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New to board - probably get flamed

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  • New to board - probably get flamed

    I just read an article that mentioned the customerssuck website so I decided to check it out. I've been in the customer service related industry for over 12 years as both a regular worker bee and in management so I was intrigued by the site. I've dealt with only a handful of customers that I would consider posting about. It just seems like a lot of the reasons why customers are considered sucky is because of employee intolerance. I read in one thread where a fast food employee doesn't want a customer to request an item directly from the frier. Imagine that, a customer requesting fresh food pisses an employee off.

    Granted, everyone has their hooks (ie, people eating while talking on the phone, talking on cell phones, etc). But that doesn't mean those customers suck when they do that.

    To a certain extent, we have to have understanding that a customer hasn't been trained. Customers don't know exactly how you would like them to order their food so it makes your job easier.

    Not all customers are knowledgable about computers - that's probably why many IT employees are employeed.

    Yes, small children will bang on the produce scale on the grocery store. It has happened for as long as I can remember and will continue to happen. If that pisses you off then you probably shouldn't work at a grocery store.

    I just think there is a distinction between a true sucky customer and a disgruntled employee who get irritated unless a customer acts the way the employee wants them to.

    That being said, here is one of my favorite sucky customer story.

    I was working at a package delivery company and took and escalated call from an irate customer demanding that his package be picked up immediately. This customer lived in Miami, Fl. On this particular day, a state of emergency was declared and an evacuation order had been given due to a hurricane that was coming ashore. The customer demanded a supervisor from the get go.

    Me: Thank you for holding, my name is XXXX, how can I help you sir.
    SC: Yes, I need to have my package picked up immediately.
    Me: Well, that should be no problem. We can schedule a pick and the driver should be there within an hour unless you live in Miami where the offices have closed for the day. May I have your address?
    SC: (provides Miami address)
    Me: Sir, I apologize but the drivers have been sent home for the day. Unfortunately, I will not be able to have your package picked up today.
    SC: Why not?
    Me: Because a state of emergency has been declared and our drivers were sent home earlier this morning so they could evacuate with their familes.
    SC: That's unacceptable. I need my package picked up today.
    Me: I understand your disappointment and I wish I could have your package picked up for you today; however, our drivers have been sent home for the day. I can schedule a pick up for Monday and weather permitting we can pick it up that day.
    SC: Well, if this package doesn't get sent out today then I will be fined $25,000 by the government.
    Me: (offering solution) Have you, by any chance, contacted them and explained that Miami is currently being evacuated which would make it impossible to ship at this time?
    SC: Yes. They told me that it didn't matter since I had 6 months to meet this deadline. There has to be something that you can do.
    Me: I'd be happy to call the office and see if anyone is still there. If I can get someone on the phone, I'll see if there is anything that can be done for you. However, even if the package gets picked up, it will not leave the facility.
    SC: That's OK. I only need it scanned in that it was actually shipped today. It doesn't matter how long it takes to be delivered.

    I put the caller on hold and I call the package center. I explain the situation to a supervisor. He is the last one on duty and is in the process of closing down. He informs me that the weather is already bad and he can not pick up the package. He did tell me that he would be there for approximately 45 minutes and if the customer could drop it off himself he will scan the package.

    I'm thinking to myself "This guys is going to be so relieved". So I get back on the phone.

    Me: Thank you for holding sir. I was able to reach a supervisor, he will in the office for approximately 45 minutes. He is unable to pick up your package. He stated your address was a few miles from the center. If you drop it off yourself, he will scan the package for you.
    Me: No sir and I apologize for any inconvenience. I'm only trying to help you resolve your situation and prevent you from receiving a fine.
    Me: I understand this is frustrating for you and once again I apologize that we are unable to pick up your package today. If you would like for it to be scanned, the only option at this point would be to drop it off yourself.
    Me: I can understand you not wanting to drive in this weather. And that is precisely why our drivers are unable to pick up your package. It is too dangerous.

    This goes on for a few minutes before I finally had to tell the customer that I have done everything I could do at this point. I apologized again for any inconvenience and asked if there was anything else I can do for him. He tried to continue the conversation but I wouldn't let him at that point. I told him I was disconnecting the call and did so.

