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I don't want no guff from you! LONG

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  • #16
    I know that feeling of the shakes after the fact. It is nothing more then your body coping with the rapid adrenaline surge and drop.

    I had an old gentleman come in once and demand he get helped before all the other customers who were there first, because he was elderly, put in his time, served in a war, and earned it. I explained to him sir, while I am appreciative of his service and time, that I must assist the customers there before him, and will do so as quick as I can and show him the same service.

    This wasn't good enough for him. At this point he went off on how I had no respect of courtesy for the older generation, being the "whipper-snapper" that I am and that I owe everything to his generation and blah blah blah.

    I had it. I was nice the first time, but when you do not get it, and being in a management position I said.

    "Look sir, you did not go through hours of labor with me, feed me, wipe my ass after I took a shit, clothed me, got me to school, provide shelter for me, raise me, felt my lows, shared my highs, and generally just love me the way my parents have. In fact until now, you have never been in my life, and therefore you have done nothing for me. For this I owe you NOTHING. I don't care how old you are, what you have done in your life. Common courtesy is common courtesy and you sir are the most insulting to that."

    He stammered and responded. "Well, because of people like me you still have this minimum wage job (which I was making much more then minimum)."

    I said, "again you are wrong sir. Because people who spend money here keep me in a job."

    His response: "I am going to spend money here, idiot, why do you think I am here."

    He called me idiot, wrong move pal.

    "No sir you do not, please leave, you are no longer welcome in this store."

    He then requested a manager. I smiled. "How can I help you?"
    "You sure don't make this site easy to use for people who don't know how to use computers."
    Just when tech support thought it was safe...


    • #17
      Quoth Spawned View Post

      He then requested a manager. I smiled. "How can I help you?"

      Damn, I love it when things like this happen. That's awesome!

