told you NOT to SCAN ANYTHING UNTIL IM DONE UNLOADING MY CART!!! I want to see the prices ring on the register!!!" So I say Ok fine, he's an anal-retentive asshole but what the hell again, I have seen weirder...Then finally when I'm done scanning I get the total for him and he uses the debit/cc machine...except I think he was pressing 'clear' instead of 'enter' which as the name implies, it will clear the payment and you'll have to slide your card again. When nothing happened, I tried to explain this to him, and I also told him he'll have to slide his card thru again...
    SC: What do you mean I have to do it again?! I don't want to be charged twice!
    kellee:Sir, I can assure you it will not charge you twice.
    SC: Well how do I know that? (he storms to customer svc, leaving his snot nosed little punk kid with me. Customer service said the same thing apparently)
    kellee: I promise you, it will not charge you twice!
    kellee: (stopping completely) Now what is that supposed to mean?!?
    No, really, what IS that supposed to mean?? Don't think I cant read between THOSE LINES!!( he then proceeds to ask for my name which I spell out for him slowly, letter for letter)

    What an asshole!

  • #2
    If a customer has to slide their card through a second time because the machine wouldn't accept it because of a computer error, they won't get charged twice. That's because the card never went through the first time.

    I've had customers who thought that they might get charged twice on their card. I explain to them that they won't since the card didn't go through the first time and they're usually pretty understanding.
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    • #3
      Speaking of people who have no idea how credit cards work, I especially love the people who, when given their check, ask for a pen so they can fill in the tip.

      ME: "Will you be charging this to your room today sir?"
      SC: "No, I am putting it on my credit card."
      ME: "Then I am going to need to run the card first."

      I work in a hotel bar, where you can charge to your room, but I have seen this at other locales where it was not a hotel, and so they couldn't:

      SC: "May I have a pen so I can fill in the tip?"
      ME: "Um, I have to run your card first, sir....."
      SC: "..."

      I am sorry folks, but while technology is moving along at an amazing pace, we cannot charge your card without you giving us the card to run through the machine first. Until telepathy and automatic payments are a part of life, which THEY AREN'T EVEN CLOSE TO BEING YET, you have to give me your freakin' credit card before you can sign for the credit card total.

      "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
      Still A Customer."


      • #4
        bet he has an unhappy home life with that little brat that he's trying to take out on you
        Working in retail kills your faith in humanity. --professor at TTU


        • #5
          Anyone who thinks they are going to get charged twice and makes a big deal out of it is paranoid, an idiot, a jerk, an SC trying to get out of paying because they think they already paid, or any combination of the above.

          And why would we charge them twice? It's not like we have a share in the profits we create.
          free from the evil clutches of crappy tire


          • #6
            My husband has been double charged before in a bar. I still don't understand how it happened. I think the bartender swiped it twice because it was for the exact same amount when it showed up on my statement, but my husband still had to sign a slip for the first charge, so I don't know how the bartender missed it. It took my husband forever to get his card back, so I don't know if the bartender knew he charged him twice and didn't do anything about it or he didn't see the second slip until my husband had walked away. I'm pretty sure the bartender was probably just busy and didn't realize what happened.

            Anyhow, it can happen some stores. but you won't know it for sure until you see the charges on the statement, so I don't know why he was making such a big deal about it. If a store double charges you, they usually have no problem refunding the money, although I suppose being charged twice can make your account overdraft. Definately a SC.


            • #7
              My all purpose comeback to people like that is

              "Of all the folks it's ever happened to, none of them have ever come back to tell me that I double-charged them"
              - They say nothing good happens at 2AM, they're right, I happen at 2AM.


              • #8
                Quoth kellee
                ( he then proceeds to ask for my name which I spell out for him slowly, letter for letter)
                "Thats Yuri Dumais. (pronounced yer-eee due-may) Y-U-R-A D-U-M-A-S-S

                Brought to you by the makers of the ID10T error.
                WWJND - "What Would JAM Not Do?" - Fashion Lad


                • #9
                  This post reminds me of the idiot I once had the pleasure of serving at the checkouts one day. I was called up for cashier backup, so as he started to put his items on the belt, I was logging into the register. It takes a few moments, since you have to enter your employee number and a pin number. Of course, since the register is so darn old, it takes like 5-7 seconds before the pin number screen shows, then another 5-7 secs before you can start ringing up. Well, right before the pin # screen appeared, the dolt slid his card into the credit card reader.

                  Me: Oh, sir, you will have to wait and slide your card again in a moment, I'm still logging into my register.
                  SC: Well it will just get the credit card number when you start scanning.
                  Me: (as the machine spits out the card since there was no transcation on the register yet) You will have to slide the card in again once I start scanning, sir.
                  SC: I will not, I won't be double charged! You guys just want to boost your sales by tricking me.
                  Me: Sir, you are not charged until a register pops out of the machine. Nothing has come up yet since I haven't started a transaction.
                  SC: (somewhat understanding now) Well fine. Tell me when you're ready.
                  Me: Now I am.

                  He puts in his card, pays for it, etc. Apparently he didn't sign the card machine, or didn't sign enough for it to 'register' in the system, since an additional receipt came out for him to sign.

                  SC: Oh. My. God. TWO receipts came out of there ... YOU DID DOUBLE-CHARGE ME. Where is the manager? Oh my god!
                  Me: (very sternly) SIR ... you were NOT double charged. This first receipt is yours, and as you can see, there is only ONE charge on it. The second receipt is for you to sign, since you apparently didn't sign the card machine, or you didn't sign hard enough for it to get your signature.
                  SC: (completely examining both receipts) I will sign this, but if you are lying to me, and I get two charges on my statement, I will come back and get you in trouble.
                  Me: (as he was writing my name from my nametag on his receipt to remember me if he was to complain) Well I can assure you that you will only get one charge. Have a nice day, sir.

                  All of this was over a $6.99 transaction, or something around that! I could understand if his total was over $50, but still!

                  "In cases of customer bathroom emergencies, the toilet itself becomes less of a goal and more of a loose suggestion." - Shamus


                  • #10
                    My response to that typically goes like this,

                    SC: I don't want to be charged twice!
                    Me: Ok, how many slips did you sign?
                    SC: One
                    Me: Well, then there you go, Have a nice day!

                    while they're lost in the simplicity, I scurry off


                    • #11
                      Hey, don't tell him that you really DID double charge him. I mean, he doesn't expect you to be able to afford to eat if you don't double charge him, does he? *evil laughter*
                      The universe is mostly empty space, and so is your job. ~Dilbert