    Anyway, glad to be registered on the board.
    "Losers assemble in little groups and complain about the coaches, the
    system and other players in other little groups. Winners assemble as a
    team." Author - Unknown

  • #2
    Interesting points you make - welcome to the board, by the way.

    I don't think you'll get flamed. We have rules about that. It's fine to debate the points of a post if you think something's amiss, and we actually like clarification from time to time but we don't allow people to attack each other. We also don't always assume the customer is wrong on every occasion. We talk about the sucky ones. For example, a child banging on the scales isn't acting suckily - the parents who are cooing and giggling about their child's behaviour suck. Children know no better unless properly parented, if that makes sense.

    As to food needing to come fresh from the frier, I'd count that as a different matter. If someone's expecting it because they're better than everyone else, then they're in a fast food restaurant and should expect to be treated like everyone else. Freshly cooked every single time would generally indicate a (more expensive) short-order-cooked event at a proper restaurant. It's also down to how someone asks. For some reason, some people have the idea that screaming like a child will make things happen to their satisfaction.

    It's true that not all customers know about computers, but we have tales of people who are woefully unable to deal with simple actions, or lie about their abilities/equipment.

    Customers not getting off their phones when dealing with a CSR not sucking? I'd have to disagree. There's a simple courtesy of "I'll get back to you in a minute," that could be applied, and there's a financial transaction going on. It's showing a lack of respect for the person you're dealing with. CSRs put up with crappy hours and crappy wages (for the most part), so putting up with people who cannot even pay them a slight amount of attention is disturbing.

    Distinctions? I have to agree - some are just plain dumb, but too many are plain malicious or trying to get things to which they are not entitled. I'm happy for all to be described as sucky

    Reading your tales, though, I can see that you have met 'suck' straight on.



    • #3
      Personally, I've noticed that board members hold posters to a higher customer service standard than you might expect when you're new to the site. Most of us aren't retail newbies, after all; we know what's expected of us when working with customers, and if a story involves a rude employee, then we aren't shy about pointing it out.
      Lack of freedom can be measured directly by lack of stupid. --Penn Jillette


      • #4
        Jeez...reminds me of the Virginia RCN cable customer who couldn't get help for her cable TV on 9/11/01 because all the reps had gone home for the day (my call center was in Minnesota so we didn't have to close down).

        Actual quote from her:
        "So because of all this that happened, I can't get my cable service repaired today?"

        Some people REALLY need to get their priorities straight!
        DJ Particle


        • #5
          Welcome to the board. hey, it's always good to have a few devil's advocates. Like Raps said, not all customers suck, and we have thread areas to acknowledge those that dont suck. Most of us do everything we can to try and be patient, caring, and helpful, but like you've already shown us, you can tell the difference.

          I apologize on behalf of all stupid floridians by the way.


          • #6
            On the fryer thing, it depends on when and how they ask:

            *If it's the middle of lunch rush, they have no business asking because obviously (and as they can see; it's very visible from the counter) the fries and nuggets are going out as fast as they can be cooked and bagged anyway. And for the purposes of this board, clueless can count as sucky.

            *If they order at the speaker and then wait until they get to the window to say they want it cooked fresh, they've just made twice the work for us, plus the wasted food, for no good reason at all. That's sucky.

            *If they refuse to park (half the time this is the same customer who waited until the window). Now they're making the people behind them wait for no legitimate reason at all, again sucky. Throw in here the ones who, when we were running the "gone in 30 seconds" promotion, would order their food extra fresh just to make the timer run out, expecting a coupon for free food for *our* delay.

            *If they simply overemphasize that they want their order fresh, multiple times during the order, as if we're complete idiots. That's rude, and rude qualifies as sucky.

            *If they order something that happens to be cooking already when they come in and insist they've been given old food because it didn't take as long as they expected, refusing to believe any explanation or even to look at the food to see that it's fresh? Sucky.

            Now, if they come in at pretty much any time except a rush, say from the start "I'd like this cooked fresh, please," and they don't mind the wait (or lack thereof), and will at least *look* at the food before saying it's not right, that's different. But it's also easily less than 10% of the "extra fresh" orders I've handled.
            Now the trouble about trying to make yourself stupider than you really are is that you very often succeed.


