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You dialled the wrong number!

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  • You dialled the wrong number!

    I work for a tour operator in reservations, and we often get wrong numbers.... But this one ranks right up there:

    Me: "Good Morning..... Travel, this is scorpionf"
    SC: "I need someone to repair my shredder"
    Me: "I'm sorry but you have the wrong number"
    SC: "I have the model number it is(insert number)"
    Me: "We do not sell or repair shredders, you have called ....... Travel"
    SC: "Don't be so stupid, I have called the correct number and my shredder needs to be fixed"
    Me: "I am not being stupid, you have the wrong number, we are a travel company"
    SC: "I have not dialed the wrong number, stop saying that, I want my shredder repaired today"
    Me: "Shredder is a character in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, have a good day!" *click*

    On the plus side... She didn't call back!

  • #2
    ha ha ha ha, awesome response man.


    • #3
      LMAO! I have not called the wrong number, stop saying that! ROFL wow. That one is just.... amazingly oblivious
      GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.


      • #4
        That is a fantastic response.

        Isn't it amazing how people will assume that you're in the wrong, even though they called you?
        "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

        “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford


        • #5
          Ohhh, I get that a lot. My number used to belong to someone else, and so its been recycled a few times when I got it.

          Some 651 area code had been calling me like, 3 times a week for 3 weeks. Id either ignore it, or I wouldnt hear it since I keep my phone turned down. Finally, I answered.

          Me: Hello, this is Osaka, can I help you?
          Guy: Uh, is Charles Dodowop there?
          Me: Sorry! You have the wrong number.
          Guy: Oh...well does anyone there know Charles Dodowop?
          Me: You have the wrong number.
          Guy: Is this such and such place?
          Me: NO. YOU. HAVE. WRONG. NUMBER!!!
          Guy: Oh...well, if anyone there knows Charles Dodowop, have them call me at xxx-xxx-xxxx

          *me reaches thru the phone and strangles the caller*


          • #6
            KRO, it might've been clearer to say "There's no one here by that name."
            Unseen but seeing
            oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
            There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
            3rd shift needs love, too
            RIP, mo bhrionglóid


            • #7
              Heh. I had a confused lady today who made me laugh.
              Me: Blah blah pharmacy, this is Phe, how can I help you?
              Me: Hello?
              Lady: Hello? Who's this?
              Me: My name is Phe, how can I help you?
              Lady: What do you want?
     called me?
              Lady: Oh, where is this?
              Me: it's Blah blah pharmacy. Did you need a refill?

              And then after that she was fine. Wierd little brain fart or something. It's not like she was one of our senile little old ladies, either.


              • #8
                That happened to me once when I phoned tech support because my bandwidth had been reduced (again). *snicker* I got distracted by the musak, and when the agent finally came on the line, i was startled and said "Hello??" and he said "can I help you ma'am?"... I'm like "where am I calling?" DUH. total brainfart due to Musak LOL
                GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.


                • #9
                  One of our vendors called another company in town and claimed that this other company was in fact us. Is that confusing? I'll try again. Vendor (V) called NU (not us) demanding that they pay MC (my company) past due bill.

                  Now the only things that MC and NU have in common, telephone number wise, are we are both in the same town and our state area code.

                  The first time V called NU, Karen (not real name) informed them that they were not MC but V insisted, so Karen requested a copy of the bill and gave V their fax number. V rquested Karen's e-mail addy but she refused. V did not fax bill.

                  Second time V called NU, Karen reiterated the above and V still insisted. No fax.

                  Third and fourth time see above.

                  Fifth time rolls around and V finally faxes bill. NU sees MC name and calls up to let me know what's going on. So I call V and end up leaving a voice mail message for the Receivable Dept.

                  Two days later V calls me and I let him have it. Our number didn't change so why are they calling NU. When the phone is answered NU and not MC that is your first clue that something isn't kosher and then insulting Karen's intelligence by insisting that NU is in fact MC is pure stupidity. And he owes Karen one hell of a big apology and he had better call her now and grovel.

                  I did call Karen back to let her know what happened, that I told V that he has to call and apologize. But I wouldn't hold my breath because I could tell that what I said went in one ear and out the other. So she said well lets see what happens next month. It should be interesting if he calls NU again.
                  Last edited by Cia; 02-06-2007, 08:26 PM. Reason: Is there a way to make it even more difficult to read?
                  Figers are vicious I tell ya. They crawl up your leg and steal your belly button lint.

                  I'm a case study.


                  • #10
                    RE: Shredder repair

                    I would have obtained her name and address, scheduled a time for repair, and told her to call the same number she dialed if the repair man was late. When she waisted her entire day waiting for the repair man that was never scheduled and called you back later that day say "I tried to tell you that you dialed the wrong number this morning but you told me not to be stupid. I would recommend this time that you call the correct number if you want your shredder fixed".
                    "Losers assemble in little groups and complain about the coaches, the
                    system and other players in other little groups. Winners assemble as a
                    team." Author - Unknown


                    • #11
                      Quoth BeckySunshine View Post
                      KRO, it might've been clearer to say "There's no one here by that name."
                      I think I said that to them as well, I don't remember. The entire convo was like, 10 minutes long

