First day back at the gas station and I had a few speshul people already.
Most of them were just snobby when I asked them "Sorry, how much?" for how much they wanted on a pump. Sorry but I don't think you want me to type in fifty when you meant fifteen. Just a thought.
This woman comes up to the register and the first thing she wants is a gasoline payment form. These are for those emergency times when a person comes in distraught because they pumped gas and now they realized they forgot their wallet. They have to fill out one of these forms so they'll know that they have to come in and pay us so we don't sic the cops on them. They are NOT for people who "just don't have enough money for gas so I'll just fill one out." No. It doesn't work that way. She hadn't even PUMPED ANY GAS, she just wanted a payment form up front and she asked for it like she'd DONE IT BEFORE. Which is a total no-no. We of course told her no, we can't do that willingly, it is for emergencies only. After that she asked if she could just push the pay inside button and then fill one out. No. Again. You've already ruined your chances for that. You can't do that. We cannot do it willingly.
So she gets all pissy and then calls her father or some older man and shoves the phone into CW's face. He politely tells the man that no, he cannot take a credit card over the phone, no he will not risk his job. We can do no business over the phone. I dunno how the man took it but the woman didn't take it smoothly at all, she tapped her toes, pshed, and sighed, and whined about how she had to go ALL THE WAY somewhere. Well sah-ray Miss Princess of the World, you gotta have MONEY to get gas. Kthxbai.
I think our manager might have called the surrounding stores to warn them. Hopefully he did.
Hey you, in the silver Saturn...
Oh hey, you might wanna pay for that gas you just stole. Why? Oh maybe 'cause I got your license plate, sucka.
Didn't think there'd be so many people waiting at the exit to get out of the parking lot didja? Well unfortunately for you I run fast, and the guy behind you is a regular and knows your license plate number too.
I can't help but do a little touchdown dance and sing that song from YouTube. "We gon' fiiiind you, we gon' fiiiiiind you!"
On the lighter side of things...
Everyone was glad to see me back, the regs I mean, my coworkers have been celebrating since I told them I'd be back on facebook. Everyone's been giving me great compliments on my hair (it's massively different and massively AWESOME), even non-regulars have mentioned it as being cute.
It feels good to get random compliments.
Most of them were just snobby when I asked them "Sorry, how much?" for how much they wanted on a pump. Sorry but I don't think you want me to type in fifty when you meant fifteen. Just a thought.
This woman comes up to the register and the first thing she wants is a gasoline payment form. These are for those emergency times when a person comes in distraught because they pumped gas and now they realized they forgot their wallet. They have to fill out one of these forms so they'll know that they have to come in and pay us so we don't sic the cops on them. They are NOT for people who "just don't have enough money for gas so I'll just fill one out." No. It doesn't work that way. She hadn't even PUMPED ANY GAS, she just wanted a payment form up front and she asked for it like she'd DONE IT BEFORE. Which is a total no-no. We of course told her no, we can't do that willingly, it is for emergencies only. After that she asked if she could just push the pay inside button and then fill one out. No. Again. You've already ruined your chances for that. You can't do that. We cannot do it willingly.
So she gets all pissy and then calls her father or some older man and shoves the phone into CW's face. He politely tells the man that no, he cannot take a credit card over the phone, no he will not risk his job. We can do no business over the phone. I dunno how the man took it but the woman didn't take it smoothly at all, she tapped her toes, pshed, and sighed, and whined about how she had to go ALL THE WAY somewhere. Well sah-ray Miss Princess of the World, you gotta have MONEY to get gas. Kthxbai.
I think our manager might have called the surrounding stores to warn them. Hopefully he did.
Hey you, in the silver Saturn...
Oh hey, you might wanna pay for that gas you just stole. Why? Oh maybe 'cause I got your license plate, sucka.

I can't help but do a little touchdown dance and sing that song from YouTube. "We gon' fiiiind you, we gon' fiiiiiind you!"

On the lighter side of things...
Everyone was glad to see me back, the regs I mean, my coworkers have been celebrating since I told them I'd be back on facebook. Everyone's been giving me great compliments on my hair (it's massively different and massively AWESOME), even non-regulars have mentioned it as being cute.