            • #7
              It's good to be able to see both sides... except sometimes one side is completely irrational...

              Sometimes, when you're at work and have dealt with *this* and *that* all day it builds up. Then something that may seem reasonable to the customer who just walked in the door FEELS totally unreasonable to the employee who is totally frazzled. The straw that broke the camels back. In those cases, no, it isn't the customers fault really but sometimes you need to vent about it anyway.

              Then there are times when the customer really IS completely wrong, unreasonable, out of line, etc. and you need to vent about that as well.

              The venting is why we're here- even if it seems silly to others it can feel like the weight of the world after a long day.
              "I don't want any part of your crazy cult! I'm already a member of the public library and that's good enough for me, thanks!"

              ~TechSmith 314
              HellGate: London


              • #8
                If you go to a fast food restaurant and expect a completely fresh cuisine. I think this more then qualifies as sucky. First of you are ordering the greasy, fried junk foods that are considerably nothing more then a convenience factor. If you are going to these places you are either A. Craving death (which I am guilty of) B. Out of time or C. Too damn lazy (also guilty of).

                But to expect Emeril to hand you a wonderful meal that looks just like the picture and was cooked especially for you. Riiiiiiiiiiggggggght.

                I am not the text book customer at these fast food places, but I am patient and understanding when I order my Original Chicken Sandwhich meal and request tomato and cheese on it. I know I am getting a fresh sandwhich and I know this takes them a little extra time. So as a token of my appreciation when I go in. I talk to them if it is slow, wait patiently and show appreciation when they give me my order. I don't get upset when a new employee, who is making crap, needs to take some extra time as they learn the system. Or when an old employee is visibly having a rough day and the day is a little longer. This is called courtesy.

                I also like to "accidentally" leave my "change" on the counter, since they cannot actually take tips from me.
                "You sure don't make this site easy to use for people who don't know how to use computers."
                Just when tech support thought it was safe...


                • #9
                  wheres my laundry?!

                  this just happened to me about an hour ago. this guy really is a SC.

                  I am one of 2 employees on the 2nd shift, (being a Hampton Inn we dont need alot) I am in the middle of checking several guests in that all arrived at once. we have a valet laundry service, so guests can get laundry done and pick it up the next day. This guest almost made me homicidal.

                  ME: Guest services can I help you? (mind you this is in the middle of the checkins)
                  SC: Wheres my laundry??
                  ME: Pardon sir?
                  SC: Wheres MY Laundry??
                  ME: (my van driver is at the airport so Im the only one in the hotel at this point) Sir I am the only one here at the moment but when my houseman gets back from the airport he'll be happy to bring your laundry up. (99.9% of all the other guests that have laundry done automatically pick it up at the desk)
                  SC: ok thanks
                  (5 minutes pass)
                  ME: guest services can I help you?
                  SC: WHERE THE FUCK IS MY LAUNDRY?!!
                  ME: sir my houseman isnt back yet, I am the only one here and am unable to leave the desk because I have people trying to check in.
                  ME: Well sorry, but if you want it you will have to come down and get it.

                  this guy proceeds to come down, yell at the top of his lungs while also spitting mind you, while I'm handing him his laundry he reaches out and slaps my hand like Im a 4-year old child touching something wrong.

                  ME: sir if you strike me again I will deactivate your keys and make you vacate the premesis.
                  SC: ID LIKE TO SEE YOU TRY.
                  ME: (checks the SC out and tosses him the reciept) Get out before I call the police.

                  needless to say I had to call the cops, but hes gone and now I can write about it without calling the coroner.
                  Do Not Taunt Happy Fun Ball.


                  • #10
                    Originally Posted by bullets :

                    SC: Well, if this package doesn't get sent out today then I will be fined $25,000 by the government.
                    Me: (offering solution) Have you, by any chance, contacted them and explained that Miami is currently being evacuated which would make it impossible to ship at this time?
                    SC: Yes. They told me that it didn't matter since I had 6 months to meet this deadline. There has to be something that you can do.

                    Everybody, please, say it with me :

                    "Lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part!"

                    I honestly don't get it. If this guy had six months to meet this deadline, AND he knew that he would be fined $25,000 if he didn't, then why did he wait until quite literally the last day before actually sending out this package?

