This week we have two items (a and b) on sale that are similar in the way a suit and a t-shirt are both clothing, or a filet minion and hot dogs are both meat, a BMW and a Kia are both cars, etc.
SC: You have <A> on sale for $5, and you have *points* <B> on sale for $10, which is more than <A>
M: That is correct.
SC: Can I have <B> for the sale on <A>.
M: Unfortunately, they are two different items and we can not change the price.
SC: but...but....You have both <A> and <B> I don't see why you cant just switch the sales?
M: The sales are on very specific items and we can not change items unless a item is out of stock and we have a comparable more expensive item, and only with prior management approval. We current have the sale items in stock, so we can't do that.
SC: What would you manager say, not treating a customer with respect?
Now I should note, MOD was standing about 15-20 feet away the whole time. They walk over and talk to SC and tell them the same thing I did. SC threatens to leave and go to one of our major competitors across the street and never come back if we do not do as SC wanted.
Thankfully MOD had a spine and said no and SC stormed off.
About 15 minutes later, who do I see, the SC looking at item B. I decide to help them.
M: Can I help you?
SC: Not unless you give the the price I wanted. I went to <competitor> and they didn't even have the same thing on sale! I asked them to match you sale and they refused. The bastards!
M: Well we do have <B> on sale like you wanted, for less than <competitor> does so it would be more economical to purchase it here.
SC: *grabs product and stomps off to the cashier station*
SC: You have <A> on sale for $5, and you have *points* <B> on sale for $10, which is more than <A>
M: That is correct.
SC: Can I have <B> for the sale on <A>.
M: Unfortunately, they are two different items and we can not change the price.
SC: but...but....You have both <A> and <B> I don't see why you cant just switch the sales?
M: The sales are on very specific items and we can not change items unless a item is out of stock and we have a comparable more expensive item, and only with prior management approval. We current have the sale items in stock, so we can't do that.
SC: What would you manager say, not treating a customer with respect?
Now I should note, MOD was standing about 15-20 feet away the whole time. They walk over and talk to SC and tell them the same thing I did. SC threatens to leave and go to one of our major competitors across the street and never come back if we do not do as SC wanted.

About 15 minutes later, who do I see, the SC looking at item B. I decide to help them.
M: Can I help you?
SC: Not unless you give the the price I wanted. I went to <competitor> and they didn't even have the same thing on sale! I asked them to match you sale and they refused. The bastards!
M: Well we do have <B> on sale like you wanted, for less than <competitor> does so it would be more economical to purchase it here.

SC: *grabs product and stomps off to the cashier station*