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An open letter to football fans... (long)

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  • An open letter to football fans... (long)

    Dear area football fans,

    Hi, I'm Mysty. I'm your oh-so-friendly neighborhood newspaper clerk. I'm the sap who gets saddled with answering all your inane questions about whether or not we have articles from the 1942 Honolulu Times. But I manage to keep that smile in my voice because I'm repeatedly stabbing my wrist rest with my letter opener. Never mind that thumping sound in the background.

    You football fans are an amazing bunch, really. Super Bowl Sunday is your Christmas and the amounts of money you pour into widescreen TVs, sandwich trays, and beer is pure insanity. The good kind of insanity, don't get me wrong. You're doing wonderful for the economy. I salute you.

    However, despite taking such extreme measures to track down the best things for your Super Bowl party, I must admit that I'm a tad bit disappointed in your preparation for finding said game. After all, I interviewed my sister before coming into work yesterday, knowing full well what would await me before I came in, and she was able to answer each and every one of the following questions...

    What Time Does the Game Start?

    When Is The Pre-Show?

    What Channel Is The Game On?

    Who's Playing?

    Who Is In The Halftime Show?

    and What Super Bowl Is This?

    However, having kept a tally of the calls I've received, I can respond that a good portion of you do not know these questions, and rather than seek out your nearest available TV Guide or Internet, you called me. The obit girl at the newspaper. Because being the newspaper, we are the end-all be-all of all knowledge. Allow me to assure...

    32 of you that the game itself starts a little before 5:30 p.m. Central Time. And that is a LITTLE BEFORE. Not right at. Don't call me screaming if you miss the first five minutes. I warned you.

    24 of you that the festivities kick off at 11:00 a.m. Central Time, and a further 13 of those that the actual pre-kickoff show starts at 5 p.m. Central Time.

    7 of you that the Superbowl is on CBS. I also spent ten minutes arguing with one of you that it's channel 12 on my TV but I don't know what channel that is on your TV. Just look for the logo.

    14 of you that the Colts and Bears are playing. Colts are AFC and Bears are NFC. I got that info from my sister as well but no one asked me that.

    3 of you that Prince would be performing during the halftime show. I would have said 4 but the last gentleman cracked me up with a joke about wardrobe malfunctions, so I let him off the hook.

    3 of you that this is Super Bowl 41. I can usually read Roman numerals but I asked my sister just to be sure. Also, I don't care if you saw the first Super Bowl. It was only 41 years ago. There's plenty of people who have survived 41 years. You don't get a story for that in the paper.

    A question I didn't anticipate was what stadium they would be playing in. I didn't have a clue but mentioned the answer would be online. Any doubts I had about your intelligence where silenced when you believed my saying that we do not have the Internet here at the NEWSPAPER, and hung up. I'd feel bad about lying to you otherwise.

    So, to the 84 of you, thank you for proving me right in getting notes on an event I have no knowledge about. Thank you for showing me that even though you buy a $3000 TV to watch one game on, that you cannot be bothered to actually figure out for yourself when you should turn the damn thing on, and that despite the presence of such great aides as TV news, magazines, more knowledgeable friends/relatives, TV guides, and the Internet, you would rather haul out the Yellow pages and call me here at the newspaper. It truly does make me feel special. Thank you indeed.


    P.S. Seriously, ignore that thumping noise. It's nothing you need to be concerned about.
    Last edited by MystyGlyttyr; 02-04-2007, 05:44 PM. Reason: Hit Enter too early
    "Maybe the problem just went away...maybe it was the magical sniper fairy that comes and gives silenced hollow point rounds to people who don't eat their vegetables."

  • #2
    I'll respond to this after the game.


    • #3
      What in the hell is a "Super Bowl"????


      • #4
        Also, to the millions of you who had to make sure your banking was in order before that big TV purchase all the way up until, well now. I am more then glad to assist you, this is my job and if you bring up the game during that awkward 15 second silence while I fix your dumb mistake and ask for my opinion on who will win I still don't mind.


        Do not proclaim you are going to make a bet based on my opinion, because you have a good feeling. If you do, shame on you, but I am not Mike Ditka and therefore I will not guarantee my pick. As if I was so good at that, I would either be coaching a team or working in Vegas.

        Don't call me the next day to complain if my pick was wrong. Telling me how much money you lost. Don't gamble, nothing more to say about that. You called a bank and got a call center rep's opinion on the game and you took that as gold. Sorry. Stupidity is as stupidity does.