                    I will admit that I'm something of a procrastinator myself, and there have been times when I was rushing at literally the last second to get something really important done (although never anything even approaching $25,000 in value) . . . but I always saw that as my own fault.

                    If I failed to meet the deadline, I would curse out myself, for not having enough sense to get the important task done ahead of time. I would certainly never blame anybody else for it . . . much less try to insist that somebody should risk his or her life by driving in hurricane weather to prevent the consequences of my mistake.

                    Some people.
                    Last edited by Anthony K. S.; 02-05-2007, 04:25 AM. Reason: Corrected typos.
                    “Excuse me. Is this bracelet real jade?”
                    “Ma’am, this is a thrift shop. The tag on the bracelet says $1.50. It comes with a matching mood ring. What do you think?”
                    “I don’t know.”
                    “Yes, it’s real.”


                    • #11
                      I think after reading the one from the fast food managers perspective that his was one of the few where i'd side with the customer. Redipping fries and indignant that anyone would dare ask food to be cooked fresh? As for most of the other posts i've read here i'd applaud people in customer service just for not smacking some of these people. Not sure i could refrain.


                      • #12
                        Quoth bullets View Post
                        Me: Because a state of emergency has been declared and our drivers were sent home earlier this morning so they could evacuate with their familes.
                        SC: That's unacceptable. I need my package picked up today.
                        I think that fairly well sums up the epitome of an SC. I can't help but wonder whether or not the SC calculated in his head which would be of more value in his eyes: the $25,000 or the life of a fellow human being who is also responsible for an entire family. Apparently, the U.S. government places a mere bounty of $25,000 of the head of this sucky customer (sucky human being, selfish pig, waste of oxygen, need I go on?) As much as I'd love to explore the reasons for this loser's debt, there really is no point. The fact is he was willing to risk someone, anyone, else's life to save his butt some money that he obviously couldn't even begin to prove he did not owe.

                        Welcome to the board, bullets! Your story hits the nail on the head, and your opinion is relevant and valued. Well met!
                        Last edited by DigitalEyes; 02-05-2007, 07:56 AM.


                        • #13
                          I agree with most of what you're saying. The only customers who really bother me at my tech support jobs are the ones who tell me I don't know what I'm talking about and demand to speak to someone else after I've (nicely!) explained 4 times why something won't work such as receiving faxes when voice mail picks up first and reroutes the call to the phone company.

                          Your story about the florida guy reminded me of my paper route job. I delivered those papers for 3 weeks in extreme weather where SoEs were declared and all. People still complained because their precious paper was 5 mintues late even though I was walking on 2 inches of ice, had fallen and hurt myself several times and was in a lot of pain, and was leaving the house 45 mins before I normally did. Of course these people were the ones who took no care of their property at all. All for a measily $4.50 an hour, which btw was reduced in this weather to $3.75 or so an hour due to the price being per piece. I did get a lot of thank yous and even "you're a saint for doing this you deserve a metal" however.


                          • #14
                            Welcome to the forums, you do certainly have a real olympic-sized arsehole there. I doubt you'll get flamed by anyone here and certainly not by me...but allow me to comment on a few of your points if I may.

                            Quoth bullets View Post
                            It just seems like a lot of the reasons why customers are considered sucky is because of employee intolerance.
                            Sometimes it does sound like that, but many times it's the condescending attitude of the customers who think and act like we're scum since we don't have Fortune 500 company jobs like they do...regardless of the fact that we might be working our way through college on the fast track to a F500 job.

                            I read in one thread where a fast food employee doesn't want a customer to request an item directly from the frier. Imagine that, a customer requesting fresh food pisses an employee off.
                            But we have stories of people who don't want the chicken that came out of the frier 5 minutes ago, but want their chicken fresh right then and there and complain that it's taking too long to get their food. All too often we will go out of our way to accommodate them and we're 'rewarded' for our efforts with more complaints.

