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How many times do I have to repeat myself?!

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  • How many times do I have to repeat myself?!

    This story is a few months old, but I was talking to a friend about it and wanted to share it anyway. The gift shop I used to work for ran a Halloween/Costume store from mid-August through November 1st every year. Our location would change depending on what was open and this past year we wound up in an location that once belonged to an electronics store, which has long since closed and had sat empty for at least 2-3 years.

    It was mid-September and the day had been pretty slow and I'd sent my coworker on lunch so I was manning the store by myself. I heard the sliding doors open so I looked up to greet the elderly couple that came in... Now, keep in mind that the store is full of nothing but Halloween costumes, accessories, and decorations and outside covering the old store's signs were our own signs so people could find us.

    OM-Old man
    OMW-Old man's wife
    Me- *waves*

    Me- Welcome to the Halloween store, was there anything special you were looking for today?

    OM- Yeah, I bought a tv here a while ago and I've got a problem with it.

    Me- *thinking 'oh dear Gods'* - Sir, we don't have anything to do with the electronics store that used to be here. We just rented the location for our Halloween store for a couple of months.

    OM- Yeah but see the picture's not coming in right and its one of them high-def TVs and its only a few years old so I don't see why you can't fix it.

    Me- Sir, the store you're looking for closed a few years back. I can't help you with your television. But their website is still running so maybe if you go there, you can get help with your problem.

    OM- NO! I ain't going to no damned website, you're gonna help me with my TV. I bought it here and you can damn well fix it!

    Me- *I took several deep breaths at this point* Sir, please take a look around you and tell me if you see anything at all that would indicate that I would be able to assist you with your problem.... This is a Halloween store. Not the electronics store. I gave you the only option I can think of.

    OM- Well aren't you just helpful *mutters under his breath for several minutes as he finally turns around and sees all our costumes displayed* Well don't you have some number or something you can give me to get ahold of them? If you're here now you should have the information for the people who used to be here!

    Me- *at this point, I know my frustration with him was obvious* Sir... the store closed well before we rented this space. We have no contact information for anyone. Go to the website, I'm sure its just (electronics store).com. I'm sure they'll have a customer service link or something and someone will be able to assist you. I can't. I am nowhere near qualified to fix your tv or tell you how to fix it. I can not help you.

    OM- *starts cursing at me*

    OMW- *finally steps in* She told you she can't help us. I tried to tell you before we got here that the place had shut down. Leave the poor girl alone already.

    OM- *glares at me, glares at his wife, then back at me again* Well... you're just useless ain't ya girly? Guess I'll have to go to that stupid f***ing website and see if I can find someone more useful! *storms out*

    OMW- *shakes her head* I'm so sorry dear, don't take it personally. He's just a cranky old f***. *smiles and walks out after him*

    Me- uhm... have a good day?

  • #2
    wow, someone forgot his medicine (and prunes) that morning.

    what is it with some elderly who insist that you can help them with their issue, even when it's blatantly clear that your business is unrelated to their problem?

    senility or stubborn old goat syndrome? you decide...
    look! it's ghengis khan!
    Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


    • #3
      Quoth CrystalynRose View Post
      I'm so sorry dear, don't take it personally. He's just a cranky old f***.
      Ah, the joys of married life.
      Unseen but seeing
      oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
      There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
      3rd shift needs love, too
      RIP, mo bhrionglóid


      • #4
        and while you are waiting on our Halloween sales representatives to fix your TV perhaps I can interest you in some elective surgery! Oh I know we have no one skilled in surgery here but then again we have no one skilled here in electronics either! I mean if you think we can fix a TV then performing a facelift for you shouldn't be that hard! I hear our costume designers are quite skilled with needle and thread. How hard can it be to use a scalpel?
        Bark like a chicken!


        • #5
          He might end up like this demotivational I found once (and wish to hell I could find again!)...

          A necromancer with a cape made of faces.

          "And they said maxing crafting as a necromancer was a bad idea" or something to that effect.
          My Guide to Oblivion

          "I resent the implication that I've gone mad, Sprocket."


          • #6
            I miss the Halloween store that moved into said old eletronic store, that was an awesome store. Plus it did great business for us during the couple of months it was there, and had some kick-ass stuff in there too.

            I don't know if he bothered to look around before the end, or just assumed it was decorated for Halloween.
            Eh, one day I'll have something useful here. Until then, have a cookie or two.


            • #7
              Quoth Android Kaeli View Post
              I miss the Halloween store that moved into said old eletronic store, that was an awesome store. Plus it did great business for us during the couple of months it was there, and had some kick-ass stuff in there too.

              I don't know if he bothered to look around before the end, or just assumed it was decorated for Halloween.
              It did do great business once the signs finally went up. I don't think he looked around at all. The giant reaper thing hanging over the counter along with numerous other decorations right next to the doors and the cut-outs of models wearing the costumes SHOULD have been a giveaway... but, I guess not so much?


              • #8
                Quoth Becks View Post
                Ah, the joys of married life.
                hey I used to resemble that remark
                I'm lost without a paddle and headed up SH*T creek.
                -- Life Sucks Then You Die.

                "I'll believe corp. are people when Texas executes one."