        Once I have resolved your problem, asked if you needed more assistance, completed my closing. Right as I am about to hang up shout "Wait are you still there?"

        At which point, my job requires me to say yes and assist you. Do not simply ask for my opinion on the game. Do not waste my handle time, do not waste your time, do not waste the next guy in line's time, do not waste the company's money and time, just to ask me, a guy you don't know from a ballet fan or a football fan, who will win the game.

        I am not Nostradamus.
        "You sure don't make this site easy to use for people who don't know how to use computers."
        Just when tech support thought it was safe...


        • #5
          To the one person who asked, no we do not rent by the hour. If you want a room, even if it's just to watch the game, you'll pay for a full night because if you use the room it's yours until 11 AM. Offering to take two rooms for two hours while so your 8-year-old can nap while you scream and jump up and down over what's going on down there in Miami will not change my mind.

          To the one person who asked, no I do not know where you can buy marijuana. If you're so despondent over your team either winning or losing or doing whatever your team happens to be doing that you need to get a buzz, leave me out of it.

          To the five people who remarked on it, that is correct: The lobby television is not tuned to the Superbowl. I hate sports. I'm watching cop shows on A&E.
          Drive it like it's a county car.


          • #6
            Quoth DarthRetard View Post
            What in the hell is a "Super Bowl"????
            It's this place where you take a +/- 7 kg ball, and throw/roll it down a long wooden lane towards these "pin" things...

            (For those of you who actually don't know, it's the world* cup of American football.

            * For the usual American concept of "world".


            • #7
              Quoth DarthRetard View Post
              What in the hell is a "Super Bowl"????

              For sports fans, this is the most important day of the year. This is when the championship team of fooball is determined (not to mention the advertisements and halftime game.) It is the New Year's of sporting events. Heck, I've even heard a bunch of people over the years state that Super Bowl Sunday should be declared a national holiday.

              I just worked a 11:45 to 7 p.m. shift at the store. I have seen a shitload of beer come through my register, along with chips/tortillas/dips and salsa and everything else one could think of. Luckily, I didn't encounter any suckiness today - maybe everyone was in too good of a mood.
              Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


              • #8
                Quoth DGoddess View Post
                I just worked a 11:45 to 7 p.m. shift at the store. I have seen a shitload of beer come through my register, along with chips/tortillas/dips and salsa and everything else one could think of. Luckily, I didn't encounter any suckiness today - maybe everyone was in too good of a mood.
                Originally scheduled to work 1:30-9, actually worked 11:30-9:15. Sold more sandwiches and buffalo/BBQ wings than I can remember.

                95% of the customers were cool, though. I like them.
                Unseen but seeing
                oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                3rd shift needs love, too
                RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                • #9
                  To all who obviously didn't get my really lame joke.....I know what the super bowl is. I went to high school with Kick Returner Devin Hester, number 23 on the special teams for the chicago bears.

                  So.....yeah. It was trying to play off the whole "stupid questions about the biggest game in america."

                  oh, and I have something else I wanted to ask though.....

                  You mean, there's a different definition for world other than the US + Canada?


                  • #10
                    No, it's just US. Canadian football (the CFL) is where injured NFL (US) players go during their recovery seasons. And let's not even talk about NFL Europe... Obviously there is no world outside of the good ol' U S of A. Canada is just another state, didn't you know? Oh all right, maybe a "commonwealth" but it's the same thing!
                    Hence "World Series" which does not involve any teams that can beat American (including Canada this time... see? definitely a state) teams.
                    "I'm not a crazed gunman, dad, I'm an assassin... Well, the difference being one is a job and the other's mental sickness!" -The Sniper


                    • #11
                      I got your joke, Darth.
                      Oh, "Blah blah blah 'Your Needs'!"


                      • #12
                        Quoth SCSlave View Post
                        I got your joke, Darth.
                        So did I.


                        • #13
                          Well SCSlave, you're awesome! YEAH! WOOOOOO!

                          oh, and MMATM, I know that the CFL and NFL Europe have produced good players though. NFL Europe gave Kurt Warner his experience, not that he's anywhere, but yeah. I really hate our American attitude of "We're the only ones who are good at anything."


                          • #14
                            Quoth MMATM View Post
                            No, it's just US. Canadian football (the CFL) is where injured NFL (US) players go during their recovery seasons.
                            Don't forget it is also where they go after they have been busted for Marijuana one too many times, ala Ricky Williams


                            • #15
                              Quoth DarthRetard View Post
                              What in the hell is a "Super Bowl"????

                              It's half a double-boobie extravaganza, from what I understand.