                            Not all customers are knowledgable about computers - that's probably why many IT employees are employeed.
                            Being an IT Professional I can honestly say that I'm very aware of that fact and adjust my approach to them to take that into account in my dealings with them. I have developed ways to explain complex computer terms into ways that the layman can understand. But we run into people who tell us that they don't know anything about computers, then tell us we're wrong when we make a quick estimate on what the problem is. Or we get people who cannot follow a simple command. For example "Click on the OK button to install", "I just hit Cancel. Was that right?", "No, you needed to hit OK." " you told me to do"

                            I just think there is a distinction between a true sucky customer and a disgruntled employee who get irritated unless a customer acts the way the employee wants them to.
                            Indeed there is and in a lot of cases the poster will mention that it wasn't really sucky, but just added to the annoyance of the day and the other really sucky people.

                            For every story we post here, there are thousands of transactions that take place that we don't remember since they were quick, easy, polite, and non-sucky. We as humans tend to remember the cases that were unique. We remember the butt-smears who yell at us, or make us cry, or destroy the store, or try to return used underwear with racing stripes claiming they've never been worn.

                            I know that in my case I post some doozies, but they are all I can remember. The elderly gentleman who came in with a dead ram chip that I fixed on the spot, collected his money and watched him leave happy is lost in the fog of dim and faded memory whereas the jerk who dropped the computer down a flight of stairs then bitched at me as if it was my fault the computer's hard drive will not work anymore...well I could describe his face to a police sketch artist well enough to start a hunt for the guy.

                            SC's are a rarity. The problem is when you have hundreds of posters dealing with hundreds of people a week, even a 1-in-100 chance of a SC means we're going to read about them here

                            And this asstard wanted you to send someone to to his quite possible death when he wasn't willing to go out of there himself? What a waste of food and oxygen. I hope this guy gets fired/audited/violated for missing his deadline if he's going to be a twonk like that.

                            Anyway, glad to be registered on the board.
                            Good story, glad to have you, waiting for more as I'm sure that you have at least a few more to tell us.

                            Mongo Skruddgemire
                            I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?


                            • #15
                              Quoth bullets View Post
                              Not all customers are knowledgable about computers - that's probably why many IT employees are employeed.
                              As another IT professional, I'd like to toss in my $0.02 on this one. The majority of people who are truly un-educated when it comes to computers are by and large quite polite about it. They acknowledge it, and they accept your help and knowledge to get their problem fixed and go on their merry way.

                              It's that 1% who /don't/ accept it that are the subjects of posts from the IT perspective. I've dealt with the 'computer guru' type who in reality doesn't know a bit from a byte. One particular case that I've dealt with was a manager who was very fluent in Excel, knew all the keyboard shortcuts, and could whip up fabulous looking spreadsheets in record time. This, however, was the extent of his knowledge. Pretty much everything else was beyond him, and his questions and problems spoke volumes to this regard, yet, because he knew Excel, he thought he was better than all of us in the IT department and we were total idiots. He also took every opportunity to make this distinction quite clear. (We weren't the only targets... he once told a process engineer that he could learn his job in 10 minutes.)

                              One of my biggest pet peeves is someone complaining that their PC is running 'slow', or this application is 'slow', or this terminal session with a mainframe in the northern part of the country is 'slow'. 'Slow' is ambiguous, and can have a hundred different causes when it comes to PCs. Such as:

                              - Oh, you're running Office 2003 on a PC that's about 6 years old? It's slow? Gee, I wonder why...

                              - Ah, you say your terminal session is running slow. What's that? It's over the WAN? Hmm. Oh, you don't care that a dozen other apps are sharing the pipe, just fix it. Right.

                              - You've got Windows XP on a machine that's barely enough to load it? Uh-huh.. oh, you don't want to spend money on a new PC, just speed it up on this one. Sure, I've got my magic wand right here...

                              These types are the ones who get real snotty and haughty when dealing with you, because all IT people are just there to take up space and cause problems in their eyes. I can't tell you how many times someone blames a PC problem on yours truly, when the real fault lies with them. "I can't see anything on my terminal session!" "What's that? Colors? Why, it's blue on blue, of course." "Well, you should make it so we can't change it if it's that much of a problem!" Yes, I've had that conversation.

                              At any rate, most of the complaints on my side aren't the nice, friendly people who have problems, it's the haughty, better-than-thou people, or the out and out liars, who are the source of the complaints.

                              If I had a nickel for every time someone said they didn't change anything...
                              A fact of life: After Monday and Tuesday, even the calendar says W T F.....

